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Offline RuneScape News

A Home for the Community on YouTube
« on: July 24, 2013, 18:01:18 »
Howdy 'Scapers!

I’m here to bid you welcome to the launch of the RuneScape Community Channel on YouTube!

Over the years RuneScape players have made 1000s of videos. Videos that have made us laugh, made us cry and - in some cases - made us reach for the mind bleach and ask the internet for our money back.

Now, to bring them all into one place, we've created the RuneScape Community Channel on YouTube as a platform to showcase your videos to the rest of the RS community.

The channel is already filling up nicely with some of my favourite RuneScape videos from over the years - but I need more!

So, to celebrate the launch of this great new channel, it's high time we had a competition! I'll be digging deep to 'acquire' prizes from around Jagex to give to the creators of my favourite videos. The number of winners and prizes will be entirely based on the quality of what you guys send in.

It wouldn’t be a true competition without some rules, though, so here they are:

-   RuneScape must be the theme of your video.

-   Your video must be no longer than 30 seconds.

-   The video must be made by you.

-   That’s it!

Yep, in the easiest to enter competition ever, just send your 30 second RuneScape videos to [email protected].

Your videos can be machinima, animation, live action or anything in-between. You might want to tell us about what you’d like to see added to RS3; you might want to praise or smite the RS god of your choice; or you might want to send us your top 10 kills or RuneScape fails - it’s really up to you.

On 15th August, I’ll gather up the entries and create a playlist featuring a stack of my favourites. If your video features in that playlist, you’ll bag yourself a prize such as RuneScape memorabilia, membership or - if you’re really lucky - something from the box of stuff that I keep hidden under my desk.

Finally, if you want to show some community love, subscribe to the RuneScape Community YouTube Channel.

I can’t wait to see what you send us!

Be excellent to each other.

Mod Sabre

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