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Offline Tomarnomar

Sprited Away
« on: June 06, 2020, 20:00:55 »
Sprited Away
Who here as ever tried to hunt Charming Sprites? For all those who have they know that it is really annoying and making the Comp requirement really harsh to get. So lets all get together and hunt them together to help the Comp people and to have a good time :D

Tuesday 09/06/2020 at reset (So basically 10/06/2020)

Yaktwee Hunting ground. It is South-East of the Eagle's Peak lodestone or simply South of Tree Gnome Village

Level 72 Hunter and some patience

Watch the bushes for a pattern and think of timing. Once you throw the exploding thing that you need to hit with the Yaktwee stick try and surge closer to the Charm Sprites which come out and best of luck hunting them down :D



Offline GodFirst

Re: Sprited Away
« Reply #1 on: June 07, 2020, 07:22:51 »
Would love to come but gotta work the day after so can't stay that late. Hope you'll have fun!


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