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Offline Josh

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  • Join Date: Sep 2012
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  • Awards This player has 120 in the skill: Firemaking! This player has 120 in the skill: Fletching! This player has 120 in the skill: Thieving! For Capping 52 Times
  • Rsn: Jpd
  • Alt Rsn: Kink
Harry Banned.
« on: February 01, 2015, 22:44:01 »
Just a note to all that Harry (Larges) has been permanently banned from the clan.

For constant disruption within the clan chat, even when asked to stop numerous times it carried on.

Some may or may not know he has been banned previously and as this is another offence after we gave a chance it is now permanent.

A quote taken from the clan rules:
Disruptive behaviour - Any behaviour which is intended to cause disruption or unrest within the clan will be stopped at the very start. This can include confrontational and uncivil behaviour. If you continue to disrupt the atmosphere, you will simply be removed. Consentus stands for harmony, we will do our up most to remain this. This issue is based on a warning system. You will be warned 3 times before being removed from the clan chat or forums; based on where the offence was made. Any further abuse of this rule will result in further punishment

Please can people be aware of the clan rules.


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