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Offline RuneScape News

RuneCats: Photo Competition
« on: October 20, 2012, 04:01:45 »
RuneCats: Photo Competition

I tweeted a picture of Choci (my cat) the other day and, very quickly, my Twitter feed clogged up with photos of RuneScape’s cats. Thanks to the many excellent pictures I witnessed, my competition senses began to tingle, and today we announce RuneCats: the first ever RuneScape cat photo competition!

We’re looking for the best RuneScape owner’s cat photos ever. They can be funny, they can be cute, they can even be scary – we want them all!

To enter, just tweet a picture of your cat to Mod Jane (@mod_jane) and myself (@modpaulm) using the hashtag #runecats.

There are prizes for the best RuneScape cat photos (maybe something for their owners too), and as cats aren’t for everyone, there’s even a generic 'I don't have a cat' category too.

It’s easy to enter, and you have until 9am (BST) on Monday October the 8th to submit your photo. To find out more - and to let kitty battle commence - check out the dedicated thread!

Paul M


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