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Offline Hydrogy

Runecrafting guide 2019
« on: March 23, 2019, 16:25:37 »
Runecrafting Guide

Table of Contents:
1. Useful items
2. Runespan
3. Abbys
4. Soul altar
5. Other methods

1. Useful items
- Runecrafting urns (20%)
- Master runecrafting robes (5%) works if in the bank when wearing infinity ethereal outfit
- Clan avatar (6%)
- Wise 3 perk (3% 50K/day)
- Infinity ethereal outfit (5 free yellow wizard teleports, holds 12 essence, 7% chance for double catch+XP in runespan)
- Wilderness sword* (edgeville teleports)
- Mobile perk* (reduces surge cooldown)
- Demonic skull* (2.5X - 3.5X base xp through abbys)

*: No use if doing runespan

2. Runespan
Runespan is a semi-afk way to train runecrafting and for some reason is overrated, this is okay to train if u want something semi-afk but if going for efficiency this is only worth doing untill level 44.

Levels 1-33: Siphon the highest possible nodes. Approx. 20Kxp/h

Levels 33-44: Siphon the highest possible nodes on the second floor and hunt yellow wizards, give them the rune they ask for. Approx. 30-40Kxp/h

Levels 44-66: Ideally you should stop doing runespan now, but if u want to continue which is completely fine keep siphonning the highest possible nodes on the second floor and keep hunting yellow wizards, give them the rune they ask for. Approx 40-60Kxp/h

Levels 66-99/120: Siphon on the top floor, hunt the yellow wizard, give them the highest level rune you have available. Approx. 80-130Kxp/h

Order from worst to best nodes for XP (base xprates at lvl 99):
- Cyclone 57Kxp/h
- Mind storm 57Kxp/h
- Water pool 72Kxp/h
- Rock fragment 74Kxp/h
- Vine 78Kxp/h
- Fire storm 84Kxp/H
- Fireball 86Kxp/h
- Fleshy growth 96Kxp/h
- Skulls 96Kxp/h
- Chaotic cloud 97Kxp/h
- Blood pool 99Kxp/h
- Shifter 108Kxp/h
- Jumper 112Kxp/h
- Nebula 120Kxp/h
- Living soul 129Kxp/h
- Bloody skulls 132Kxp/h
- Undead soul 138Kxp/h

3. Abbys
Abbys is only worth doing if u will be using a demonic skull, when wearing this skull you will get 2.5x - 3.5x more XP however the abbys is located in level 4-6 wilderness, when wearing the skull anyone can attack you and if you where to die the skull is lost and u will have to buy a new one.
- Must have completed the abbys miniquest
- Small, medium, large, massive, giant pouch
Allthough the pouches technically aren't a requirement its not worth doing without them, and they are super easy to get.

1. Create a preset with your pouches, urns, outfit, wildy sword, demonic skull, etc.
2. Open the bank
3. load the preset
4. fill the pouches (either by loading the preset or while in the bank)
5. run to the wildy ditch
6. run or surge towards the zamorak mage
7. teleport, go to the middle of the abbys by mining or cutting or crawling ur way through
8. find the rift of the rune ur about to craft, click the altar
9. teleport back to edgeville (using ur wildy sword)
10. bank and repeat.

Levels 44-54: Making nature runes. Approx. 100-110Kxp/h and 1.5-1.8Mgp/h
Levels 54-77: Making law runes. Approx. 105-115Kxp/h and 1.65-1.95Mgp/h
Levels 77-91/93/99/120: Making blood runes. Approx. 150-190Kxp/h and 1.9-2.2Mgp/h
Levels 91-93/99/120: Making double nature runes. Approx. 125-140Kxp/h and 3-3.6Mgp/h
Levels 93-99/120: Making double law runes with an extreme runecrafting potion to boost to level 110. Approx. 130-145Kxp/h and 3.8-4.4Mgp/h

4. Soul altar
The soul altar is the best runecrafting XP in the game being approx. 450Kxp/h and is semi-afk aswell. Sadly skillers cannot access this altar.
- Menaphos quest series completed with phite club being the last one
- 90 runecrafting (can be boosted) level 79 with extreme runecrafting potion

There are two methods:
1. Going through the abbys filling up the obelisk to 100% by depositting pure essence and charging the obelisk (4 essence = 1% charge) its adviced to not bring runecrafting urns or demonic skull during this process. Once its at 100% charges u wanna grab ur next inventory of pure essence but bring the demonic skull and runecrafting urns with you and craft the soul runes before charging the altar again.

2. Using the wicked hood teleport to fill the obelisk and charge the altar and then run through the abbys with the demonic skull to create the runes. You get 3 wicked hood teleports per day and you get 3 teleports for using a wicked hood teleport token (obtained from TH) this is a great way to spend those things sitting in ur bank.

5. Other methods
Theres not really alot of alternatives for runecrafting, only thing u could do is siphon soul obelisks in menaphos using the fc 'soulobby' or if your other stats are high toggling max challenges and doing a extended runespan daily challenge is very good as in the time it takes to do that daily u can use your 5 free yellow wizard teleports from the infinity ethereal outfit aswell. This is personally how i got all my XP in runecrafting after 99 as a skiller which is currently 57M and it takes barely any time at all, a new daily as if there wasn't already enough to do!


Offline Ardo

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Re: Runecrafting guide 2019
« Reply #1 on: March 24, 2019, 08:10:14 »
1. Going through the abbys filling up the obelisk to 100% by depositting pure essence and charging the obelisk (4 essence = 1% charge) its adviced to not bring runecrafting urns or demonic skull during this process. Once its at 100% charges u wanna grab ur next inventory of pure essence but bring the demonic skull and runecrafting urns with you and craft the soul runes before charging the altar again.
No just no. Never use abyss for charging, only go through abyss when you are ready to craft the runes.
As you mentioned, obviously the best and fastest method for charging is wicked hood teleport. If you run out of these, you should use portable fairy ring to Menaphos (CKQ), which is close to altar. Alternatively you can use the max guild garden skilling portal  to teleport next to fairy ring in Zanaris and from there to CKQ. But it is slower than portable fairy ring but both of these are much faster and safer than abyss.
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Offline Hydrogy

Re: Runecrafting guide 2019
« Reply #2 on: March 24, 2019, 11:45:39 »
1. Going through the abbys filling up the obelisk to 100% by depositting pure essence and charging the obelisk (4 essence = 1% charge) its adviced to not bring runecrafting urns or demonic skull during this process. Once its at 100% charges u wanna grab ur next inventory of pure essence but bring the demonic skull and runecrafting urns with you and craft the soul runes before charging the altar again.
No just no. Never use abyss for charging, only go through abyss when you are ready to craft the runes.
As you mentioned, obviously the best and fastest method for charging is wicked hood teleport. If you run out of these, you should use portable fairy ring to Menaphos (CKQ), which is close to altar. Alternatively you can use the max guild garden skilling portal  to teleport next to fairy ring in Zanaris and from there to CKQ. But it is slower than portable fairy ring but both of these are much faster and safer than abyss.
Shows im a skiller i guess, but theres plenty of people that don't have access to this


Offline Only Lilly

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Re: Runecrafting guide 2019
« Reply #3 on: March 24, 2019, 12:44:32 »
@Ardo maybe you can do a short guide to add  ?


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