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Some calculations about Shattered Worlds
« on: May 03, 2017, 10:38:19 »
So with all the posts about shatter worlds i decided to do some math and try and figure out what anima rates should be based on similar rewards that are already in game and what current anima rates i found:

The Masks:
At the moment the "best" slayer masks cost 135m anima with current anima rates being 3.7m/hr(shout out to u/Allycian). With this rate it takes ~36.5 hours per high level mask. This is only for very skilled players.
Silverhawks, which are in my opinion more op than the slayer masks, cost 750 thaler. If you do a spotlight mini game for the thaler it takes 12.5 hours to get. No matter what level of player you can't do this any faster/slower.
This mean that the masks take ~24 hours more to get than silverhawks and it take a lot less skill. I think that if a extremely skilled pvmer want to go for these masks it should take no more than 5 hours and a average player it should take no more than 10 hours(to reward the players who put in the effort). This means max anima rates should be around 27m/hr and the average should be 13.5m/hr.

The abilities:
Right now the abilitys cost 63m anima which will take with the current anima rates ~17 hours to get.
If we look at the Anima islands(tuska minigame) you can get 1k points per a game which takes 20 minutes to complete meaning you can get 3k per hour. There are 4 abilitys you can get from this mini game sacrifice, devotion, transfigure, and tuska's wrath. The abilitys cost 3500 points each with the exception being tuska's wrath which costs 4000 points. Meaning it cost 14500 point for all of them taking a total of 15 games or 5 hours to get or if your going for just 1 ability a max of 4 games or 1 hour and 20 minutes per ability.
If we were to bring these abilitys in line with the anima island abilitys at current costs you would need the anima rates to be 47.25m/hr. This is a lot of anima per hour so if you want to balance around the masks the cost of the abilitys should be 18m-36m depending on how long you think it should take a very skilled player.

The pets:
At the moment the highest tier pet costs a total of 175.7m anima which at current rates takes ~47.4 hrs to get.
The closest thing I could think of was soul wars pets which cost between 5 and 100 zeal you can get up to 7.83 zeal per hour if you win all games (20 minute games with a 3 minute lobby and getting 3 zeal per game). If you want all the pets it will cost 325 zeal which will take about 41.5 hours to get not including the time to get the "trophy" to make the pet.
So this mean in the same time i can get the zeal for the pets and still have ~46 zeal left over and thats not including the thaler i get that i can use to buy other items.
If jagex were to change the anima rate without changing the cost of the pet it would take between 6.5 and 13 hours to get the tier 9 pet. I would suggest if jagex was to balance around the anima rate i put at masks to have the best pet be about 40 hours for the average player with it being half that for the most skilled players. This would mean the tier 9 pet should cost about 540m anima.(with new rates this is becoming closer and closer to what i think is reasonable)

The sigils:
The sigils at the moment cost 45m anima meaning they take ~12.2 hour to get one sigil. With the proposed anima rate they would take anywhere between 1.66 hours and 3.33 hours to get. I have not tested them so i don't know how good they are so i can't comment on if this is balanced or not.
I can't think of anything that is close to them besides aggression pot which is tradeable. I guess jagex could make them tradeable but I don't think they want this to be a money maker.

In Conclusion/ tl:dr:
Anima rates at the moment are terrible (3.7m/hr) and should be brought up for everyone rewarding higher skilled players
Rewards take forever to get and should be balanced around the anima rate with the pet taking ~40 hours(currently ~47.4 hours), masks taking 5-10 hours(currently ~36.5 hours), the abilitys taking somewhere between 1 and 2 hours per ability(currently ~17 hours) and the sigils take ~12.2 hours to get one (should be lowered).

Posted from reddit


Offline Cool like Redtunnel

Re: Some calculations about Shattered Worlds
« Reply #1 on: May 03, 2017, 10:56:52 »
3.7M Anima really doesn't sound that bad, but when you find out that you'd need to do 47 hours of grinding just for the pet alone, it's ridiculous.


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Re: Some calculations about Shattered Worlds
« Reply #2 on: May 03, 2017, 12:42:48 »
I think 50 hours is reasonable for a pet if you're making XP progress simultaneously, which I presume you do at Shattered worlds. Most skilling and boss pets take longer than that?
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