I'm Thomas, or TommiHelm in RS. I don't know what your average age is, but at 40 myself I'm guessing I'm above it, hehe. Although I'm getting old, I'm actually not much of a veteran in this game. I think I first played it only 4-5 years ago, when I started my main account (TommiHelm). I got to around 1400 total level, and kind of lost interest. Didn't stop my membership though, and came back a couple of very short periods, but never really got hooked. I played a bit of OSRS as well before that account, but never past the very early game there either. Games like Diablo II (and all mods of it), Path of Exile, Grim Dawn (any ARPG of that type really) have been more my drug, and I also played WoW way to much from the start of the Molten Core days, up until that Panda expansion.
Last Christmas I started watching a lot of RS3 Ironman series on YouTube, and got inspired to try that out. That got me
really hooked, and even though my Ironman (TommiHelmIM) isn't even a year old yet, he's 2758 total level now, and I think all the stuff I learned and experienced on that Ironman journey has made me enjoy the game more in general. I mostly skilled and quested on my IM, including getting the quest point cape. But I did go up to Raxx and killed 300+ (with my trusted DRL and Bandos armour) to get my first full weapon (bow) there as well. Other than that my PvM experience is mostly in GW1/2, including a full K'rill log at 2414 kills - Although I did do a couple of 0% Telos.
Lately I've lost a bit of motivation to play the IM as much. I mostly do some daily stuff and afk Archeology (no staff pieces yet), Caps (in PSD), or the last skills I need to max. So I booted up my normal account again and I'm feeling excited enough about it that I'll be buying Premier.
I'm not quite sure what my long term goals are on my main now, but I do want to try and learn some of the bosses I've not yet tried on my Ironman. He was just 1550 total or so though. So these past few weeks I've mostly been focusing on unlocking Invention. But knowing how much I enjoyed the QPC grind on my Ironman, and seeing how important quests are to unlock stuff, I'll probably do a lot of quests as well. I have some short term goals, but I think that's for another topic.
In real life I'm living in Norway. Working with Software Development (Web applications mostly). Last few years in Testing and QA, and just recently as a System Administrator. Last year has been a lot of working from home, for obvious reasons, and Runescape is kinda the perfect game to just afk in during all those Teams meetings, hehe.
Anyways, nice to meet you all! And hopefully I can join the Clan soon enough. I'll be lurking in Discord and guesting in CC for now. Feel free to say hi if you see me.