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Uncharted Isles
« on: March 08, 2017, 10:49:31 »

The unchartled isles; a randomly generated island the player can discover, it's home to some of the best exp rates and skilling resoureces in the game; this guide will explain.
  • What the uncharted isles offers for exp rates and resouces
  • How to get to the uncharted isles & supplies
  • Tips

Before starting uncharted isles it's best to get some chimes behind you first! click this link on funding your first steps on waiko:

Getting started!

There are no level requirements for players wishing to explore the Uncharted Isles; however, the player must have completed the quest Impressing the Locals to access them.

To begin with; Players will need supplies, these may be purchased from Rosie on Waiko with chimes. Rosie will also supply the player with 5 free supplies each day; these may be claimed from the crate next to Rosie.

Note: You can unlock the ability for supplies to have a reduction in cost and to be able to hold more supplies from the Waiko Reward shop.


Voyages of increasing lengths require greater amounts of supplies. While longer voyages do consume more supplies, they offer islands with greater quantities of items washed ashore and greater chances of special resources.

Claimed Island = 3 supplies (returns to a players claimed island)
Short Junket = 5 supplies (0-1 resource chance)
Medium Expedition = 12 supplies (2-3 resource chance)
Long Voyage = 20 supplies  (3-5 resouce chance)

It is recommended you journey on long voyages every time!

To access the voyage list the player will need to head back to  Quartermaster Gully at the dock of the island. Once they access the Wushanko Isles screen they can click -> uncharted island and then click their desired voyage type.


A claimed island's resources never change and if depleted reset every day at 00:00; as voyaging to uncharted islands are randomly generated you never know which resource plots you'll find.
If like we recommend, you always do long voyages you can recieve up to 5 special resources on this island; this can be made up from:

Up to 3 of these resources will either be: Alaea Salt / Golden Bamboo / Ornate Turtles / Wobbegong spots
and remaining nodes 2-3: can either be mushroom clusters / ancestral energy colonies.

Alaea Crabs
he Uncharted Isles can contain alaea crablets, which can be mined for their alaea salt at level 97 Mining. Each crablet can be mined for a maximum of 330 seconds. Each crablet has its own timer which will not halt once started, even if the player stops mining the crablet to mine another.

Base hourly XP rate: 152,350
Base hourly chime rate: 1,150
Hourly XP rate with boosts: 210,200
Hourly chime rate with boosts: 1,410

Golden Bamboo
The Uncharted Isles can contain golden bamboo, requiring level 96 Woodcutting to chop. A golden bamboo tree yields 100 golden bamboo.

Base hourly XP rate: 131,100
Base hourly chime rate: 1,000
Hourly XP rate with boosts: 176,985
Hourly chime rate with boosts: 1,150

Ornate tortles
The Uncharted Isles can contain ornate tortles, which can be hunted at level 96 Hunter with a tortle trap, which harmlessly holds them in place to allow for the collection of shell chippings. The chippings can be crafted into a bowl at level 92 Crafting. An ornate tortle colony yields 200–215 shiny shell chippings before depleting.

Base hourly XP rate: 665,700
Base hourly chime rate: 1,260 + chance to find chimes/taijitu
Hourly XP rate with boosts: 738,900
Hourly chime rate with boosts: 1,260

Wobbegong spots
The Uncharted Isles can contain schools of wobbegong, requiring level 96 Fishing to catch. They are able to be cooked into wobbegong oil at level 96 Cooking, consuming two wobbegongs per oil. A fishing spot yields 100 wobbegong before depleting.

Base hourly XP rate: 136,500
Base hourly chime rate: 1,200
Hourly XP rate with boosts: 214,300
Hourly chime rate with boosts: 1,640

Mushroom clusters
The Uncharted Isles can contain mushroom clusters, requiring level 94 Farming to forage. The cluster is depleted after obtaining 100 mushrooms from it. It cannot be foraged for the rest of the day. A message will notify the player upon its depletion: "The mushrooms have become exhausted for today."

Base hourly XP rate: 50,000
Base hourly chime rate: 1,200
Hourly XP rate with boosts: 53,000
Hourly chime rate with boosts: 1,200

Ancesrtral energy colonies
The Uncharted Isles can contain dead moais whose heads are bleeding out the island's anima, creating Ancestral energy springs, requring level 95 Divination to siphon from. 75 ancestral energy can be obtained from each spring before exhausting their energy.

It is possible for chronicle fragments to escape from the springs while harvesting energy.

Base hourly XP rate: 107,000
Base hourly chime rate: 1,200
Hourly XP rate with boosts: 120,900
Hourly chime rate with boosts: 1,285

Chests & washed ashore items
On rare occasions, players may find a treasure chest washed ashore on an isle. Looting the chest will award the player 1–7 taijitu and occasionally provide stoneberry or stormberry seeds. On long voyages, there is about a 33.33% chance that players can find a treasure chest

Washed up supplies may also be found. No matter the size of the voyage, there is about a 20% chance that players can find washed up supplies on an isle:

Golden bamboo
Bundle of bamboo
20 Fish oil
20 Wobbegong oil
Sea salt
Alaea sea salt
Raw seerfish
Raw sillago
Raw tarpon
Raw wobbegong
Wushanko fishing bait
Shell chippings
Shiny shell chippings
Sea shell
Spirit dragon charm
Bandana and eyepatch
Big bones
Black pearll
Long bone
Medium XP lamp
Papaya fruit
5 Silverhawk down
Soft clay


Offline Jasperine

Re: Uncharted Isles
« Reply #1 on: March 08, 2017, 18:25:16 »
This is very useful for me - thank you so much!


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