XP Tracker

Ohne Hilfe Level Experience Today This week This month
Overall 2,820 393,511,245 0 0 6,108,029
Attack 99 13,195,543 0 0 0
Defence 99 13,041,359 0 0 0
Strength 99 13,201,349 0 0 0
Constitution 105 24,974,141 0 0 0
Ranged 99 13,067,538 0 0 0
Prayer 102 18,144,171 0 0 0
Magic 99 14,028,756 0 0 0
Cooking 96 10,466,042 0 0 0
Woodcutting 101 16,184,628 0 0 0
Fletching 99 13,065,460 0 0 25,628
Fishing 99 13,071,872 0 0 0
Firemaking 100 14,981,820 0 0 0
Crafting 99 13,217,389 0 0 899,968
Smithing 95 8,996,998 0 0 67,925
Mining 100 14,654,812 0 0 0
Herblore 99 14,196,768 0 0 0
Agility 92 6,833,212 0 0 0
Thieving 103 19,858,514 0 0 0
Slayer 99 13,794,688 0 0 0
Farming 95 8,939,792 0 0 0
Runecrafting 91 6,216,318 0 0 0
Hunter 93 7,257,507 0 0 39,348
Construction 94 8,199,936 0 0 48,130
Summoning 90 5,551,010 0 0 0
Dungeoneering 92 6,527,998 0 0 0
Divination 97 11,572,226 0 0 760,898
Invention 102 41,371,343 0 0 4,266,132
Archaeology 99 13,765,232 0 0 0
Activity RS Rank Score
Bounty Hunters 107,659 100
B.H. Rogues 15,134,823 N/A
Dominion Tower N/A N/A
The Crucible N/A N/A
Castle Wars Games N/A N/A
B.A. Attackers N/A N/A
B.A. Defenders N/A N/A
B.A. Collectors N/A N/A
B.A. Healers N/A N/A
Duel Tournament N/A N/A
Mobilising Armies N/A N/A
Conquest N/A N/A
Fist of Guthix N/A N/A
GG: Resource Race N/A N/A
GG: Athletics N/A N/A
WE2: Armadyl Life Contribution N/A N/A
WE2: Bandos Life Contribution N/A N/A
WE2: Armadyl PvP Kills N/A N/A
WE2: Bandos PvP Kills N/A N/A
Heist Guard Level N/A N/A
Heist Robber Level N/A N/A
CFP: 5 Game Average N/A N/A
AF15: Cow tipping N/A 34,556
AF15: Rat Kills 85 N/A
Easy clues N/A 80,829
Medium clues 11,930 N/A
Hard clues N/A N/A
Elite clues N/A N/A
Master clues N/A N/A
Treasure Trail Points N/A 101,183
RuneScore N/A N/A