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Offline Mog

Raids - Yakamaru
« on: July 17, 2020, 17:34:24 »
Raids - Yakamaru

So, we've started and defeated Beastmaster but now is the time to move forward and take on the second part of Raids and helping us kill the big water snake otherwise known as Yakamaru!

The active team signup sheet will be on our discord server under the PVM Hosting text tab - https://discord.g/8B5nhYU.
We will be needing to see some experienced players involved due to the intensity and mechanics of the fight!!

If you are a learner of beginner please do not be put off or threatened by the enormity of the task, there is a full megathread guide posted below for you to have a look out and please do not hesistate to ask questions!


Sunday/Wednesday/Friday at 20:30 Gametime (after the Beastmaster Raid).


Raids are located on Mazcab, a group teleport will be provided.


■ 90+ combat stats.
■ T80+ Ranged/Magic weapons, preferably perked.
■ T80+ Ranged/Magic power armor, preferably perked.
■ 95+ Prayer recommended.
■ Access to overloads heavily recommended.
■ Ring of vigour switch encouraged.
■ 96+ Summoning heavily recommended for either a yak or mammoth familiar.
■ Accuracy aura heavily recommended as this will help massively for dps.
■ Enhanced Excalibur recommended.
■ Planted Feet switch encouraged.

■ Patience and a willing to potentially have several attempts for 1 solid kill.

■ If new to Yakamaru being in our Discord is heavily encouraged and recommended


■ The biggest tip of all is be sure to join the ongoing discord call, whether you are a beginner or a veteran.
■ Please make use of the megathread guide provided below and take a look at the video links.
■ Bringing a sign of life/portent of death is highly recommended.
■ Use of a ring of death to reduce payment costs upon death.



Offline Mog

Re: Raids - Yakamaru
« Reply #1 on: July 17, 2020, 17:37:48 »
This is it guys our very first official Yakamaru event, should this be successful and teams/players are willing to attempt this on a more regular basis i will be planning to host on a more frequent schedule. However for now its likely that its only run a week or two apart solely due to availability of roles as i'm aware people have a very hectic irl schedule particualrly now as most are still transitioning/returning back to a work routine.


Offline Joe

Re: Raids - Yakamaru
« Reply #2 on: July 17, 2020, 17:49:42 »
This is going to be extremely difficult.  Y'all better be reading guides over a few times and watching walk-throughs.  Yaka is no pushover like Beastmaster (kind of) is.


Offline Mog

Re: Raids - Yakamaru
« Reply #3 on: November 10, 2020, 21:56:01 »
Tomorrow night (Wednesday 11th November) after the beastmaster run at roughly 20:30 gametime!


Offline Inkyy

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Re: Raids - Yakamaru
« Reply #4 on: November 11, 2020, 12:44:16 »
Good luck guys! Bring your best DPS and resuscitation skills!


Offline Laurisaurus

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Re: Raids - Yakamaru
« Reply #5 on: November 11, 2020, 22:01:41 »
Might be a while before I attempt Yaka again XD


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