XP Tracker

Tekotiko Level Experience Today This week This month
Overall 2,984 1,395,563,397 0 0 58,316,867
Attack 105 24,661,788 0 0 24
Defence 109 37,746,947 0 0 25
Strength 105 24,545,561 0 0 24
Constitution 109 37,540,710 0 0 24
Ranged 105 24,401,040 0 0 0
Prayer 101 16,469,620 0 0 20
Magic 102 18,674,505 0 0 187
Cooking 103 19,820,242 0 0 0
Woodcutting 100 15,326,434 0 0 0
Fletching 100 14,503,356 0 0 184,928
Fishing 110 39,553,926 0 0 417,960
Firemaking 111 45,877,237 0 0 0
Crafting 106 27,440,031 0 0 0
Smithing 114 59,203,375 0 0 229,938
Mining 100 15,543,956 0 0 0
Herblore 111 43,112,572 0 0 1,595,884
Agility 120 110,995,405 0 0 148,826
Thieving 112 47,890,416 0 0 169,390
Slayer 120 109,951,594 0 0 0
Farming 116 74,231,559 0 0 389,931
Runecrafting 120 104,535,773 0 0 260,490
Hunter 108 33,364,780 0 0 2,924,334
Construction 106 26,199,624 0 0 160,828
Summoning 116 70,199,953 0 0 51,799,627
Dungeoneering 120 107,457,801 0 0 0
Divination 103 19,970,484 0 0 34,414
Invention 126 98,294,493 0 0 13
Archaeology 120 113,849,308 0 0 0
Activity RS Rank Score
Bounty Hunters 111,725 99
B.H. Rogues 14,200,907 N/A
Dominion Tower N/A N/A
The Crucible N/A N/A
Castle Wars Games N/A N/A
B.A. Attackers N/A N/A
B.A. Defenders N/A 104,598
B.A. Collectors 552 63,624
B.A. Healers 654 29,857
Duel Tournament 1,364 N/A
Mobilising Armies N/A N/A
Conquest N/A N/A
Fist of Guthix N/A N/A
GG: Resource Race N/A N/A
GG: Athletics N/A N/A
WE2: Armadyl Life Contribution N/A 17,751
WE2: Bandos Life Contribution 605 N/A
WE2: Armadyl PvP Kills N/A 29,535
WE2: Bandos PvP Kills 585,000 N/A
Heist Guard Level N/A N/A
Heist Robber Level N/A N/A
CFP: 5 Game Average N/A N/A
AF15: Cow tipping N/A 6,328
AF15: Rat Kills 132 N/A
Easy clues N/A 34,679
Medium clues 18,055 67,311
Hard clues 21 29,344
Elite clues 30 26,694
Master clues 283 56,800
Treasure Trail Points N/A 1,763,684
RuneScore N/A N/A