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Lady Olenna
Invention Tech Trees!
May 07, 2016, 00:18:45 »
Invention Tech Trees!
General Information
Release Date: May 16th (may change!)
Invention xp Rates can change when needed, but there are no current plans.
Tech Tree completion will be required for the Regular/Trimmed Completionist Capes 2 weeks after launch.
Those who have unlocked Tech Tree devices will have them locked again and their Inspiration refunded on log-in.
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Tech Tree Information
You can access the tech-tree interface through a
Notice Board
in the Invention Guild.
You are able to re-align Tech Trees at will through the Notice Board.
You are able to access both Tech Trees regardless of your alignment.
There are a maximum of 5 Tasks which are generated every 12 hours.
Completing these tasks reward you with currency.
Tech Trees alignment will reward you with an increased rate of currency.
Tech Tree
Tier levels are the levels required to research the devices.
Dwarven (currency cost)
Goblin (currency cost)
Tier 1 (Level 40)
Corporeal components (10)
Pestiferous components (10)
Tier 2 (Level 50)
Sprinkler MK1 (25); Mining Accumulator (25)
Mechanised Chinchompa (25); Woodcutting Accumulator (25)
Tier 3 (Level 60)
Book Switcher (35); Calorie Bomb (35)
B.A.N.K. Stander (35); Monkey Mind-Control Helmet (35)
Tier 4 (Level 70)
Auto-Sanctifier (55); Kinetic Cyclone (55); Dungeoneering Lock Melter (55)
Dungeoneering Party Simulator (55); Electrified box trap (55); Oldak Coil (55)
New Devices Descriptions
• Sprinkler MK1
A persistent device that is placed in a flower patch and keeps adjacent vegetable patches watered.
• Calorie Bomb
A consumable device that can be charged with fish to deploy the area-of-effect healing.
• Auto-Sanctifier
A consumable device that increases the prayer experience of buried bones and scattered ashes on the go.
• Kinetic Cyclone
A melee variant of the multi cannon capable of rapidly hitting multiple targets at melee range.
• Dungeoneering Lock Melter
A consumable device that can bypass and unlock any non-key door in Dungeoneering you don't meet the requirements for.
• B.A.N.K. Stander
A consumable device that generates charge whilst you are stood in a bank area. When fully charged it breaks down into invention materials. Crafting this devices requires refined components.
• Monkey Mind-Control Helmet
A device that allows for the acquisition of a monkey to serve as a servant in your player-owned house.
• Dungeoneering Party Simulator
A consumable device that increases the experience gained for completing Dungeoneering floors in parties of four or fewer.
• Electrified box trap
A consumable variant of the standard box trap with impeccable catch rates.
• Oldak Coil
A magic variant of the multi cannon capable of frequently hitting small groups of enemies at medium range.
Additional Device Information
Devices are not stack-able with the exception of the Dungeoneering Lock Melter.
The Dungeoneering Lock Melter can only be used once per floor per party.
The Monkey Butler is similar to the Demon butler but all costs are free.
The Auto-Sanctifier has 10 charges and provides 3x Prayer xp.
Calorie Bomb is filled with 5 of the same fish and heals the equivalent of 120% of a single fish.
Use-able Fish: Swordfish, Monkfish, Sharks, Cavefish, Rocktails
Can also heal up to 4 people/NPCs within 2-tiles around you by the same value.
Kinetic Cyclone and the Oldak Coil have the same principles/unlocks as normal cannons but deal consistent AoE damage.
Kinetic Cyclone
hits in a 2-square radius around it's location.
Oldak Coil
hits in a 4-square radius around it's location.
Kinetic Cyclone/Oldak Coil provide Melee/Magic xp respectively.
No current plans to release more Tech-trees, but there are ideas.
Tech Trees allow us to introduce new devices in the future.
We do plan to allow pickaxes to be augment-able with the Mining and Smithing Rework.
The new cannons are not trade-able, not reclaim-able and do not have golden versions.
The Invention Guild will only expand when we need to have more room.
Dungeoneering Auto-mapper was scrapped because it would have taken too much time to create.
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