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Offline Aso XD

Aso's Guidebook to ALL Skills
« on: February 16, 2020, 06:27:51 »

This guide covers all 27 of the current Runescape skills.


This will go through the best methods of training each skill at all levels as well as the best AFK options if available. This is a complete guide to each skill from 1-99 aswell as 120/200m, covering methods and items for the skill/s.
If you have any queries, please comment them below.
If you have any suggestions to what I should add, please comment below.

Table of Contents:

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This guide is still a work in progress. Positive feedback is appreciated, aswell as help.


Offline Aso XD

Re: Aso's Guidebook to ALL Skills
« Reply #1 on: February 16, 2020, 06:28:47 »

1.1 - Description
Attack is part of the 3 basic combat styles in the game, being melee. Melee is the highest DPS style. If this ever changes, the game is probably broken and nuclear winter is imminent. The skill is one of the easiest to train in the game.

Attack is a melee combat skill, trained with melee weapons. Methods described here will simply tell you what monsters to kill and what gear you should use to kill them. It will discuss multiple methods and how profitable those monsters can be, in turn it will give you the exp rates.
Once you reach 99, I don't see much point in continuing to train through non-bossing or money making methods. Rather than gaining 90m exp without any gp gain, you could gain billions of gp doing bosses or slayer. Some of these things can be AFK'd aswell.

You may notice this part is identical/very similar to other combat training methods. There is a very good reason for this. I am very lazy.

1.2 - Gear and items
When training attack, it is adviseable to upgrade your weapon and armor every 10 levels as you get a major DPS increase at these intervals. This changes once you get to 70+, as full sets of gear have effects and such. I.E. If you're training at the abyss, there isn't much need to upgrade your gear to T92's, all best in slot pieces and elder ovl + armor spikes.

I advise using revolution when not only learning PvM, but to allow you to AFK combat training. I've listed the optimal revolution bars along with all melee abilities available and their possible requirements.

I advise upgrading your gear whenever possible, usually every 10 levels. Exceptions for this do occur and have been listed below. Any extra requirements have also been listed below.

Useful PvM items, these may effect prayer, health, random useful things. Basically anything here might be needed for these methods and will be mentioned later on. This section is like a thesaurus.

1.3 - Early levels (1-40)
The early levels of attack are very easy. You can kill many things in 1-2 hits. For this part it may be a better idea to use the legacy combat style over revolution as you will be 1 hitting these enemies regardless.

Training at these levels has many easy, good monsters to kill. Here's a list and where to find them.

Found in Lumbridge, east of the lodestone, over the bridge and then north.

Found in Burthorpe, north of the lodestone, into the cave.

Found in Burthorpe, south of the lodestone
Found in Lumbridge, east of the lodestone, over the bridge and then north in the eastern pen.

Found in Lumbridge, east of the lodestone, over the bridge and then north in the western pen.

Alternatively, you can do quest(s) to skip majority of the start. They're very easy, Tree Gnome Village will require some combat stats to kill the black demon at the end (can be safespotted with mage/ranged).
Waterfall Quest
Tree Gnome Village

There isn't much need for upgrading gear if you don't want to. It's not super important in the early levels of attack as you 1 shot majority of your targets. This is the most click intensive part of training and shouldn't take more than a few hours. The starting levels will fly by, but slowly be a longer and longer grind by the end.

1.4 - Medium levels (40-70)
These levels will be longer, it will feel like the longest part of the grind, but hey, at least its easily AFK-able.

This is a good point to make a small start on slayer, get your first 5 tasks done, you can do this whenever, but this is a good time to start thinking about it.

From these levels it will be a good idea to invest in some good jewelery slot items. I suggest a blood amulet of fury and a luck of the dwarves. Blood amulet of fury will be extremely useful forever (see above for how to make and what these items do). These are quite expensive, so if you can't quite afford these, either money make til you get them or use cheaper alternatives; (ring of fortune > ring of wealth) (saradomins whisper > amulet of glory)

Upgrading gear through these levels is very important, always upgrade your weapon, armor upgrades are not as important but can still be very helpful.

Training through mid levels have plenty of monsters to kill. Here's a list of them and where to find them.

West of Yanille lodestone, can be afk'd later on with a blood amulet of fury quite easily.

Hill giants.
Found in Edgeville dungeon. Either use a brass key to gain access to the shed south of the grand exchange or the dungeon entrance south of Edgeville bank (requires a trapdoor to be opened).
Also found in Taverly dungeon.

Moss giants.

Abyssal creatures.
Red deadly spiders.

Once you hit 70 attack and defence, you can move on to much faster methods which are very AFK.

1.5 - High levels (70-99)
This is where combat training gets good, absurdly quick and can be excellent for money. For whatever reason, going from 70-90 feels slower than going from 90-99, regardless of the latter being almost double the exp...

Investing in a blood amulet of fury and full guthans is a very good idea.
Upgrading your gear from guthans to Bandos + halbyrd weapons from 82 and beyond is also a good idea. Do not use a guthans item on its own, it does not recieve the effect.

Without soul split unlocked (92 prayer), some methods are very irritating to do. I advise sticking to the abyss if you want 99 without buying the prayer levels.

Training methods at these levels are listed below with guides to them.

Abyss training.
Elite dungeon 3 trash mob runs.
Abyssal demons.

Your priority is being able to hit as many monsters as you can the higher level you get. This will give faster exp rates and if doing profitable methods, better gp rates.

1.6 - and this... is... to go even further beyond! (99+)
Training beyond 99 I only advise when you have all combat 99's.
Majority of these methods are to either get ridiculous experience rates, great money or train other things at the same time.

Training above 99 in attack does not increase the amount of damage or accuracy you have or any items you can use. It is purely cosmetic.

When you want to train above 99 attack, it's likely a good idea to have some of these other items/requirements.

Charming imp
95/99 prayer + Temple at Senntisten
High Dungeoneering level
Luck of the dwarves
Noxious scythe>Dragon rider lance>Matsutas Warspear>Guthans
Trimmed masterwork>Masterwork>Torva>Bandos>Guthans

The best combat training styles I'll list below. If you have any ideas or anything I may have missed, please feel free to leave a comment.

Abyssal demons
Elite Dungeon 3

1.7 - Miscellaneous
Anything that doesn't really fit anywhere else in the guide but is useful, I'll add here.


Offline Aso XD

Re: Aso's Guidebook to ALL Skills
« Reply #2 on: February 16, 2020, 06:29:37 »
2.0 - Constitution
2.1 - Description
Constitution is part of every combat style in the game. It counts as your hitpoints or health. As the level increases, your max health increases with it, to a limit of 99. Levels beyond this are merely virtual and have no effect on your health.

You train constitution naturally by training any other combat style, Ranged, Mage, or Melee. For Constitution, I've listed melee training approaches as they do the most damage and in turn are the fastest training methods.
Once you reach 99 in combat skills, I advise training this just to make money. Constitution will level naturally when training any combat skills, so it will go up naturally while training those. Feel free to refer to other combat skills for training this.

Listed below is simply the Attack/Strength/Defence (melee) training guide.

2.2 - Gear and items
When training constitution through melee, it is adviseable to upgrade your weapon and armor every 10 levels as you get a major DPS increase at these intervals. This changes once you get to 70+, as full sets of gear have effects and such. I.E. If you're training at the abyss, there isn't much need to upgrade your gear to T92's, all best in slot pieces and elder ovl + armor spikes.

I advise using revolution when not only learning PvM, but to allow you to AFK combat training. I've listed the optimal revolution bars along with all melee abilities available and their possible requirements.

I advise upgrading your gear whenever possible, usually every 10 levels. Exceptions for this do occur and have been listed below. Any extra requirements have also been listed below.

Useful PvM items, these may effect prayer, health, random useful things. Basically anything here might be needed for these methods and will be mentioned later on. This section is like a thesaurus.

2.3 - Early levels (1-40)
The early levels of attack are very easy. You can kill many things in 1-2 hits. For this part it may be a better idea to use the legacy combat style over revolution as you will be 1 hitting these enemies regardless.

Training at these levels has many easy, good monsters to kill. Here's a list and where to find them.


There isn't much need for upgrading gear if you don't want to. It's not super important in the early levels of attack. This is the most click intensive part of training and shouldn't take more than a few hours. The starting levels will fly by, but slowly be a longer and longer grind by the end.

2.4 - Medium levels (40-70)
These levels will be longer, it will feel like the longest part of the grind, but hey, at least its easily AFK-able.

This is a good point to make a start on slayer, get your first 5 tasks done, you can do this whenever, but this is a good time to start thinking about it.

From these levels it will be a good idea to invest in some good jewelery slot items. I suggest a blood amulet of fury and a luck of the dwarves. Blood amulet of fury will be extremely useful forever (see above for how to make and what these items do).

Upgrading gear through these levels is very important, always upgrade your weapon, armor upgrades are not as important but can still be very helpful.

Training through mid levels have plenty of monsters to kill. Here's a list of them and where to find them.

Hill giants.
Moss giants.
Abyssal creatures.
Red deadly spiders.

Once you hit 70 attack and defence, you can move on to much faster methods which are very AFK.

2.5 - High levels (70-99)
This is where combat training gets good, absurdly quick and can be excellent for money. For whatever reason, going from 70-90 feels slower than going from 90-99, regardless of the latter being almost double the exp...

Investing in a blood amulet of fury and full guthans is a very good idea.
Upgrading your gear from guthans to Bandos + halbyrd weapons from 82 and beyond is also a good idea. Do not use a guthans item on its own, it does not recieve the effect.

Without soul split unlocked (92 prayer), some methods are very irritating to do. I advise sticking to the abyss if you want 99 without buying the prayer levels.

Training methods at these levels are listed below with guides to them.

Abyss training.
Elite dungeon 3 trash mob runs.
Abyssal demons.

Your priority is being able to hit as many monsters as you can the higher level you get. This will give faster exp rates and if doing profitable methods, better gp rates.

2.6 - and this... is... to go even further beyond! (99+)
Training beyond 99 I only advise when you have all combat 99's.
Majority of these methods are to either get ridiculous experience rates, great money or train other things at the same time.

Training above 99 in constitution does not increase the amount of health you have or any items you can use. It is purely cosmetic.

When you want to train above 99 constitution, it's likely a good idea to have some of these other items/requirements.

Charming imp
95/99 prayer + Temple at Senntisten
High Dungeoneering level
Luck of the dwarves
Noxious scythe>Dragon rider lance>Matsutas Warspear>Guthans
Trimmed masterwork>Masterwork>Torva>Bandos>Guthans

The best combat training styles I'll list below. If you have any ideas or anything I may have missed, please feel free to leave a comment.

Abyssal demons
Elite Dungeon 3

This leveling will happen naturally, so don't worry about training it too much.

2.7 - Miscellaneous
Anything that doesn't really fit anywhere else in the guide but is useful, I'll add here.


Offline Aso XD

Re: Aso's Guidebook to ALL Skills
« Reply #3 on: February 16, 2020, 06:30:35 »

3.0 - Mining
3.1 - Description
Mining is one of the gathering skills in Runescape. After the Mining and Smithing rework, this skill became very AFK. Training this skill is very AFK and can be very good money.

Being a gathering skill, mining is trained by mining rocks in specific locations with certain level pickaxes. This guide will go through how to train at each level, what pickaxes to use and any alternate methods you can go through. Mining can be very AFK money and for that reason is one of my go to methods.

3.2 - Gear and items
Mining requires lots of items, especially pickaxes. I've listed all the items which are useful for mining here.

3.3 - Daily EXP
There are mining dailies you can perform to gain great experience for a short period of time.
Firstly, there are Warbands camps you can use to gather mining supplies, handing them into _
There are fallen stars you can mine

3.4 - Rocks to mine
For each mining advancement, you gain more rocks to mine. Below I've listed rocks, alternatives, the level and pickaxe requirements from 1-99.
3.4.1 - Copper & Tin (1-10)
3.4.2 - Iron (10-20)
3.4.3 - Silver (20-30)
3.4.4 - Mithril (30-40)
3.4.5 - Adamantite (40-50)
3.4.6 - Runite (50-60)
3.4.7 - Orichalcite (60-70)
3.4.8 - Phasmatite (70-80)
3.4.9 - Banite (80-89/90)
3.4.10 - Seren Stones (89-97/99)
3.4.11 - Light/Dark aminica (90-97/99)
3.4.12 - Alaea crablets (97-99)
3.4.13 - and this... is... to go even further beyond! (99+)

3.5 - Alternative methods
You can train mining through alternate methods. This goes through any other ways you can train the skill. For mining there isn't too many.

3.6 - Money making with Mining
Mining is very AFK money, there are better alternatives however.
For money making with Mining, I've listed the exp rates and profit rates as well as items needed/recommended.

3.7 - Miscellaneous
Anything that doesn't really fit anywhere else in the guide but is useful I'll add here.


Offline Aso XD

Re: Aso's Guidebook to ALL Skills
« Reply #4 on: February 16, 2020, 06:31:37 »
4.0 Strength
4.1 - Description

4.2 - Gear and items
When training strength through melee, it is adviseable to upgrade your weapon and armor every 10 levels as you get a major DPS increase at these intervals. This changes once you get to 70+, as full sets of gear have effects and such. I.E. If you're training at the abyss, there isn't much need to upgrade your gear to T92's, all best in slot pieces and elder ovl + armor spikes.

I advise using revolution when not only learning PvM, but to allow you to AFK combat training. I've listed the optimal revolution bars along with all melee abilities available and their possible requirements.

I advise upgrading your gear whenever possible, usually every 10 levels. Exceptions for this do occur and have been listed below. Any extra requirements have also been listed below.

Useful PvM items, these may effect prayer, health, random useful things. Basically anything here might be needed for these methods and will be mentioned later on. This section is like a thesaurus.

4.3 - Early levels (1-40)
The early levels of attack are very easy. You can kill many things in 1-2 hits. For this part it may be a better idea to use the legacy combat style over revolution as you will be 1 hitting these enemies regardless.

Training at these levels has many easy, good monsters to kill. Here's a list and where to find them.


There isn't much need for upgrading gear if you don't want to. It's not super important in the early levels of attack. This is the most click intensive part of training and shouldn't take more than a few hours. The starting levels will fly by, but slowly be a longer and longer grind by the end.

4.4 - Medium levels (40-70)
These levels will be longer, it will feel like the longest part of the grind, but hey, at least its easily AFK-able.

This is a good point to make a start on slayer, get your first 5 tasks done, you can do this whenever, but this is a good time to start thinking about it.

From these levels it will be a good idea to invest in some good jewelery slot items. I suggest a blood amulet of fury and a luck of the dwarves. Blood amulet of fury will be extremely useful forever (see above for how to make and what these items do).

Upgrading gear through these levels is very important, always upgrade your weapon, armor upgrades are not as important but can still be very helpful.

Training through mid levels have plenty of monsters to kill. Here's a list of them and where to find them.

Hill giants.
Moss giants.
Abyssal creatures.
Red deadly spiders.

Once you hit 70 attack and defence, you can move on to much faster methods which are very AFK.

4.5 - High levels (70-99)
This is where combat training gets good, absurdly quick and can be excellent for money. For whatever reason, going from 70-90 feels slower than going from 90-99, regardless of the latter being almost double the exp...

Investing in a blood amulet of fury and full guthans is a very good idea.
Upgrading your gear from guthans to Bandos + halbyrd weapons from 82 and beyond is also a good idea. Do not use a guthans item on its own, it does not recieve the effect.

Without soul split unlocked (92 prayer), some methods are very irritating to do. I advise sticking to the abyss if you want 99 without buying the prayer levels.

Training methods at these levels are listed below with guides to them.

Abyss training.
Elite dungeon 3 trash mob runs.
Abyssal demons.

Your priority is being able to hit as many monsters as you can the higher level you get. This will give faster exp rates and if doing profitable methods, better gp rates.

4.6 - and this... is... to go even further beyond! (99+)
Training beyond 99 I only advise when you have all combat 99's.
Majority of these methods are to either get ridiculous experience rates, great money or train other things at the same time.

Training above 99 in constitution does not increase the amount of health you have or any items you can use. It is purely cosmetic.

When you want to train above 99 constitution, it's likely a good idea to have some of these other items/requirements.

Charming imp
95/99 prayer + Temple at Senntisten
High Dungeoneering level
Luck of the dwarves
Noxious scythe>Dragon rider lance>Matsutas Warspear>Guthans
Trimmed masterwork>Masterwork>Torva>Bandos>Guthans

The best combat training styles I'll list below. If you have any ideas or anything I may have missed, please feel free to leave a comment.

Abyssal demons
Elite Dungeon 3

This leveling will happen naturally, so don't worry about training it too much.

4.7 - Miscellaneous
Anything that doesn't really fit anywhere else in the guide but is useful I'll add here.


Offline Aso XD

Re: Aso's Guidebook to ALL Skills
« Reply #5 on: February 16, 2020, 06:32:22 »
5.0 - Agility


Offline Aso XD

Re: Aso's Guidebook to ALL Skills
« Reply #6 on: February 16, 2020, 06:33:20 »
6.0 - Smithing


Offline Aso XD

Re: Aso's Guidebook to ALL Skills
« Reply #7 on: February 16, 2020, 06:33:53 »
7.0 - Defence


Offline Aso XD

Re: Aso's Guidebook to ALL Skills
« Reply #8 on: February 16, 2020, 06:34:29 »
8.0 - Herblore


Offline Aso XD

Re: Aso's Guidebook to ALL Skills
« Reply #9 on: February 16, 2020, 06:34:59 »
9.0 - Fishing


Offline Aso XD

Re: Aso's Guidebook to ALL Skills
« Reply #10 on: February 16, 2020, 06:35:23 »
10.0 - Ranged


Offline Aso XD

Re: Aso's Guidebook to ALL Skills
« Reply #11 on: February 16, 2020, 06:35:58 »
11.0 - Thieving


Offline Aso XD

Re: Aso's Guidebook to ALL Skills
« Reply #12 on: February 16, 2020, 06:38:04 »
12.0 - Cooking


Offline Aso XD

Re: Aso's Guidebook to ALL Skills
« Reply #13 on: February 16, 2020, 06:38:29 »
13.0 - Prayer


Offline Aso XD

Re: Aso's Guidebook to ALL Skills
« Reply #14 on: February 16, 2020, 06:38:48 »
14.0 - Crafting


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