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Offline Cool like Redtunnel

TL;DW 205 - Q&A + July Month Ahead
« on: July 06, 2016, 16:31:11 »
    July Update Schedule
    • July 11th: Port Sarim Graphical Rework + Invasion of Port Sarim
    • July 18th: Invention XP Amnesty
    • July 25th: The Arc - Part 1

    Current Plans
    • Make portable sawmills more engaging.
    • Ability Codex Hotfix
    • Graphically Reworking Catherby and White Wolf Mountain
    • Rework regeneration mechanics.
    • More Invention updates.

    Considered Plans
    • XP Drops on the XP Tracker.
    • Tracking the same skill multiple times.
    • Looking into the number of teleports for the Tirannwn quiver.
    • Gods on the Surface World.
    • Telos Changes
    • Coming soon section are just ideas and they aren't final.

    Invention XP Amnesty
    • Not finalized.
    • Any lamp/star xp, D&Ds, Quest rewards, (etc.), will be 50% XP.
    • Bonus XP will work like normal.
    • Disassembling/Siphoning equipment will be exempt as it will be considered reward experience.
    • For Double Xp Weekends you won't receive bonus xp, but you will train equipment 50% faster.
    • No planned Daily Challenges.

    • Unlikely to increasing the friends list size due technical restrictions.
    • Drop tables will likely drop in reward value after the Mining and Smithing rework.

    Invasion of Port Sarim

    General Information
    • Dates: July 11th - July 25th
    • Available to F2P
    • Scaling combat mobs with unsafe death.

    • 3 activities where each interact with a choice of 2 skills.
    • Smithing/Herblore: Creating cannonballs/Mixing black-powder
    • Construction/Crafting: Repairing damaged areas
    • Firemaking/Range: Firing a cannon at enemies.

    • Oar/Cape/Head overrides
    • XP benefits

    • Xp will be capped per day and it should take about an hour to reach.
    • The event mainly takes part on the roof of the Port Sarim jail.
    • Jed, The Iron Link is back to invade the prison to kidnap more people.
    • The first Arc antagonist.
    • For right now the ships will remain trapped, but hopefully one day it will look more natural.

    The Arc

    General Information
    • Release Date: July 25th
    • There will be a series of islands introduced.
    • The first chapter introduces: Waiko, Aminishi, Whale's Maw.

    Tales of the Arc
    • Requires Membership
    • Permanent Content.
    • Required to access the Arc.

    Boats to the Arc
    • Community event similar events to the Lost sword of King Raddallin or the opening of GWD2.
    • Each day uses different skills.
    • Building the boat that you will travel with towards the Arc.

    • Future quests are plausible.
    • The narrative is being brought to the east separate from the main-land.
    • The possibility of a new continent being in the east has yet to be determined.
    • No planned Achievement Diaries/Tasks.

    Ninja Quickfire

    Can you remove Cave Bugs from F2P slayer areas, since F2P can't kill them?

    Can the Limpwurt Patch from the Spirit of Summer quest, in the Wilderness, get upgraded to a full Flower Patch after the quest?
    You might see that sooner than you think.

    Can you do something about monsters in the Stronghold of Security? The recent buff to their stats was too drastic.
    Yes we messed up their HP and we are looking at it.

    Can you let us keepsake a deathtouched dart?

    Can you move the anti-poison totem to pocket slot as promised?
    On the Ninja Backlog

    Can you allow the barrows amulet to be used on Linza's tomb?

    Can max Goebie reputation finally become a trimmed completionist requirement? It's been a year since it came out.

    Can the ninja backlog be more responsive to what we ask about on the developer Q&As?
    Yeah? But Kelpie doesn't want to publish it. But I (Timbo) wouldn't mind publishing the top 10-20 of our backlog.

    Can we get loot value on other bosses? (raids, QBD etc)
    Yes, we thought about it.

    Can you please remove the message for opening the dungeoneering tokens from elf thieving?

    Can there be a clear option on fruit trees like calquats? Currently you have to chop it down and then dig it up.

    Can there be a permanent option in message to not show up while removing trees from normal tree patches?

    Can we have a better interface for remote farm like the one in 07? It's so clunky atm and difficult to find the other patches you need.
    Probably not

    Can you give the ability to note the adamant dragons' bar drops to the Elite Karamja gloves while being worn?
    Probably not

    Can you change spirit gems to be alchable?
    Yeah? If you want to throw away Nature Runes

    Can the boat-ride cutscene for the Fremmennik Isles of Jatiszo and Neitiznot be skipped?

    Is it possible to update the map to show your gatestone locations (and group gatestone)
    Not possible

    Allow the player to teleport to their gatestone from the map (if the above could be done)
    No, but you can put it on your action bar.

    If possible, allow the map to show what keys are required for floors by replacing the ? on a locked room with the key required?

    Can the boss room door let you leave as soon as the boss is dead, rather than waiting until you have no adrenaline left?

    Can the Hexhunter bow be changed to a shortbow instead of a shieldbow.?
    Maybe, Probably. We need to look at the passive for it, but we want to make the bow great again.


    Offline Dave

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    • Oldschool: David D
    • Rsn: David d
    Re: TL;DW 205 - Q&A + July Month Ahead
    « Reply #1 on: July 06, 2016, 18:52:20 »
    Ty bby xo


    Offline Cool like Redtunnel

    Re: TL;DW 205 - Q&A + July Month Ahead
    « Reply #2 on: July 06, 2016, 23:05:43 »
    Ty bby xo

    Posted just for you xoxo


    Offline Dave

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    • Oldschool: David D
    • Rsn: David d
    Re: TL;DW 205 - Q&A + July Month Ahead
    « Reply #3 on: July 06, 2016, 23:06:53 »


    Offline Cool like Redtunnel

    Re: TL;DW 205 - Q&A + July Month Ahead
    « Reply #4 on: July 07, 2016, 15:14:33 »
    I feel like this fits in here:

    Mod Kelpie posted this on Reddit earlier on;

    We apologise for the changes, but we are going to move the Invention Amnesty date back to the 25th July, after previously saying we were moving it forward to the 18th. We overlooked that Vic would still be in the game at that date, and upon lifting the amnesty we don’t want people immediately using a load of xp lamps from Vic’s store on the elite skill. Sorry again.


    Offline Dave

    • *
    • Join Date: Apr 2016
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    • Gender: Male
    • Awards This player has 120 in the skill: Ranged! This player has 120 in the skill: Dungeoneering!
    • Oldschool: David D
    • Rsn: David d
    Re: TL;DW 205 - Q&A + July Month Ahead
    « Reply #5 on: July 07, 2016, 16:11:52 »
    I feel like this fits in here:

    Mod Kelpie posted this on Reddit earlier on;

    We apologise for the changes, but we are going to move the Invention Amnesty date back to the 25th July, after previously saying we were moving it forward to the 18th. We overlooked that Vic would still be in the game at that date, and upon lifting the amnesty we don’t want people immediately using a load of xp lamps from Vic’s store on the elite skill. Sorry again.

    There goes my plan FUCK


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