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Offline Rcing

120 Slayer
« on: February 02, 2017, 21:05:10 »
Turning slayer into an Elite Skill.
When this is happening is not yet released, but rumors says it will come before mid year.
Jagex will not release all information about slayer at release. This will give players the option to explore around and gather information by playing the game.

What is new:
-Many new monsters
-Higher/better xp rates scaling on level
-Slayer increased to level 120
-More adaptive levling scaling on level

-Release before July
-Release with an amnesty period for comp capers/trimmers which will give them time to get 120 slayer to keep comp cape/trim: "Lasting 12 months, increasing level by 5 per 3 months"
-Slayer dungeons
-Nerfing "OP" monsters: Dark beast, Abyssal demons etc...

Jagex wrote this:

Future of slayer xp rates:
Other skills, such Dungeoneering, tend to have a rather nice progressive curve towards the higher levels, starting off at a few hundred thousand and even going well over 1m per hour when approaching level 120.

This is something we want to achieve with Slayer being raised to 120. With that in mind, we’d expect 99 to 120 Slayer to take around 150 hours and average out to around 600k XP/hour in the long run.

Even players at level 99 would be achieving higher XP rates than what’s currently available, scaling up all the way to highest monster available. For example, at level 99 you would be achieving 300k XP/hr, at level 105 – 450k XP/hr and going over 800k XP-per-hour approaching level 120.

This would mean that the higher your Slayer level gets the higher your rates would be due to unlocking new, more rewarding monsters to slay, potentially hitting rates of well over 1m XP-per-hour by the time you get to 120.

Amnesty period:
As you might know there will be an amnesty period during which the completionist capes will still be wearable without having achieved 120 Slayer. The amnesty period will be at least 3 months.

Once the amnesty has been lifted, all completionist capes will be unequipped if level 120 has not been achieved. We also have few other ideas about the amnesty period which we’d like to hear your feedback on, as going through that much Slayer training in a short period of time just to retain your cape might not be something you’d prefer to do.

- Raising the slayer requirement weekly.
This would work similarly to the Statue of Rhiannon in Prifddinas, after the amnesty period; every week players would be required to hit a new Slayer level, on week one – level 100, week two – level 101 and so forth. As long as the player would gain a level a week he/she would be allowed to wear their completionist cape

- Raising the slayer requirement by X levels every few months.
This would mean that, for example, every 3 months the player would be required to achieve 5 Slayer levels. Once the completionist cape amnesty would be lifted (a minimum of 3 months after the launch of Menaphos) players wouldn’t have to achieve level 120, they would only be required to achieve level 105. Another 3 months later – level 110 and so forth.

- Raising the amnesty period to 12 months.
This would mean that completionist capes could be worn without having achieved level 120 Slayer for a whole year, until Summer 2018. This way everyone would have a very fair chance to get their levels up with close to no sense of rushing th[/color]rough the content.

-Slayer xp rates up to way over 1 million at level 120, Kind of the same scaling as dungeneering.

-Amnesty will last atleast 3 months, but got 3 different variations: Increase every week, Every month or just a set timer when amnesty is over.


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Re: 120 Slayer
« Reply #1 on: February 03, 2017, 17:29:50 »
Thanks for this Poh


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Re: 120 Slayer
« Reply #2 on: February 03, 2017, 17:32:46 »
This is really interesting, nice read


Offline Cherrycrush

Re: 120 Slayer
« Reply #3 on: February 03, 2017, 20:14:21 »
I disagree with the Amnesty period. People have had so much warning about slayer going from 99 to 120. Everything else looks good though :D


Offline Cool like Redtunnel

Re: 120 Slayer
« Reply #4 on: February 03, 2017, 21:12:13 »
I also disagree with the Amnesty period, but from Jagex's POV, I can see why they'd want to introduce it.


Offline Rcing

Re: 120 Slayer
« Reply #5 on: February 04, 2017, 12:12:46 »
I disagree with the Amnesty period. People have had so much warning about slayer going from 99 to 120. Everything else looks good though :D

I get what u mean, but there is a poll that seems to not pass about the amnesty period


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Re: 120 Slayer
« Reply #6 on: February 04, 2017, 14:52:24 »
I disagree with this whole update. What's the point?
Not everyone is combat based. I understand that if it was a new skill, it would be a 120, but it's not, so let's keep it at 99. This wasn't even discussed or polled or anything, just: we gonna do 120 Slayer, whether you like it or not.


Offline Cool like Redtunnel

Re: 120 Slayer
« Reply #7 on: February 04, 2017, 15:12:50 »
Slayer is possible one of the best support skills in game.

I'm sure we all know that eventually, all skills will be capped up towards level 120, it's only a matter of time, especially as we now have T92 weaponry.

As someone who likes Slayer, I'm glad it's going to reach 120, new content, woo! As long as they're nothing like T96 monsters (or if they're toggleable), I'm fine.

But, the fact that they're working on 120 Slayer right now is stupid, seeing as they haven't released batch 2 for invention. Also, wasn't 120 Slayer polled but scrapped?


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Re: 120 Slayer
« Reply #8 on: February 04, 2017, 17:32:08 »

How to trigger skilling plebs who do a combat related skill

How to trigger combat plebs who already have it

How to trigger anyone who loves a bitch

Outstanding banter Jagex


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Re: 120 Slayer
« Reply #9 on: February 05, 2017, 20:56:14 »
I disagree with the whole idea of 120 slayer in general tbh :(


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Re: 120 Slayer
« Reply #10 on: February 05, 2017, 21:02:14 »
Will slayer actually be an elite skill or just have the cap raised to 120? The distinction lies in the level formula, with e.g. lvl 120 being roughly 80m XP for an elite skill. Personally I don't mind the update. It doesn't affect me in the slightest, but if it did, I would most likely support it.

The future XP rates seem a bit over the top though.
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Re: 120 Slayer
« Reply #11 on: February 05, 2017, 21:20:48 »
There's only so many things they can squeeze into 99 levels to unlock, so increasing the cap to 120 only makes sense if people want more reasons to play/more features.

I'm sure even further down the line they'll be forced to go beyond 120 on skills.


Offline Rcing

Re: 120 Slayer
« Reply #12 on: February 06, 2017, 08:01:04 »
There's only so many things they can squeeze into 99 levels to unlock, so increasing the cap to 120 only makes sense if people want more reasons to play/more features.

I'm sure even further down the line they'll be forced to go beyond 120 on skills.

Hmm beyond 120 in a skill sounds kinda of relevant, if you think about it. We got 96million expirience left to fill with some unlockables and such.
Like there must be a reason why they are setting such "pitstops" as i like to call it (99, 120). Maybe one day we will see level 200? :o


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Re: 120 Slayer
« Reply #13 on: February 06, 2017, 21:46:41 »
There's only so many things they can squeeze into 99 levels to unlock, so increasing the cap to 120 only makes sense if people want more reasons to play/more features.

I'm sure even further down the line they'll be forced to go beyond 120 on skills.

Hmm beyond 120 in a skill sounds kinda of relevant, if you think about it. We got 96million expirience left to fill with some unlockables and such.
Like there must be a reason why they are setting such "pitstops" as i like to call it (99, 120). Maybe one day we will see level 200? :o
Do you realise that with current XP formula level 200 would require over 287 billion xp?
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Re: 120 Slayer
« Reply #14 on: February 06, 2017, 23:13:55 »
I honestly would not doubt if all skills cap to 120 non-virtually eventually. Every skill is going to end up like Slayer eventually where it hits a peaked point to where Jagex can no longer add new content. Jagex needs to just come out and say that 10 years beforehand.


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