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Offline Cool like Redtunnel

Clan News — End of Year Newsletter | 2018 Review
« on: January 04, 2019, 10:21:59 »

Welcome to the Clan News for December, 2018!
Blwyddyn Newydd Dda or Happy New Year to you all! I hope you all had a great Christmas and a wonderful entry to the New Year!

We will be taking a lovely trip down memory lane this month for the end of year newsletter, covering the most impactful and important changes that happened in Consentus throughout the year.

But first...A little something from the owners

Only Lilly
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(click to show/hide)

Mini Nub
(click to show/hide)

Krazy Golf
(click to show/hide)

(click to show/hide)

I would like to thank Jager_Candy for their dedication and being a member of staff helping run Clan Consentus. I'm sure you'll be missed from all teams and I wish you the best :)

Who doesn't love statistics? I know I do, so I thought it would be a lovely idea to share some statistics with you all.

In 2018 we...
Commented 33,642 times on threads        Up by 106% from 2017
Created 1,109 new threads        Up by 16% from 2017       
Had 246 players sign up to the forums        Up by 24% from 2017
Had 556 people online at one time,         Up by 21% from 2017
Received 5,750,262 page views        Up by 69% from 2017

The following statistics aren't specific to 2018 but rather since the beginning. Here are the current top five forum users arranged by most time online.

Top five forum users arranged by most time online...
Only Lilly        269d 12h 54m
Redtunnel        148d 21h 57m       
Rune        129d 1h 7m
Krazy Golf        116d 21h 59m       
Sunshine Kid        116d 14h 56m

Top 5 posters of all time...
Only Lilly        17,137
Winter        6,168       
Krazy Golf        5,527
Thunderite       4,787       
Joel       4,000

I thought it would be interesting to include these as it could have all changed by the start of 2020!

Are there any other statistics you would like to see in the future? If so let me know :) You can view or keep track of the live statistics here

New Forum Members!
I would like to welcome everyone new to Clan Consentus and its forums, thank you for choosing Clan Conse
  • 2c_short
  • Abanddon
  • Akhynn
  • Blue Denim
  • Boxofcuddles
  • Daggas
  • Desheng
  • Gaitt
  • iq 160
  • Jaxxer
  • Povak
  • Purge 7
  • Quorem
  • RavenRowan
  • Richiehettwer9
  • Road2Maxx
  • Saradominzz
  • Steftast1c
  • TheDarzer
  • Tompaur
  • Whabert
  • x Appolyon x
  • Z94

Thanks to our dedicated staff members, both past and present, we achieved over 200 clan events. Just kidding! We were actually just a few digits short of creating and hosting 400 clan events, how impressive is that?

As much as I would love to talk about each event we held individually, I think it's best we pick our favourites or we'll be here all year!

But before I talk about that, might I remember everyone that there is another IRL event happening which is the Bear Grylls adventure. The event will be happening on the 23rd of March so be sure to let Lilly know if you plan on attending. More details about the event can be found here

Now that's out of the way let us move on to the wonderful events we held throughout 2018, kicking us off with perhaps the biggest event we held this year were the celebrations as Clan Consentus turned 8 in September! I won't go too in-depth as it has already been covered in a previous newsletter, but it's safe to say that we had a good turnout and a wide variety of events ranging from skill wars to drop parties.

This year we trailed a new type of event that we were worried might not have worked due to how the event is supposed to be played and that, of course, is the Secret Santa  event. I was initially worried that not a lot of people would be interested in signiing up and for those who did sign up wouldn't give good gifts. Now that the event has passed I can confidently say that the event was a beaming success. We had 39 people sign up in total and all but one gave gifts \:D/

Taking place during the same time as the Secret Santa event was the Annual Awards. This event sees members nominating members of the clan that they think are worth of a certain award, for example, biggest noob. Once the players had been nominated we then had a second vote to vote on the most popular 5 nominees for that category...

Here are the winners of the Annual Awards
  • Most Talkative - A Canadian
  • Most Helpful Staff - Aquanoise
  • Most Helpful non-staff - Billy
  • Quietest Member - CherryChrush
  • Best Spotter - Sissybear
  • Friendliest New Arrival - LyfN00b
  • King/Queen of the Lobby - Skynetisback
  • Best Overall - Aquanoise
  • Most Name Changes - Daz
  • Best Fashionscape - Jager_Candy
  • Clan Clown - Selc0uth
  • Most Improved - Sissybear

Last but not least is the Christmas Photo Competition. Congreatulations to to the following winners:
  • First Place - Nikkie
  • Second Place - Amy
  • Third Place - 42Herooftime

You can find their winning pictures here.

You can see what events are on offer over at the events section of the forums.

A huge congratulations to everyone who managed to achieve a goal they may have set throughout the month. Keep up the great work \:D/

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Citadel Resources!
We know that collecting resources in the Citadel can be a bit of annoying task, mainly because there is nobody around to talk to or to keep you company. If you feel like this, then feel free to join us on a Sunday afternoon. Here you will find a great portion of our clan members filling their cap, and having great fun with each other.

Pro & Noob of the Month!
Every month we have a Pro & Noob competition. We track the experience of all of our clan members and award the player with the most experience gained this month with the Pro rank and the player with the lowest experience this month with the Noob rank.

December 2018
  • Pro of the Month: A Canadian (164,636,845 Experience)
  • Noob of the Month: Maghda II (253,796 Experience)

We would also like to remind everyone in Consentus that our Discord server is available to both clan members and guests!

Pop on over to the Clan Discord, where new channels have been added! A games-room channel and a Pokemon Go channel. It has never been a better time to join our discord \:D/

If anyone needs their discord rank updating, please let a member of staff know and they will sort it out for you.

Social Media!
We’re keen to continue our efforts to expand and raise our profile on different social media sites. Be sure to check out our pages if they tickle your fancy. Our Facebook page and Instagram is updated on a regular basis thanks to our awesome page admins.

I'd like to add that we do have a WhatsApp group for clan members. If you'd like an invite, please message a member of staff on how you can join the group \:D/


Member of the Month!
Our member of the month goes to @robertjones6, also known as The Aviansie. You have made a great impact since joining Consentus and have shown that you want Consentus to go the extra mile to becomming legendary. You have been keen to help out with Clan Cup and even creating events. Thank you.

If you would like to have anything added to the monthly newsletter that may not be on here, please make sure to let an owner know and we will try our utmost to implement it if it fits the newsletter.

If you have any ideas that you think would boost the Clan and raise our profile, please let a member of staff know.  We are always pleased that people take their time to help us run this busy and respected Clan.


Offline Sissybear

Re: Clan News — End of Year Newsletter | 2018 Review
« Reply #1 on: January 04, 2019, 12:33:01 »
Thanks for the news! And congrats everyone on the achievements!


Offline Amy

  • *
  • Join Date: Apr 2012
  • 4
  • Gender: Female
  • Awards This player has 99 in the skill: Fletching! This player has 99 in the skill: Slayer! This player has 99 in the skill: Firemaking! This player has 99 in the skill: Woodcutting! This player has 120 in the skill: Woodcutting!
  • Rsn: x Amyy
Re: Clan News — End of Year Newsletter | 2018 Review
« Reply #2 on: January 04, 2019, 13:07:31 »
Thanks for the news :) its interesting to see all the statistics!

Congrats @robertjones6

And I hope everyone has a fantastic year!


Offline robertjones6

Re: Clan News — End of Year Newsletter | 2018 Review
« Reply #3 on: January 04, 2019, 13:23:52 »
Thanks all :)

Heres to an amazing 2019 with Consentus


Offline Aqua

Re: Clan News — End of Year Newsletter | 2018 Review
« Reply #4 on: January 04, 2019, 13:39:03 »
Thanks for the news!

Congrats to everyone for all your achievements, MOTM’s, annual awards and everything else you accomplished in 2018!

Something i wanna say..

I started this year as a guest in this clan. I didnt know anyone, i had not played for 2.5 years, and i was lost IRL.
I immidiately felt loved and welcome, as a new familymember. I ended up joining, and it was the best decision i made.
I made some great friends this year! And this clan distracted me against all the bad things that happened/are happening in my life.
I also want to mention that i still feel honoured for being senior staff for this wonderful clan, and that people voted for me for the annual awards.

This clan made me a different person, and i want to thank everyone for letting that happen.

I hope we, as a family, can also make the difference for everyone else.

Lets make 2019 even better!


Offline Alaklondewen

Re: Clan News — End of Year Newsletter | 2018 Review
« Reply #5 on: January 04, 2019, 15:26:00 »
@Aquanoise Thank you for sharing that...you brought a little tear to my eye. <3

Thanks for the news, Damien...You did a great job on the yearly recap!

Congratulations Rob on MotM, and to everyone to achieved something here.


Offline Only Lilly

  • *
  • Join Date: Sep 2011
  • 17841
  • Gender: Female
  • Awards This player has 200m EXP in the skill: Fishing!
  • Rsn: Only Lilly
Re: Clan News — End of Year Newsletter | 2018 Review
« Reply #6 on: January 04, 2019, 16:31:48 »
Congratulations @robertjones6 well deserved, you are going to help this Clan grow thats for sure.

@Aquanoise beautiful words, its been a pleasure to meet and work with you xxx  Such kind words.

This newsletter is brilliant, well written and presented thanks @Mini Nub you have done us proud.


Offline Nikkie

  • *
  • Join Date: Nov 2016
  • 5
  • Awards This player has 120 in the skill: Fletching! This player has 120 in the skill: Farming! This player has 120 in the skill: Herblore! This player has 200m EXP in the skill: Dungeoneering! This player has 120 in the skill: Invention!
  • Rsn: N1kkie
Re: Clan News — End of Year Newsletter | 2018 Review
« Reply #7 on: January 04, 2019, 18:17:13 »
Love some statistics! Thank you @Mini Nub

Well deserved @Aquanoise <3

Grats @robertjones6

well done everyone on such a good year! Here's to 2019!


Offline Miss Mudds

Re: Clan News — End of Year Newsletter | 2018 Review
« Reply #8 on: January 04, 2019, 18:19:04 »
Awesome news post!!

Wonder if there was a way to figure out how many hours Consentus players spent online in a year? May be a bit complicated though!

Congrats to everyone on their awards and achievements!



Offline Krazy Golf

  • *
  • Join Date: Sep 2011
  • 5644
  • Gender: Male
  • Awards This player has 99 in the skill: Magic! 2nd place in an Easter competition
  • Rsn: Krazy Golf
Re: Clan News — End of Year Newsletter | 2018 Review
« Reply #9 on: January 04, 2019, 21:36:38 »
Thanks for the news :)


Offline Joe

Re: Clan News — End of Year Newsletter | 2018 Review
« Reply #10 on: January 05, 2019, 01:24:10 »
This year was truly fantastic!  Every year like this past one, had rough patches but the RS community, and our clan, always seem to push through.  Since I joined almost 4 years ago, many changes have been made.  People have come and gone.  But the one constant which has never changed, is the openness and welcoming nature that this community was founded on.  It's that trait which I love so much about being here.  It's what has kept me coming back and wanting to be among everyone here and wanting to be more and more a part of it. 

I've never met anyone here in person.  But I value each of your friendships just as much as I do with those I see everyday.  Nothing will change that. It's because of that I look forward to what 2019 will bring us.  If it's going to be a tough year, I say bring it on!  It'd be disappointed if it wasn't.  It's the difficult things that have made this game and all of those who are a part of it better in the end.  And in that respect, I'm excited for the rough road ahead!

Wishing you all a wonderful new year!  Keep being amazing! 



Offline Really Fedup

Re: Clan News — End of Year Newsletter | 2018 Review
« Reply #11 on: January 06, 2019, 14:00:13 »
First of all I would like to thank Mini Nub for all the 2018 news and Congratulations to The Avansie for getting MotM, well deserved. 

I would just like to say I thought the end of 2018 in RS was going to end really badly for me after playing since 2006 and was thinking of leaving RS for good: o( but was introduced to consentus by a very good friend .  I had to leave the clan in which I called my RS family but the support I got from most of that family was awesome, some of who are still with the clan and also the ones that left..  One of these ex clannies which I remained friends with from a while ago, was Jager_Candy @JC who introduced me to Consentus and after a rocky start, (my doing nobody else’s), I would like to thank everyone concerned here for accepting me into their family.  I was honoured and chuffed to bits to get MotM in Dec after being here for such a short time and also for being nominated for your annual awards.

Although fighting a rl battle at the minute, which stops me chatting so much in cc I am glad I found friendships old and new, through the Consentus family and hope it grows more in the next year.  I will do my best to learn discord  so I can join in some of your events.

Thank you again for accepting me into your fabulous family clan.

All the best to you all for 2019 and hope you all have a brilliant year.


Offline btraill

  • *
  • Join Date: Dec 2016
  • 408
  • Gender: Male
  • Awards This player has 99 in the skill: Ranged! This player has 99 in the skill: Defence! This player has 99 in the skill: Hitpoints! This player has 99 in the skill: Prayer! This player has 99 in the skill: Strength!
  • Oldschool: btraill
  • Rsn: btraill
Re: Clan News — End of Year Newsletter | 2018 Review
« Reply #12 on: January 20, 2019, 15:17:29 »
Thanks for the news!


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