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Offline Joe

Earth Day 2021
« on: April 22, 2021, 19:21:56 »
Happy Earth Day, everyone!  Make today a day to think green.  Make green decisions and look up how you can continue to do so.  Think about what things you're doing that you can change for the benefit of our beautiful planet.  

And before you all tell me that this isn't Runescape or clan related, you're right; it's not.  In fact, it's FAR more important than both of those combined.

You may be thinking what I once did.  "Why is today Earth Day?  Why isn't every day Earth Day?"  That's a valid point.  And you're 100% correct.  Every day **should** be Earth Day, and it can be!  However, we use today to remind ourselves that there are more important things in life than the seemingly crucial aspects previously thought to be unchangeable.  Today, we use to be loud and proud of our eco-friendly choices and educate others on how they can do them too.  

I could sit here for a good hour typing out things you can do/change.  But I'm not going to.  Instead, here are links to sites that have everything I would tell you and more.  If you're a citizen of this earth, you owe it to yourself and everyone to read these and help make a permanent impact for good.  

Pro-Green resources:

Everyday things you can change today:

Plastic pollution and why you should care:


The history of Earth Day:

Adidas + Parley Project:


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