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Offline Hydrogy

A level 3 skiller guide to monthlies
« on: March 29, 2019, 18:48:12 »
Monthlies as a level 3

Table of Contents:
1. Introduction
2. The setup
3. Troll Invasion
4. God Statues
5. The rewards

1. Introduction
There are four monthly D&D's in Runescape, three of which us skillers can do The Vault is pretty self explanatory so i won't go over this one. The other two skillers can do is Troll Invasion and God Statues which are both great for getting xp in Slayer or other skills. In this guide i will go over on how to do both of these D&D's as a level 3 skiller.

2. The setup
Inventory setup:
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Gear setup:
(click to show/hide)

3. Troll Invasion
When doing troll invasion for the first time there will be 20 waves each wave more trolls will spawn, all you have to do is simply stay alive and kill all the trolls to continue to the next wave.
The way we do this as a skiller is by drinking a saradomin brew to heal 1000 lifepoints past our maximum lifepoints, thus doubling our health. Now we let the trolls hit us and we will recoil them to their death. Theres two types of trolls that require attention, these are: Dynamite and Poorly Cooked Karambwan.

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We need to watch out for Dynamite as he walks towards us and explodes which does 700-1250 damage, this can one hit you if not brewwed so when Dynamite spawns we have to brew up to 2000 health.
His damage can however be completely avoided by tagging him once and then running away, i recommend healing up to full and then tag him.

Poorly Cooked Karambwan:
(click to show/hide)

This is a harmless troll but sadly also needs to be killed to continue to the next wave, we need to tag this troll, when we do so he will hit us 1 - 3 times and he will run off again, we then need to wait for 10-15 seconds to tag him again until he dies by recoil.
If we tag too early he will not hit us back, thus won't get damaged by recoil. A good way to deal with these is to tag them while the other trolls are still hitting you to not waste any time once all the other trolls are dead.
These can spawn three at a time and all three can be aggro'ed at the same time, sadly aggression potions
do not work here.

Once we get to wave 20 the boss will spawn, he does very little damage but has a very high amount of health this is when the blood amulet of fury helps loads.
The only thing you need to know about dealing with Cliff is
to stand in MD (melee distance) This way he will hit a tiny bit faster and harder, meaning if  he will die faster.
The boss, Cliff:
(click to show/hide)

Once you've beaten all 20 waves you will be able to do hard mode next times which is actually easier than easy mode, the only thing that changes is the 20 waves will be put into 7 waves, meaning more trolls spawn each wave, which means more recoil damage with less waves, so alot faster to do.

4. God Statues
There are five statues around Gielinor, four of these us skillers can do.
Here are the locations.

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Quite straight forward, simply make sure u don't select a statue that gives Prayer XP. If u do happen to select prayer or ur not sure what u selected simply walk away and click the statue again to restart. You can also skip the long animation at the top of the screen.
Once the statue has been built, click on it and a npc will spawn which u need to recoil down, again
blood amulet of fury helps alot here.These npc's require a little bit more attention than the trolls as these can hit upto 400. The amount of health the npc has depends on your Slayer level.
Something to take note of: If building the same statue at the same location four times in a row you will be able to claim a sculpting chisel which will give you 1% bxp in construction when equipped. This is possible to do but
make sure you don't select Prayer.

5. The rewards
Troll invasion:
you will recieve a reward book (if not completed fully the book will give way less XP) which will give you XP in any skill u would like, similar to a lamp the XP u get is depending on the level u have. To find out howmuch XP the book would give you go to our discord, go to the bot_command_center channel and type in: !invasion (level)     Example: !invasion 99

God statues:
Each statue completed will award Construction experience equal to a large XP lamp, whil killing a fanatic will award Slayer experience equal to a medium XP lamp respectively, capped at level 99.


Offline Only Lilly

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  • Rsn: Only Lilly
Re: A level 3 skiller guide to monthlies
« Reply #1 on: March 31, 2019, 15:10:35 »
Troll invasion looks a scarey place


Offline Hydrogy

Re: A level 3 skiller guide to monthlies
« Reply #2 on: March 31, 2019, 15:36:50 »
Troll invasion looks a scarey place
Its all in your imagination  3:)


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