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The Arc - Rare and Special Resources
« on: March 11, 2017, 20:04:30 »
Rare and Special Resources

Alaea crablet (Alaea Sea Salt)
  • Can only be found on Uncharted Isles.
  • Requires 97 Mining and provides 692.5 Mining experience.
Alaea sea salt can be used as an ingredient in the production of uncooked shark soups, but may also be sold to the Salty Goods shop of Waiko for 5 chimes each

Idol crablets
  • Requires level 98 Mining and grants 5,250 Mining experience
  • These rare crablets can spawn on Uncharted Islands and/or your personal islands.
Two golden idols are a requirement for purchasing an idol crabletine token from Boni. They are consumed upon purchasing the token.

Ancestral energy
  • Ancestral energy are Divination springs found on Uncharted Isles.
  • Require a Divination level of at least 95 to harvest, granting 53.5 experience.
  • Ancestral energy can be sold for 2 chimes each to Halia on The Islands That Once Were Turtles.
Ancestral energies can be used to charge two tortle portals on The Islands That Once Were Turtles, requiring 50 energies each. Once charged, the portals grant players access to additional mushroom clusters, access to the Power of the Ancestors divine energy shop, and a positive and negative wisp colony on the Islands That Once Were Turtles.

Golden bamboo
  • Golden bamboo is a resource obtained from chopping golden bamboo stalks found only on Uncharted Isles.
  • Requires level 96 Woodcutting and grants 655.5 Woodcutting experience each.
  • Two golden bamboo pieces can be combined into a bundle of bamboo, requiring level 96 Fletching, giving 100 Fletching experience.
You can sell a bundle of bamboo to Zhuka at the Bamboo Market 101 in Waiko for ten chimes each or to Alder at the Big Bada Bamboo shop in Tuai Leit for eleven chimes each.

Mushroom cluster
  • Mushroom clusters requires level 90 Farming in order to forage from
  • Foraged mushrooms can be eaten, or sliced up, which is an ingredient used for creating Arc Gumbo.
You may only find the following mushrooms from a Mushroom Cluster on Uncharted Isles only.
  • Blushroom
  • Honeyfungus Honeyfungus
  • Sporcini Sporcini
  • Inky cap Inky cap
  • Arc puffball Arc puffball
  • Summertwirl Summertwirl
  • Russula Russula

Ornate tortle
  • Ornate tortles may only be found on Uncharted Isles and require level 96 Hunter, granting 1585 experience per successful catch. This requires a tortle trap.
  • When caught, they reward the player with shiny shell clippings. You may uncommonly find chimes and rarely yield taijitu.
  • Four shiny shell chippings can be crafted into a shiny tortle shell bowl, requiring level 92 Crafting and yielding 100 Crafting experience.
  • Shiny tortle shell bowls can be used to create Arc Gumbo, or sold to Torts R Us for 12 Chimes each.

  • Wobbegongs may only be found on Uncharted Isles and require level 96 Fishing to catch, giving 682.5 experience each.
  • Raw wobbegongs may cooked two at a time to produce wobbegong oil, requiring level 96 Cooking, and granting 240 Cooking experience if successful.
  • Wobbegong oil can be used to create Arc Gumbo
Raw wobbegongs may be sold to the Fish Oil Sales shop in Waiko for 3 chimes each. However, wobbegong oil can sell for 12 chimes each.

Washed ashore
  • Items are often found washed ashore the coasts of Uncharted Isles. These items will persist as long as the player remains on the isle, and can be picked up or looted.
  • On rare occasions, players may find a treasure chest washed ashore on an isle. Looting the chest will award the player 1–7 taijitu and occasionally provide stoneberry or stormberry seeds.
On long voyages, there is about a 33.33% chance that players can find a treasure chest with about a 50% chance for it to be a Tier 1 chest and about a 25% chance for it to be a Tier 2 chest


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