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TL;DW 202 - Developer Q&A
« on: June 29, 2016, 12:58:29 »
General Information
  • No ninja updates this week because there will be a lot next week.
  • Data Livestream is planned for August.
Lumbridge Beach Party
  • ETA: Mid-August
  • You will be able to obtain old-items from last time.
  • There will be new rewards and activities.
Current Plans
  • Stopping Dungeoneering interfaces from closing (planned for this Monday).
  • Removing Momentum (within the coming weeks).
  • Reducing the Dwarf multicannon to a single item rather than 4 separate parts.
  • The ability to train Attack & Strength at the same time without Defence.
  • Moving all pets to the Pet Interface.
  • Augmenting dyed weapons.
Considered Plans
  • Adding specific Lodestones to your action-bar. (low-priority and unlikely.)
  • Adding Bronze- Rune spears to F2P, (low-priority and unlikely.)
  • Increasing the Fishing xp for Sharks. (needs to be looked into.)
  • Adding Scalable Interfaces with screen size.
  • Adding a Currency/Wallet interface to the Hero's Tab which would allow you choose favorites.
  • These favorites would display in a list when you click on the currency icon in your Inventory.
  • Trying to figure out player interest on this idea.
  • Using /u/RSMikey's idea as motivation for future GWD2 rewards.

(click to show/hide)

Not Planned/Worked On
  • Updates to Karamja in the near future.
  • There are no plans to disassemble Lucky Items.
  • Creating a display priority list for certain NPCs because it would require an engine work.
  • Adding broadcasts to Kethsi rings as it would lead to the demand of adding it to more items.
  • Allowing F2P to craft Carapace, Batwing and Studded Leather because of High Alch value prices.
  • Adding Beastmaster/Yakamaru pets.
  • We can add higher Tiers than 99 without needing to increase the level-cap above 99.

Telos Fight Information
  • We won't allow you to use the Mahjarrat Aura on Telos for several months.
  • Storm-shard stacks to persist between phases except between phase 4-5 where they are halved.
  • Debuffs work on Telos but they focus on his basic attacks and a few others.
  • Special attacks are based on enraged rather than base stats and won't be affected by debuffs.
Telos Drop Information
  • We won't require Araxxor weapons to create tier 92 weapons because it doesn't make sense thematically and we can add weapon niches to keep the prices stable.
  • We added the spinning drop wheel because we felt it would add more excitement.
  • We can improve it, or not do it if players don't like it.
Telos Drop Response
To read /u/JagexOllie's post, which goes in further detail, go here.
  • The higher your streak, the higher the quantity of common or high value drops you get.
  • The higher your streak, the higher the chance of a rare item dropping.
  • The higher your enrage, the higher the chance of a rare or high value item dropping.
  • We will try to add a in-game tool-tip to further inform players about it.
Telos Stats
Here are some Telos stats that were accurate as of 23:59 BST (27th June 2016).
  • Telos has been killed a crazy 82,530 times with the player Meune killing them the most, 77 times.
  • There have been 6,624 players that have killed the boss.
  • The highest kill streak being 15 by a player called RTD.
  • 51 players have unlocked the boss pet Tess.
  • We could add a spectator mode, but it's not currently planned.
  • 100% enraged is a Trimmed Completionist requirement because that's when you unlock Phase 5.
  • There is no option to teleport because it prevents players from being confused about losing drops.
  • The Watch have now begun working on Skilling Pets.

Ninja Quick Slow Fire

Can you make the Scavenging 3 perk easier to obtain? Currently no rare components can give it.

Can you make aura refreshes from death's store more viable to purchase and/or use?
No, we're happy with it.

Can you add additional benefits for levelling augmented gear beyond level 10? It seems odd that the max item level is 20 but the benefits stop at level 10.
Yes we want to add more stuff.

Can you do something to address the prices of herb seeds?
Sure, but it would be a long-term thing.

Can you make the Meilyr Clan Dungeoneering Resource Dungeons be considered part of Prifddinas to allow Voice of Seren benefits while inside?

Can we get an inventors workbench in the max guild?

Can the hard coordinate clue in the Duel Arena be removed or relocated?

Can you make a Krar Jnr override for summoning familiars?
Yes, potentially.

Can you let us visit the Seal Camp again after the quest "Some Like It Cold"?
We need a reason why.

Can we get a bag to store Gree'Grees or something like that?

On the Reward Screen in Temple trekking, can we have the total there, to see how far we are away from comp req?
Sure, but not high-priority.

Are Seren spells and prayers going to be buffed in the near future?
They were already buffed recently, so not again in the short-term.

Can you remove the Options-Tab of the Reward-Interface of Soul Reaper at Death's office, because they have been moved to the Game Settings?

Can disassembly confirmation message be changed to mouse-only? Currently pressing '1' auto-confirms disassembly.

Can you increase the buy limit on a lot of seeds? Most of them are only 100 in 4 hours.
By a small-amount.

As always, credit and thanks to /u/ImRubic posting this and allowing me to use it!


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Re: TL;DW 202 - Developer Q&A
« Reply #1 on: June 29, 2016, 18:29:15 »
Increase the xp sharks get?  I wonder if I will be moving there after all


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Re: TL;DW 202 - Developer Q&A
« Reply #2 on: June 29, 2016, 19:04:33 »
ooo that would be interesting


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