25 May 2016 |
Treasure Hunter | mod_robbie
Treasure Hunter | Lava LanternsUse your keys to find the hot new lava lanterns that offer an interesting boost of XP and Bonus XP. The promotion will run from 00:00 UTC on 26th May until 23:59 UTC on 30th May.
How do lava lanterns work?Lava lanterns shake up the typical workings of an XP lamp item. They do this by offering 75% of the XP of an equivalent lamp
but then add the same amount of XP again as useful Bonus XP.
For example, a large lamp gives 10000 XP so a large lava lantern would give 7500 XP + 7500 Bonus XP!Enjoy this scorching chance at a quick progress boost!
The RuneScape Team