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TL;DW 203 - Patch Notes Teaser #5
« on: July 02, 2016, 00:54:05 »
Patch Note Teasers

Game-play Improvements
•  Un-used auto-sanctifiers, electrified box traps, and B.A.N.K standers will now stack in your bank.
•  Fortitude, Soul Link and Teamwork Protection an now be used inside dungeons.
•  The wicked hood now has a right-click option to withdraw essence.
•  The frozen key and arcane capacitor necklace are no longer automatically destroyed on death.
•  Enchanting spells now run through the Make-X interface.
•  POH workbenches now use the Make-X interface, with fewer categories.
•  The Herbicide, Bone Crusher and scroll rewards from Daemonheim now have a confirm destroy interface.

Settings Improvements
•  Swapped the customise and Max Guild options on the Max cape, allowing you to teleport to the Max Guild via action bar.
•  Players without RuneMetrics pro may now benefit from the "Low health warning" feature and the "Stack value" feature.
•  Moved shop buy/sell value warning options into the Miscellenous Settings gameplay options.

Other Improvements
•  The "Hide Player log in/out notification" toggle now applies to lobby chatbox.
•  Removed chat box spam when converting logs to planks at the sawmill.
•  Raids lockout timers now appear on the Beats tab info for Durzag and Yakamaru.
•  Added the bank icon to the minimap at the Prifddinas waterfall bank chest.
•  All tier 92 weapons & the Reprisal ability are now listed correctly on the skill guide.
•  Added Cooking skillguide entries for levels at which you'll no longer burn various foods.

•  Ripper claws, Wyvern crossbow, and Camel staff, will now broadcast to friends when they are dropped.
•  The global broadcast message for achieving 5.4b xp has been reworded to say "200 million XP in all skills."

Bug Fixes
•  Removed Grenwall spikes from Sign of the Porter teleports, as they're already stackable.
•  Located various occurrences within Dungeoneering that would close the player's interfaces and prevented them from doing so.


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