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That's very interesting...The rich who can simply donate millions into any cause they wish account for hardly even .01% of the world's population, yet we're demanding they pay for the waste (among other screw ups) that the other 99.9% of the world made? These people have ZERO obligation to donate anything at all, but when it's to something people don't like, they start calling foul telling them how to spend their money. It's their money that they worked hard to earn. Why do we feel the need to dictate how money that isn't even ours, is spent? If people are so concerned with the plastic and trash on the beaches, then grab a bag, go to a beach, and start picking it up. We need to stop relying on others with more to do everything for us. We're all equally responsible. Coral reefs, rain forests, and beehives are naturally occurring. No amount of money spent can reverse all the damage that has been done. I can't simply swim down to the Great Barrier Reef with a hammer and nails and start rebuilding it or somehow reverse the pollution in the atmosphere. It starts with 1 person. Instead of telling others what they should do. People that really believe in something should take it upon themselves to start things off. When we start doing things, get friends involved - that's when a chain reaction starts. Telling people "Rebuild this" and "pay for that" thinking it's raising awareness; it's not. There are plenty of worthy causes in this world to donate to, and different things are important to different people. It's quite possible that some of the people that donated to the cathedral, also donate to organizations as such. At the end of the day; if Notre Dame wasn't a religious structure - nobody would be complaining this much.
Yeah I read something like that a few years back. Humans are less than a second or something.But I get what you're saying, and you're totally right. These incredible structures use resources. I just find it so incredibly annoying that we put the issues of the world on other people's plate like it isn't their responsibility and expect everyone else to do something about it. Just because Elon Musk is doing a lot to try and improve the world we live in doesn't mean I'm going to sit back and do nothing. I do my best to get out and *DO* things. Donating money is good, but donating time is a much more valuable currency. It's one that we can't get back.
It seems to me that the way things are currently in society and the world as a whole, humanity will continue as if nothing is wrong right up until the critical point where it finally registers with humanity that we've ruined everything for ourselves. I sometimes wonder if we even deserve to be on this planet..but hey the sun hasn't fallen out the sky yet and all that
I think what a lot of people don't realize also is just how much money goes into every charity and organization in the world per year - that ISN'T Notre Dame. We're talking almost $500 billion donated in the US alone, and everyone is getting bent out of shape over $1-2 billion to a cathedral. Typically people complain that not enough money is donated to anything. Now it is and that's a problem?Am I the only one who finds that odd?
But why is that a conversation at all? Why does everything have to be this or that? You can donate all the money you want towards helping fight climate change but that money isn't going to reverse anything. The damage has already been done. You can donate to help fight it from becoming worse than it already is, but that's it. I said this to someone a bit earlier and am now kind of repeating myself. I'm not saying that amount of money couldn't be used on something a little more taxing at this moment. Because it definitely could have. I'm saying that why are the acts of charity that someone else chooses to do, so much of a concern to everyone? It's not even our money? Why is everyone so passionate about other people's money? If person buys bonds and TH keys because it supports Jagex, I'm not going to start complaining about it.
But why is that a conversation at all? Why does everything have to be this or that? You can donate all the money you want towards helping fight climate change but that money isn't going to reverse anything. The damage has already been done. You can donate to help fight it from becoming worse than it already is, but that's it.