GP/XP Calculator

Magic components

Magic parts

Junk chance reduction

Item Comps Junk RawBuy limit GE price Comp/item Price/comp Comp/hour
Wizard glovesWizard gloves 4 79.12% 30% 10 42 0.25 168 751
50 ×Earth runeEarth rune 8 72.08% 85% 25000 18 1.90 474 5695
Elemental helmetElemental helmet 8 79.12% 30% 100 245 0.50 489 1503
Portent of restoration IXPortent of restoration IX 3 0.64% 85% 100 1,605 2.53 633 7601
50 ×Mind runeMind rune 8 79.12% 85% 25000 19 1.42 669 4259
Portent of restoration VIIIPortent of restoration VIII 3 3.36% 85% 100 1,689 2.46 685 7392
50 ×Water runeWater rune 8 75.6% 85% 25000 23 1.66 693 4977
Body tiaraBody tiara 6 79.12% 30% 100 267 0.38 710 1127
Fire talismanFire talisman 1 67.68% 85% 500 209 0.27 761 824
Earth talismanEarth talisman 1 72.08% 85% 500 186 0.24 784 711
Wizard hat (black)Wizard hat (black) 6 79.12% 30% 100 324 0.38 862 1127
Nature tiaraNature tiara 6 79.12% 30% 100 342 0.38 910 1127
Earth tiaraEarth tiara 6 79.12% 30% 100 354 0.38 942 1127
50 ×Body runeBody rune 8 62.4% 85% 25000 49 2.56 958 7670
Black robe topBlack robe top 8 79.12% 30% 100 482 0.50 962 1503
Law tiaraLaw tiara 6 79.12% 30% 100 362 0.38 963 1127
Imphide glovesImphide gloves 4 71.2% 30% 100 333 0.35 964 1036
Cosmic tiaraCosmic tiara 6 79.12% 30% 100 366 0.38 974 1127
Wizard robe topWizard robe top 8 79.12% 30% 100 494 0.50 986 1503
Imphide bootsImphide boots 4 71.2% 30% 100 353 0.35 1,021 1036
Imphide hoodImphide hood 6 71.2% 30% 100 569 0.52 1,098 1555
Mind talismanMind talisman 1 79.12% 85% 500 201 0.18 1,133 532
Wizard robe skirtWizard robe skirt 8 79.12% 30% 100 568 0.50 1,133 1503
Portent of restoration IIPortent of restoration II 3 66.8% 85% 100 982 0.85 1,160 2539
Mind tiaraMind tiara 6 79.12% 30% 100 454 0.38 1,208 1127
Sign of respite ISign of respite I 3 72.96% 85% 100 848 0.69 1,230 2068
Mycelium visor webMycelium visor web 6 75.6% 30% 10 553 0.44 1,259 1317
Body talismanBody talisman 1 62.4% 85% 500 407 0.32 1,273 958
Imphide robe bottomImphide robe bottom 8 71.2% 30% 100 889 0.69 1,286 2073
Air tiaraAir tiara 6 79.12% 30% 100 506 0.38 1,346 1127
Death talismanDeath talisman 1 22.8% 85% 500 888 0.66 1,353 1968
Portent of restoration IIIPortent of restoration III 3 58% 85% 100 1,461 1.07 1,364 3213
Black robe skirtBlack robe skirt 8 79.12% 30% 100 688 0.50 1,373 1503
Spider silk robe bottomSpider silk robe bottom 8 62.4% 30% 100 1,260 0.90 1,396 2707
Spider silk glovesSpider silk gloves 4 62.4% 30% 100 641 0.45 1,421 1353
Sign of respite IISign of respite II 3 59.76% 85% 100 1,468 1.03 1,431 3078
Spider silk bootsSpider silk boots 4 62.4% 30% 100 649 0.45 1,438 1353
Imphide robe topImphide robe top 8 71.2% 30% 100 1,021 0.69 1,477 2073
Spider silk hoodSpider silk hood 6 62.4% 30% 100 1,007 0.68 1,488 2030
Spider silk robe topSpider silk robe top 8 62.4% 30% 100 1,360 0.90 1,507 2707
Fire tiaraFire tiara 6 79.12% 30% 100 596 0.38 1,586 1127
Portent of restoration IVPortent of restoration IV 3 49.2% 85% 100 2,068 1.30 1,596 3886
Spellstorm drapeSpellstorm drape 6 79.12% 30% 100 628 0.38 1,671 1127
Batwing bootsBatwing boots 4 53.6% 30% 100 950 0.56 1,706 1670
Law talismanLaw talisman 1 32.48% 85% 500 985 0.57 1,716 1721
StaffStaff 12 79.12% 30% 100 1,312 0.75 1,745 2255
Batwing glovesBatwing gloves 4 53.6% 30% 100 973 0.56 1,747 1670
Portent of degradation IIPortent of degradation II 3 0.64% 85% 100 4,492 2.53 1,773 7601
Portent of restoration IPortent of restoration I 3 78.24% 85% 100 992 0.55 1,788 1664
Magic staffMagic staff 12 79.12% 30% 100 1,345 0.75 1,789 2255
BattlestaffBattlestaff 12 53.6% 30% 1000 3,033 1.67 1,816 5011
Zamorak robe (top)Zamorak robe (top) 8 79.12% 30% 100 922 0.50 1,840 1503
Wizard hat (blue)Wizard hat (blue) 6 79.12% 30% 100 715 0.38 1,902 1127
Sign of respite IIISign of respite III 3 46.56% 85% 100 2,614 1.36 1,918 4088
Wizard wandWizard wand 8 79.12% 30% 100 980 0.50 1,956 1503
Spider wandSpider wand 8 62.4% 30% 100 1,787 0.90 1,980 2707
50 ×Death runeDeath rune 8 22.8% 85% 25000 227 5.25 2,162 15748
50 ×Chaos runeChaos rune 8 49.2% 85% 25000 151 3.45 2,186 10363
Mycelium poncho webMycelium poncho web 8 75.6% 30% 10 1,290 0.59 2,203 1756
Mycelium leggings webMycelium leggings web 8 75.6% 30% 10 1,300 0.59 2,220 1756
Staff of earthStaff of earth 12 79.12% 30% 100 1,747 0.75 2,324 2255
Batwing legsBatwing legs 8 53.6% 30% 100 2,677 1.11 2,404 3340
Staff of fireStaff of fire 12 79.12% 30% 100 1,834 0.75 2,440 2255
Sign of item protectionSign of item protection 3 19.28% 85% 100 5,028 2.06 2,443 6175
Staff of waterStaff of water 12 79.12% 30% 100 1,868 0.75 2,485 2255
Portent of restoration VIIPortent of restoration VII 3 22.8% 85% 100 4,988 1.97 2,534 5905
Batwing hoodBatwing hood 6 53.6% 30% 100 2,129 0.84 2,549 2505
Grifolic glovesGrifolic gloves 4 27.2% 30% 100 2,229 0.87 2,552 2620
Staff of airStaff of air 12 79.12% 30% 100 1,957 0.75 2,604 2255
Batwing torsoBatwing torso 8 53.6% 30% 100 2,933 1.11 2,634 3340
Portent of degradation IPortent of degradation I 3 3.36% 85% 100 6,607 2.46 2,681 7392
Cosmic talismanCosmic talisman 1 56.24% 85% 500 1,030 0.37 2,769 1115
Portent of restoration VIPortent of restoration VI 3 31.6% 85% 100 4,843 1.74 2,777 5232
Air talismanAir talisman 1 79.12% 85% 500 495 0.18 2,789 532
Imp horn wandImp horn wand 8 71.2% 30% 100 1,951 0.69 2,823 2073
50 ×Armadyl runeArmadyl rune 8 16.64% 85% 25000 326 5.67 2,876 17005
Nature talismanNature talisman 1 41.28% 85% 500 1,473 0.50 2,951 1497
Portent of restoration VPortent of restoration V 3 40.4% 85% 100 4,496 1.52 2,958 4559
50 ×Air runeAir rune 8 79.12% 85% 25000 89 1.42 3,134 4259
Cosmic helmetCosmic helmet 6 44.8% 30% 10 3,216 0.99 3,237 2980
Portent of degradation IIIPortent of degradation III 3 0% 85% 100 8,311 2.55 3,259 7649
Bat wandBat wand 8 53.6% 30% 100 3,746 1.11 3,364 3340
Combat hood 0Combat hood 0 6 62.4% 30% N/A 2,368 0.68 3,499 2030
Elemental talismanElemental talisman 1 28.96% 85% 500 2,140 0.60 3,544 1811
50 ×Fire runeFire rune 8 67.68% 85% 25000 162 2.20 3,686 6593
Splitbark gauntletsSplitbark gauntlets 4 44.8% 30% 100 2,699 0.66 4,075 1987
Mystic robe bottom (light)Mystic robe bottom (light) 8 36% 30% 100 6,431 1.54 4,187 4608
Chaos talismanChaos talisman 1 49.2% 85% 500 1,923 0.43 4,453 1295
Chaos tiaraChaos tiara 6 79.12% 30% 100 1,692 0.38 4,502 1127
Chaos helmetChaos helmet 6 36% 30% 10 5,252 1.15 4,559 3456
Sign of deathSign of death 3 2.16% 85% 100 11,878 2.49 4,761 7484
Earth battlestaffEarth battlestaff 12 53.6% 30% 1000 7,993 1.67 4,785 5011
Air battlestaffAir battlestaff 12 53.6% 30% 1000 8,008 1.67 4,794 5011
Water battlestaffWater battlestaff 12 53.6% 30% 1000 8,029 1.67 4,807 5011
Fire battlestaffFire battlestaff 12 53.6% 30% 1000 8,068 1.67 4,830 5011
White magic staffWhite magic staff 12 58% 30% 100 7,543 1.51 4,989 4536
50 ×Blood runeBlood rune 8 2.72% 85% 25000 673 6.62 5,087 19845
50 ×Nature runeNature rune 8 41.28% 85% 25000 409 3.99 5,122 11978
Splitbark helmSplitbark helm 6 44.8% 30% 100 5,120 0.99 5,153 2980
Sign of lifeSign of life 3 2.4% 85% 100 13,094 2.49 5,261 7466
Lava battlestaffLava battlestaff 12 53.6% 30% 100 9,062 1.67 5,425 5011
Slayer's staffSlayer's staff 12 31.6% 30% 100 13,417 2.46 5,449 7387
50 ×Astral runeAstral rune 8 44.8% 85% 25000 416 3.75 5,541 11260
Fungal visorFungal visor 6 58% 30% 10 4,244 0.76 5,614 2268
Chaos bodyChaos body 8 36% 30% 10 8,623 1.54 5,614 4608
Chaos bootsChaos boots 4 36% 30% 10 4,618 0.77 6,013 2304
50 ×Law runeLaw rune 8 32.48% 85% 25000 555 4.59 6,044 13774
Mind helmetMind helmet 6 79.12% 30% 100 2,284 0.38 6,077 1127
Death tiaraDeath tiara 6 79.12% 30% 100 2,309 0.38 6,144 1127
Blood talismanBlood talisman 1 2.72% 85% 500 5,204 0.83 6,294 2480
Druidic mage hood 0Druidic mage hood 0 6 49.2% 30% N/A 5,760 0.91 6,299 2743
Mystic robe bottom (dark)Mystic robe bottom (dark) 8 36% 30% 100 9,936 1.54 6,469 4608
Blood tiaraBlood tiara 6 79.12% 30% 100 2,437 0.38 6,484 1127
Mystic robe top (dark)Mystic robe top (dark) 8 36% 30% 100 10,054 1.54 6,546 4608
Mind bodyMind body 8 79.12% 30% 100 3,310 0.50 6,605 1503
Cosmic glovesCosmic gloves 4 44.8% 30% 10 4,475 0.66 6,756 1987
50 ×Cosmic runeCosmic rune 8 56.24% 85% 25000 409 2.98 6,872 8927
Mystic robe bottom (blue)Mystic robe bottom (blue) 8 36% 30% 100 11,674 1.54 7,600 4608
Steam battlestaffSteam battlestaff 12 53.6% 30% 10 12,755 1.67 7,636 5011
Splitbark bootsSplitbark boots 4 44.8% 30% 100 5,266 0.66 7,950 1987
Mystic gloves (blue)Mystic gloves (blue) 4 36% 30% 100 6,182 0.77 8,049 2304
Mystic boots (blue)Mystic boots (blue) 4 36% 30% 100 6,555 0.77 8,535 2304
Water tiaraWater tiara 6 79.12% 30% 100 3,258 0.38 8,669 1127
Cosmic bodyCosmic body 8 44.8% 30% 10 11,958 1.32 9,026 3974
Fungal leggingsFungal leggings 8 58% 30% 10 9,360 1.01 9,286 3024
Elemental bodyElemental body 8 79.12% 30% 100 4,704 0.50 9,387 1503
Mystic hat (blue)Mystic hat (blue) 6 36% 30% 100 11,010 1.15 9,557 3456
Mud battlestaffMud battlestaff 12 53.6% 30% 10 16,118 1.67 9,649 5011
Mystic robe top (blue)Mystic robe top (blue) 8 36% 30% 100 15,028 1.54 9,784 4608
50 ×Soul runeSoul rune 8 0% 85% 25000 1,343 6.80 9,875 20400
Mystic gloves (dark)Mystic gloves (dark) 4 36% 30% 100 8,120 0.77 10,573 2304
Mystic hat (light)Mystic hat (light) 6 36% 30% 100 12,224 1.15 10,611 3456
Portent of restoration XPortent of restoration X 3 0% 85% 100 27,252 2.55 10,687 7649
Mystic wandMystic wand 8 36% 30% 100 17,882 1.54 11,642 4608
Body helmetBody helmet 6 79.12% 30% 100 4,554 0.38 12,117 1127
Mystic air staffMystic air staff 12 44.8% 30% 100 24,101 1.99 12,128 5961
Mystic earth staffMystic earth staff 12 44.8% 30% 100 24,295 1.99 12,226 5961
Mystic fire staffMystic fire staff 12 44.8% 30% 100 24,348 1.99 12,252 5961
Mystic water staffMystic water staff 12 44.8% 30% 100 24,377 1.99 12,267 5961
Polypore stickPolypore stick 12 3.36% 30% 10 43,699 3.48 12,561 10437
Water talismanWater talisman 1 75.6% 85% 500 2,617 0.21 12,618 622
Chaos glovesChaos gloves 4 36% 30% 10 9,807 0.77 12,770 2304
Splitbark wandSplitbark wand 8 44.8% 30% 100 17,187 1.32 12,973 3974
Body bodyBody body 8 79.12% 30% 100 6,762 0.50 13,494 1503
Mystic robe top (light)Mystic robe top (light) 8 36% 30% 100 22,394 1.54 14,579 4608
Fungal ponchoFungal poncho 8 58% 30% 10 16,526 1.01 16,395 3024
Elemental glovesElemental gloves 6 79.12% 30% 100 6,203 0.38 16,504 1127
Dragon wardDragon ward 8 27.2% 30% 100 28,843 1.75 16,508 5241
50 ×Lava runeLava rune 8 59.76% 85% 25000 966 2.74 17,651 8208
Splitbark bodySplitbark body 8 44.8% 30% 100 26,024 1.32 19,644 3974
50 ×Steam runeSteam rune 8 63.28% 85% 25000 984 2.50 19,704 7490
HexcrestHexcrest 6 62.4% 30% 10 13,681 0.68 20,214 2030
Combat robe bottom 0Combat robe bottom 0 8 62.4% 30% N/A 18,560 0.90 20,567 2707
Elemental bootsElemental boots 6 79.12% 30% 100 7,873 0.38 20,948 1127
50 ×Mud runeMud rune 8 69.44% 85% 25000 879 2.08 21,149 6234
Skeletal helmSkeletal helm 6 36% 30% 100 25,263 1.15 21,930 3456
50 ×Smoke runeSmoke rune 8 66.8% 85% 25000 1,021 2.26 22,613 6772
Grifolic wandGrifolic wand 8 27.2% 30% 100 40,793 1.75 23,348 5241
Mystic lava staffMystic lava staff 12 44.8% 30% 100 48,123 1.99 24,216 5961
50 ×Dust runeDust rune 8 71.2% 85% 25000 985 1.96 25,148 5875
Skeletal topSkeletal top 8 36% 30% 100 41,851 1.54 27,247 4608
Mystic steam staffMystic steam staff 12 44.8% 30% 10 55,073 1.99 27,714 5961
Mystic mud staffMystic mud staff 12 44.8% 30% 10 57,710 1.99 29,041 5961
Wand of treacheryWand of treachery 8 18.4% 30% 100 62,467 1.96 31,897 5875
Skeletal bottomsSkeletal bottoms 8 36% 30% 100 49,161 1.54 32,006 4608
50 ×Mist runeMist rune 8 74.72% 85% 25000 1,130 1.72 32,867 5157
Corrupt zuriel's hoodCorrupt zuriel's hood 6 62.4% 30% 10 23,101 0.68 34,133 2030
Ganodermic glovesGanodermic gloves 8 3.36% 30% 100 93,320 2.32 40,235 6958
Ganodermic bootsGanodermic boots 8 3.36% 30% 100 93,958 2.32 40,510 6958
Farseer helmFarseer helm 6 40.4% 30% 100 45,477 1.07 42,391 3218
Splitbark legsSplitbark legs 8 44.8% 30% 100 58,502 1.32 44,159 3974
Toktz-mej-talToktz-mej-tal 12 27.2% 30% 10 122,928 2.62 46,905 7862
Combat robe top 0Combat robe top 0 8 62.4% 30% N/A 42,864 0.90 47,500 2707
Dagon'hai robe bottomDagon'hai robe bottom 6 44.8% 30% 10 49,122 0.99 49,438 2980
Druidic mage bottom 0Druidic mage bottom 0 8 49.2% 30% N/A 63,296 1.22 51,916 3657
Ahrim's hood (broken)Ahrim's hood (broken) 6 18.4% 30% 10 77,258 1.47 52,599 4406
Corrupt zuriel's staffCorrupt zuriel's staff 12 62.4% 30% 10 73,088 1.35 53,995 4060
Cosmic bootsCosmic boots 4 44.8% 30% 10 36,747 0.66 55,476 1987
Druidic mage top 0Druidic mage top 0 8 49.2% 30% N/A 67,707 1.22 55,534 3657
Mystic boots (light)Mystic boots (light) 4 36% 30% 100 42,749 0.77 55,663 2304
Ancient staffAncient staff 12 36% 30% 100 135,580 2.30 58,845 6912
Apprentice wandApprentice wand 8 36% 30% 10 104,265 1.54 67,881 4608
Mystic hat (dark)Mystic hat (dark) 6 36% 30% 100 93,827 1.15 81,447 3456
Beginner wandBeginner wand 8 40.4% 30% 10 118,383 1.43 82,762 4291
Dagon'hai robe topDagon'hai robe top 6 44.8% 30% 10 87,848 0.99 88,414 2980
Crystal wandCrystal wand 8 18.4% 30% 2 174,253 1.96 88,977 5875
Mind glovesMind gloves 4 79.12% 30% 100 23,298 0.25 92,984 751
Corrupt zuriel's robe topCorrupt zuriel's robe top 8 62.4% 30% 10 84,006 0.90 93,092 2707
Corrupt zuriel's robe bottomCorrupt zuriel's robe bottom 8 62.4% 30% 10 84,121 0.90 93,219 2707
Ganodermic visorGanodermic visor 6 3.36% 30% 10 172,947 1.74 99,422 5218
Mind bootsMind boots 4 79.12% 30% 100 26,376 0.25 105,268 751
Skeletal glovesSkeletal gloves 4 36% 30% 100 83,026 0.77 108,107 2304
Crystal staffCrystal staff 12 18.4% 30% 2 322,787 2.94 109,881 8812
Dragon battlestaffDragon battlestaff 12 27.2% 30% 10 309,497 2.62 118,093 7862
Abyssal wandAbyssal wand 8 3.36% 30% 5 278,347 2.32 120,010 6958
Grifolic visorGrifolic visor 6 27.2% 30% 10 180,427 1.31 137,688 3931
Skeletal bootsSkeletal boots 4 36% 30% 100 105,824 0.77 137,792 2304
Body glovesBody gloves 4 79.12% 30% 100 38,039 0.25 151,816 751
Ahrim's wand (broken)Ahrim's wand (broken) 8 18.4% 30% N/A 300,415 1.96 153,398 5875
Mystic boots (dark)Mystic boots (dark) 4 36% 30% 100 136,859 0.77 178,202 2304
Body bootsBody boots 4 79.12% 30% 100 48,181 0.25 192,293 751
Static glovesStatic gloves 4 0.8% 30% 10 247,558 1.19 207,962 3571
Penguin staffPenguin staff 12 27.2% 30% 2 610,405 2.62 232,908 7862
Wolf staffWolf staff 12 27.2% 30% 2 623,632 2.62 237,955 7862
Guthix crozierGuthix crozier 12 27.2% 30% 2 624,724 2.62 238,371 7862
Dagon'hai hatDagon'hai hat 6 44.8% 30% 10 239,841 0.99 241,386 2980
Zamorak crozierZamorak crozier 12 27.2% 30% 2 637,865 2.62 243,386 7862
Bat staffBat staff 12 27.2% 30% 2 640,217 2.62 244,283 7862
Cat staffCat staff 12 27.2% 30% 2 642,306 2.62 245,080 7862
Dragon staffDragon staff 12 27.2% 30% 2 662,098 2.62 252,632 7862
Saradomin crozierSaradomin crozier 12 27.2% 30% 2 670,996 2.62 256,027 7862
Bandos crozierBandos crozier 12 27.2% 30% 2 706,193 2.62 269,457 7862
Ancient crozierAncient crozier 12 27.2% 30% 2 706,834 2.62 269,702 7862
Mystic gloves (light)Mystic gloves (light) 4 36% 30% 100 213,390 0.77 277,852 2304
Celestial handwrapsCelestial handwraps 4 0% 30% 10 336,678 1.20 280,565 3600
Ganodermic leggingsGanodermic leggings 8 3.36% 30% 10 671,622 2.32 289,572 6958
Armadyl crozierArmadyl crozier 12 27.2% 30% 2 774,180 2.62 295,398 7862
Grifolic leggingsGrifolic leggings 8 27.2% 30% 10 535,377 1.75 306,420 5241
Ahrim's robe skirt (broken)Ahrim's robe skirt (broken) 8 18.4% 30% 10 612,747 1.96 312,881 5875
Master wandMaster wand 8 27.2% 30% 10 702,105 1.75 401,846 5241
Ancient robe legsAncient robe legs 8 44.8% 30% 2 539,467 1.32 407,206 3974
Battle hood 0Battle hood 0 6 36% 30% N/A 474,983 1.15 412,312 3456
Enchanted robeEnchanted robe 8 40.4% 30% 2 596,093 1.43 416,732 4291
Ancient robe topAncient robe top 8 44.8% 30% 2 555,787 1.32 419,525 3974
Enchanted topEnchanted top 8 40.4% 30% 2 607,833 1.43 424,939 4291
Ahrim's wandAhrim's wand 8 18.4% 30% 100 941,047 1.96 480,518 5875
Ahrim's staff (broken)Ahrim's staff (broken) 12 18.4% 30% 10 1,464,489 2.94 498,532 8812
Staff of lightStaff of light 12 3.36% 30% 10 1,795,505 3.48 516,092 10437
Ahrim's hoodAhrim's hood 6 18.4% 30% 10 779,566 1.47 530,750 4406
Enchanted hatEnchanted hat 6 40.4% 30% 2 588,703 1.07 548,754 3218
Ancient mitreAncient mitre 6 44.8% 30% 2 622,327 0.99 626,336 2980
Ancient cloakAncient cloak 6 44.8% 30% 2 668,972 0.99 673,281 2980
Polypore staffPolypore staff 12 3.36% 30% 10 2,363,490 3.48 679,351 10437
Ahrim's robe skirtAhrim's robe skirt 8 18.4% 30% 10 1,415,546 1.96 722,807 5875
Zuriel's hoodZuriel's hood 6 2.4% 30% 10 1,378,763 1.76 784,815 5270
Grifolic ponchoGrifolic poncho 8 27.2% 30% 10 1,504,229 1.75 860,937 5241
Ahrim's robe top (broken)Ahrim's robe top (broken) 8 18.4% 30% 10 1,836,935 1.96 937,977 5875
Ganodermic ponchoGanodermic poncho 8 3.36% 30% 10 2,178,948 2.32 939,461 6958
Serenic essenceSerenic essence 1 0.8% 30% N/A 299,547 0.30 1,006,542 892
Hood of subjugationHood of subjugation 6 18.4% 30% 1 1,515,172 1.47 1,031,571 4406
Teacher wandTeacher wand 8 31.6% 30% 10 1,736,742 1.64 1,057,957 4924
Wizard robe top (t)Wizard robe top (t) 8 79.12% 30% 2 552,955 0.50 1,103,438 1503
Wizard bootsWizard boots 4 62.4% 30% 2 513,504 0.45 1,138,085 1353
Wizard robe skirt (t)Wizard robe skirt (t) 8 79.12% 30% 2 578,962 0.50 1,155,336 1503
Wizard robe top (g)Wizard robe top (g) 8 79.12% 30% 2 618,668 0.50 1,234,571 1503
Ahrim's robe topAhrim's robe top 8 18.4% 30% 10 2,453,305 1.96 1,252,709 5875
Wizard robe skirt (g)Wizard robe skirt (g) 8 79.12% 30% 2 654,297 0.50 1,305,669 1503
Infinity glovesInfinity gloves 4 31.6% 30% 10 1,151,496 0.82 1,402,895 2462
Seasinger's hoodSeasinger's hood 6 0.8% 30% 2 2,526,088 1.79 1,414,700 5356
Wizard hat (t)Wizard hat (t) 6 79.12% 30% 2 560,391 0.38 1,491,036 1127
Gloves of subjugationGloves of subjugation 4 18.4% 30% 1 1,593,349 0.98 1,627,195 2937
Seasinger's robe bottomSeasinger's robe bottom 8 0.8% 30% 2 3,962,296 2.38 1,664,271 7142
Ahrim's staffAhrim's staff 12 18.4% 30% 10 4,984,576 2.94 1,696,819 8812
Wizard hat (g)Wizard hat (g) 6 79.12% 30% 2 671,668 0.38 1,787,112 1127
Battle robe bottom 0Battle robe bottom 0 8 36% 30% N/A 3,000,213 1.54 1,953,264 4608
Boots of subjugationBoots of subjugation 4 18.4% 30% 1 1,957,247 0.98 1,998,823 2937
Gown of subjugationGown of subjugation 8 18.4% 30% 1 4,062,770 1.96 2,074,535 5875
Seasinger's robe topSeasinger's robe top 8 0.8% 30% 2 5,697,695 2.38 2,393,185 7142
Garb of subjugationGarb of subjugation 8 18.4% 30% 1 4,814,644 1.96 2,458,458 5875
Virtus wandVirtus wand 8 1.84% 30% 5 6,854,130 2.36 2,909,421 7067
Battle robe top 0Battle robe top 0 8 36% 30% N/A 4,871,774 1.54 3,171,728 4608
Zuriel's staffZuriel's staff 12 2.4% 30% 10 12,452,747 3.51 3,544,156 10540
Infinity bottomsInfinity bottoms 8 31.6% 30% 10 6,675,767 1.64 4,066,622 4924
Zuriel's robe topZuriel's robe top 8 2.4% 30% 10 10,905,600 2.34 4,655,738 7027
Zuriel's robe bottomZuriel's robe bottom 8 2.4% 30% 10 11,006,963 2.34 4,699,011 7027
Armadyl battlestaffArmadyl battlestaff 12 2.72% 30% 10 17,828,844 3.50 5,090,930 10506
Virtus glovesVirtus gloves 4 1.84% 30% 1 6,354,850 1.18 5,394,976 3533
Virtus bootsVirtus boots 4 1.84% 30% 1 6,428,716 1.18 5,457,685 3533
Virtus maskVirtus mask 6 1.84% 30% 2 10,269,708 1.77 5,812,340 5300
Infinity topInfinity top 8 31.6% 30% 10 9,601,607 1.64 5,848,932 4924
Wand of the Cywir eldersWand of the Cywir elders 8 0.8% 30% 2 18,361,116 2.38 7,712,162 7142
Infinity bootsInfinity boots 4 31.6% 30% 10 7,373,566 0.82 8,983,389 2462
Tectonic maskTectonic mask 6 0% 30% 2 18,370,205 1.80 10,205,669 5399
Virtus robe legsVirtus robe legs 8 1.84% 30% 2 24,455,977 2.36 10,381,001 7067
Anima Core legs of SerenAnima Core legs of Seren 8 1.84% 30% 2 24,663,592 2.36 10,469,129 7067
Anima Core body of SerenAnima Core body of Seren 8 1.84% 30% 2 24,712,574 2.36 10,489,920 7067
Camel staffCamel staff 12 0.8% 30% N/A 43,174,962 3.57 12,089,763 10713
Virtus robe topVirtus robe top 8 1.84% 30% 2 29,184,713 2.36 12,388,241 7067
Anima Core helm of SerenAnima Core helm of Seren 6 1.84% 30% 2 24,904,869 1.77 14,095,394 5300
Third-age druidic staffThird-age druidic staff 12 22.8% 30% 2 39,648,196 2.78 14,266,046 8337
Tectonic robe bottomTectonic robe bottom 8 0% 30% 2 36,656,026 2.40 15,273,344 7200
Third-age mage hatThird-age mage hat 6 22.8% 30% 2 23,040,171 1.39 16,580,434 4168
Infinity hatInfinity hat 6 31.6% 30% 10 21,422,100 1.23 17,399,366 3693
Third-age robeThird-age robe 8 22.8% 30% 2 32,444,718 1.85 17,511,182 5558
Ragefire bootsRagefire boots 4 0.8% 30% 10 23,213,640 1.19 19,500,706 3571
Tectonic robe topTectonic robe top 8 0% 30% 2 54,084,648 2.40 22,535,270 7200
Seismic wandSeismic wand 8 0% 30% 1 68,017,923 2.40 28,340,801 7200
Third-age druidic cloakThird-age druidic cloak 6 22.8% 30% 2 45,032,488 1.39 32,406,799 4168
Third-age robe topThird-age robe top 8 22.8% 30% 2 70,632,788 1.85 38,122,187 5558
Crest of SerenCrest of Seren 2 0.8% 30% N/A 22,828,908 0.60 38,355,020 1785
Third-age druidic robeThird-age druidic robe 8 22.8% 30% 2 71,877,437 1.85 38,793,953 5558
Noxious staffNoxious staff 12 0% 30% 2 164,436,384 3.60 45,676,773 10799
Third-age druidic robe topThird-age druidic robe top 8 22.8% 30% 2 110,558,395 1.85 59,670,982 5558
Third-age druidic wreathThird-age druidic wreath 6 22.8% 30% 2 306,671,556 1.39 220,690,527 4168
Staff of SliskeStaff of Sliske 12 0% 30% N/A 816,692,650 3.60 226,859,069 10799
Crystal orbCrystal orb 8 18.4% N/A 2 177,905 N/A N/A N/A
Ahrim's book of magic (broken)Ahrim's book of magic (broken) 8 18.4% N/A N/A 180,213 N/A N/A N/A
Virtus bookVirtus book 8 1.84% N/A 5 7,144,970 N/A N/A N/A
Imphide bookImphide book 8 71.2% N/A 5 660 N/A N/A N/A
Bat bookBat book 8 53.6% N/A 5 2,208 N/A N/A N/A
Spider orbSpider orb 8 62.4% N/A 5 971 N/A N/A N/A
Wizard's bookWizard's book 8 79.12% N/A 5 122 N/A N/A N/A
Grifolic orbGrifolic orb 8 27.2% N/A 5 31,279 N/A N/A N/A
Mystic orbMystic orb 8 36% N/A 5 15,070 N/A N/A N/A
Mages' bookMages' book 8 27.2% N/A 10 601,004 N/A N/A N/A
Seismic singularitySeismic singularity 8 0% N/A 1 157,424,614 N/A N/A N/A
Ahrim's book of magicAhrim's book of magic 8 18.4% N/A 5 1,311,616 N/A N/A N/A
Splitbark orbSplitbark orb 8 44.8% N/A 5 16,722 N/A N/A N/A
Abyssal orbAbyssal orb 8 3.36% N/A 5 268,162 N/A N/A N/A