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Offline RuneScape News

Community Round-Up 14/02
« on: February 14, 2013, 18:53:24 »
Community Round-Up 14/02

Valentine’s Weekend: Social Slayer!

A wise (old) man once said “couples who slay together, stay together” and this weekend is no exception as we celebrate Valentine’s Day the RuneScape way: Social Slayer! Find a partner and take on as many co-op slayer assignments as you can this weekend as we find the top slayer couples to win prizes! Don’t forget to check out the new and improved Morytania Slayer Tower while you’re at it! You can sign-up for the contest here.

Video You: Jagex and Me!

Ever wanted to tell us face-to-face why you’d love to work at Jagex? We want to hear from you! We’re looking for a short 30 second video from you explaining why you’d be a great addition to the team! You can find out more and submit your video over on the forums.

Fansite News

The RuneZone guys are getting all loved up this week with their special Valentine’s-themed radio broadcast on the 14th February. Join in, send in your song requests and relax with the latest RuneIdol show.

Following the Slayer Tower’s graphical rework, RuneHQ are discussing which areas of the game they’d like to see revamped – join in with the discussion and share your thoughts over on their forum here.

Community Creations

RuneScape artist Valhelsing2 continues his god-themed artwork this week with this awesome piece of fan art!

Everybody’s gone Harlem Shake mad this week with Regicidal creating his very own RuneScape version!

And, of course, not forgetting our very own Jagex version!

To top it off, if you can guess the JMods appearing in our very own Harlem Shake then you might be able to win yourself some great prizes! Find out more here.

If you want to see your RuneScape creations featured in the weekly Community Round-Up, send it over to us at [email protected]!

That’s all for this week – don’t forget to grab a partner, head to the new-look Slayer Tower and start earning those co-op slayer points!

The RuneScape Community Team

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