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BTS Video | Tales of the God Wars & NXT Beta Weekend!
« on: March 04, 2016, 20:20:58 »
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BTS Video | Tales of the God Wars

Mods Ollie and Ramen are here to tell you all you need to know about Tales of the God Wars, which will see you going on an epic journey to uncover memories and secrets of the upcoming God Wars Dungeon 2.

Podcast | Saradominist Lore | Mod Moltare’s Music | Account Security

In the midst of last week’s GameBlast16 activities, our Mods still managed to sit down for a podcast. If you’ve not already given it a listen, then you can do so on PodBean, iTunes or YouTube. Thanks to the new fortnightly format, a fresh podcast is due next week – so get your aural diaries ready.

Listen now on YouTube, PodBean or iTunes.

Developer Q&A |Tales of the God Wars| Boss Teaser

Watch on for God Wars Dungeon 2 hype and a cheeky monochrome spoiler of what the new bosses will look like…

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NXT Closed Beta Weekend | 18th March 12:00 UTC

The next NXT Closed Beta weekend kicks off at 12:00 UTC on the 18th of March, ending on the 21st of March at 12:00 UTC.

If you've had continuous membership since 31st January 2012, or you're currently a Gold Premier Club member, you’ll have another chance try out the new game client.

As before, your feedback will be essential in preparing NXT for release, and the Gamebreaker title is on the table for prolific bug finders.

When the beta goes live, we'll announce it in the website’s news feed. You'll be able to download the latest version of the client from 10am.

Save the date, and get ready for another weekend of glorious NXT 'Scaping!


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