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March, month ahead. TL;DW
« on: March 09, 2017, 10:32:46 »
Monday's Update
Lumbridge swamp has a few issues which will be fixed.
No plans to add a wall behind Lumbridge castle.
Lore: The Lumbridge crater is like a swimming pool on grass.
The equipment interface was changed to be consistent with the wardrobe.
We will be monitoring it and may add a toggle/revert it.

Planned Updates

Bank Bidders has been postponed and is not being worked on.
Clue Scroll rework/Currency Pouch Rework/Pet Park/Combat pets are still being worked on.
Difficult to complete with all the other projects.
Should be out before the first expansion.
Daily/Weekly improvements aren't planned for another month or two.
Event/News Calendar requires other teams, and the process has been prolonged.
Improve 120 broadcast message, and added an all 120 achieved broadcast.
Ironman access to Blast Furnace/Flash Powder Factor/Seren Spells will be worked on in spare time.
Stationary Tool Leprechauns is on the Ninja Back-log.
Tier 92 dyed gear modeling is done, but the configs need to be completed.
TzRek-Jad will be labeled as a boss pet in the interface.
We will look into adding more items to be Keepsaked.

We could look into identical Divine Location spacing.
No plans to add a toggle to remove the warning while removing a tree.
We could look into the Penguins/Snow remaining in the desert.
No plans to provide a use for seals after max reputations.
March Updates!

General Information

There will be surprise updates in March.
The tree-cutting elite skilling outfit will be released later this month.
Static Spawn changes, and attack option priority.
Update ETA: March 13th.
Static Spawn rates are based on the current-rate of 1000 players (faster than current average).

Arc Improvements

Items and structures will no longer be stuck in each other/on-top of each other.
The Arc Journal will tell you the resources on your claimed island.
New rewards, like the High Armour of Hanto, and its related weapons.

Buff Bar Improvements
Split it into buffs and debuffs, with separate interface.
18 Positive, and 12 Negative
Allow players to filter Buff icons.
Boss specific, Prayers Offensive abilities, Item Effects, Auras, Boosts, Overhead prayers, Defensive abilities, Pet effects, Status effects
New Icons: (Update 1)
4 Beastmast debuffs/1 Yak debuff
Enhanced Excalibur and Blood essence cool-downs
Revenge Duration.
Tweaked Transfigure % health.
Stun Immune icon
Dreadnip timer
Contact @JagexShauny on Twitter for suggestions.

Luck Rework

Luck Rework Google Doc
4 Tiers of luck categorized with in-game activities.
The Elite tier ring will work with the lower tiers.
There will be additonal items that boost luck.
Rare drop table drops are a separate bonus drop.
The team is aware of the Switchscape situation.
Luck will affect various skilling activities, such as fishing.

Zamorakian Event
Similar to previous events like Deathbeards Demise.
Removed the some of the annoying interface flashing.
Improved the messages in the chat box.
We could look into adding previous untradeable event items to mystery-boxes.
There won't be another event similar to this next month.


Offline Jasperine

Re: March, month ahead. TL;DW
« Reply #1 on: March 09, 2017, 16:09:14 »
Looks like March is going to be interesting...

Thank you for posting!


Offline Cool like Redtunnel

Re: March, month ahead. TL;DW
« Reply #2 on: March 09, 2017, 17:10:39 »
I'm mostly excited for the static spawn changes, this is great for anyone who does PvM, you won't have to wait as long for monsters to spawn!


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