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Re: Prestige
« Reply #15 on: October 10, 2013, 19:21:32 »
Does this mean anyone can become a skiller, as long as they have maxed combat?

Theoretically yes, but from reading it I don't believe this would work, as it would be unbelievably easy to work out who is a legitimate skiller from who isn't, to act as a skiller you would need to prestige your combat stats, which would show on the highscores, simply look up the name and see if they've prestiged?


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Re: Prestige
« Reply #16 on: October 10, 2013, 19:32:14 »
Meh, it's pretty whatever to me. I like that it's going to cause a demand for low level resources, but that's pretty much it. I prefer total XP progression and don't really see the point in starting over for the sake of hiscore ranks.
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Re: Prestige
« Reply #17 on: October 10, 2013, 19:39:03 »
I personally like this idea, because like Red said it gives a demand for lower tier resources.
I will only end up using the prestige system on skills I enjoy the most really, won't be going for Max Skiller twice.

Will this mean that Skillcapes will show prestiges too?



Re: Prestige
« Reply #18 on: October 10, 2013, 19:40:58 »
Lol brb gonna spend 600m on 99 Herb prestige 1

I don't really care about prestiges, it's obviously gonna be added for those that is into competing and enjoy racing for exp. If you don't do that, don't complain, the normal hiscore will be there.


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Re: Prestige
« Reply #19 on: October 10, 2013, 19:50:09 »
It may cause a discrepency in the actual prestige of the high level community; most will continue as before, I assume, while some will compete for prestige (the number for the latter may be determined by the cosmetic rewards). This means that a comparison between the two groups, when deciding who the "better" player is, won't be on equal terms, as competing for prestige takes more time and money. My main concern is this segregated scenario. That aside, I sort of feel that it is undermining to players with 200m stats, as there would be 0 XP progression if we were to prestige in 200m skills.
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Re: Prestige
« Reply #20 on: October 10, 2013, 19:58:04 »
still not sure if I like this idea of prestige yet, i did just see a good point on twitter though...

It gives value back to low level resources as they will be required over and over again if high level players become low level players again wanting to buy them. it could help the economy of the game


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Re: Prestige
« Reply #21 on: October 10, 2013, 21:03:23 »
this is rs not cod fuck prestige mode


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Re: Prestige
« Reply #22 on: October 10, 2013, 21:20:14 »
well i can say i agree with batwingrobes completely on this topic... the only thing i guess can be a benefit is you could change your build, example if you wanna 1 def pk and you have 99 def you could, but this just raises the bar for unfairness and such.. they say you can turn the prestiege off and your stats will revert to 99 again so oo warbands time i dont want pked so lets lower my cb lvl ermm pres def now im lvl 102 cb maxed cant kill me.. this may not seem important but there are many worse things people can do with this like luring/scamming etc.. i see this as a door to darkness but im not planning to use it or fall into any kind of tricks it may play so i am fine. i've always been a player that just went with updates taking advantage if i wanted to and not using them if i hated them so i will just not use this one and go on my way of maxing


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Re: Prestige
« Reply #23 on: October 10, 2013, 21:31:14 »
Does this mean anyone can become a skiller, as long as they have maxed combat?


"That’s not all, though. To really separate the legendary from the merely awesome, the amount of XP you need to level up increases by 100% of the base total for every time you’ve reset the skill. That means that reaching 99 for the second time takes 26M, reaching 99 for the third time takes 39M, and so on. That increase will be spread across all levels, so it takes two, three, four times as long to reach each individual level as well as to reach 99."

This is kinda interesting. With people that do actually want to prestige this definitely adds a lot of low level resources back in, assuming they sell them.


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Re: Prestige
« Reply #24 on: October 10, 2013, 22:53:05 »
I would imagine the capes will have little stars at the bottom same as clan capes


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Re: Prestige
« Reply #25 on: October 10, 2013, 23:02:06 »

Got that from hpfll forums. made me lol.

Also I guess Will Miss It said that if you reset your combat levels you'll still be Cb 200. Doesn't make much sense to me seeing that if you reset and go into the wild you sorta will lose against every other cb 200. I dunno.


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Re: Prestige
« Reply #26 on: October 10, 2013, 23:14:30 »
Posted my thoughts/ideas on the whole situation below;

Dear Jagex,

I wouldn't consider myself a vetern player, but I know enough about this game to realise that this is one of the worst updates possible. Not only will you severely annoy many high-level players who have worked extremely hard for there current ranks and exp in game, but you're going to have the exact same problem in 2016, 2017 etc. New players joining the game then will complain about never getting a chance to compete for rank 1 in whatever skill because they are so far behind in prestige, and what do you do then hmm?

Furthermore, 200ms in this game, anything past 99 in fact, is a milestone, an experience target set in stone, that it would not go any higher, but it seems with this that the prestige that was once held in obtaining the "200,000,000" experience in a single skill, the highest experience possible will disappear, this will devalue the hard work of all those verterns who have strived to achieve it and dedicated countless hours into earning it.

Also, this update seems like a "dead-end" to skills to me, yes you can strive to achieve the 99 again and again and again, but what further updates will come to the skill? If people have achieved 99 multiple times how can you change that skill to make it of interest again? A better idea would be to increase the skill level cap to 120, that would (currently) generate 21 EXTRA levels off which you could create a massive amount of content for, if we take into account the second skill due to come, that's a whooping 141 levels off NEW content that could be inserted into a, well lets face it, grinding and at times, quite boring part of the game.

Lastly, but definitely not least of all. Create a poll for this, it seemed pretty clear to me from Mod Verrah's post;"you want us to do this right."(See page 111) that you've already dedicated that this is going to happen, whether we like it or not. All I'm asking if that you create a simple Yes or No poll.

I'm 100% against this.

Would love to get feedback on what you think about it. Feel free to pm me in game anytime. Thanks :)


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Re: Prestige
« Reply #27 on: October 10, 2013, 23:17:31 »
Just copy and paste.


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Re: Prestige
« Reply #28 on: October 10, 2013, 23:39:49 »
Does this mean anyone can become a skiller, as long as they have maxed combat?

Theoretically yes, but from reading it I don't believe this would work, as it would be unbelievably easy to work out who is a legitimate skiller from who isn't, to act as a skiller you would need to prestige your combat stats, which would show on the highscores, simply look up the name and see if they've prestiged?

That is the downside, there should be a skiller part to it. Jagex need to give skillers more attention as they are a large part of the game.



Re: Prestige
« Reply #29 on: October 10, 2013, 23:47:44 »
Does this mean anyone can become a skiller, as long as they have maxed combat?

Theoretically yes, but from reading it I don't believe this would work, as it would be unbelievably easy to work out who is a legitimate skiller from who isn't, to act as a skiller you would need to prestige your combat stats, which would show on the highscores, simply look up the name and see if they've prestiged?

That is the downside, there should be a skiller part to it. Jagex need to give skillers more attention as they are a large part of the game.

mod mark has said multiple times on ls, that they feel as if skillers choose to not play a specific part of their content and should explore it instead of not using it. Idk *shrug*


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