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Offline RuneScape News

Live Q&As – RuneFest 2013, after RuneScape and...?
« on: October 20, 2012, 04:03:53 »
Live Q&As – RuneFest 2013, after RuneScape and...?

Throughout September, we answered RuneScape’s biggest questions through 4 Q&A Live Streams. The most recent Q&A was all about the future of RuneScape, in which Mod Mark told us about not one, but two new skills. RuneFest 2013 was also discussed, and - perhaps most tantalising of all -I asked the guys about what comes after RuneScape. If you didn’t see it, get comfortable and press 'play' on the video below.

The 4 Q&As were just the start of our RuneScape Live Streams. Right now, we’re busy scheduling a veritable smorgasbord of live streams, featuring in-game sessions, quizzes, community opinion and - yes - more opportunities for you to put your most important questions to RuneScape’s J-Mods.

Before we schedule in the next Q&A stream, we need to know what subjects you would like to see covered. We’ve talked about micropayments, bots, the Evolution of Combat and the future of RuneScape, but what else is on your mind? What’s the next big topic? What teams would you like to see sat on the sofa?

Let us know on the dedicated thread so we can collect your ideas and suggestions together, to make the best Q&A Live Stream schedule that we can.

See you there!

Paul M


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