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Offline Xeno Molly

What's Your Favorite Skill?
« on: February 14, 2020, 12:40:12 »
Below are a few questions; if you can't choose one skill, please narrow your selection to three skills.

Be as vague or detailed as you'd like.

1. What is your favorite skill to train and why?

2. What is your favorite money-making skill and why?

3. What is your least favorite skill and why?


Offline rsruinedme

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Re: What's Your Favorite Skill?
« Reply #1 on: February 14, 2020, 14:11:07 »
Favourite skill is slayer because there’s such a variety of tasks that you’re not doing the same thing constantly and it makes you gp and it’s quick which is always a bonus!

Favourite money making skill is definitely combat due to there being so many options and you can do it as duos or in teams that makes it more fun! It had to pick a skill it would probably be rcing

Least favourite skill would be fishing as it’s mainly afk which I don’t enjoy and the xp rates are awful!


Offline sir fenny

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Re: What's Your Favorite Skill?
« Reply #2 on: February 14, 2020, 20:32:10 »
My favourite skill was slayer
Favourite money making skill is probably all pvm in general
and skill i dislike is runecrafting i'm dreading it


Offline Greg

Re: What's Your Favorite Skill?
« Reply #3 on: February 15, 2020, 04:04:38 »
My favourite skill has always been woodcutting. It was my highest skill when I was a noob and I met some interesting people from it!

My favourite money making method has to merchanting tree seeds back in the day. Farming just came out and I loved the uncertainty in prices back in the day.

Worst skill for sure has to be construction. Money burner and needs a lot of prep.


Offline Maximum

Re: What's Your Favorite Skill?
« Reply #4 on: February 15, 2020, 05:16:31 »
1. What is your favorite skill to train and why?
Smithing. It's afk and the rework is cool, i like upgrading armors. Slayer is a close second

2. What is your favorite money-making skill and why?
Slayer. Not at the low levels. low level slayer smells. But once you get all the gear and a proper task/block list its super chill, good xp, amazing money and the 120 slayer cape is the hottest cape out of all of them

3. What is your least favorite skill and why?
Probably hunter, or agility. I dont like non afk skills. If i'm not afking I want to boss or do fun stuff. Mining is up there as well with the nerf, having to click on a stationary rock every 30 seconds is unfun


Offline grandwestham

Re: What's Your Favorite Skill?
« Reply #5 on: February 15, 2020, 16:50:32 »
1. What is your favourite skill to train and why?

Dungeoneering as you can train multiple skills at once! It has everything there, you don't need to bank.

2. What is your favourite money-making skill and why?

Divination Divine charges lol  XD

3. What is your least favourite skill and why?

Not sure  ???


Offline Only Lilly

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Re: What's Your Favorite Skill?
« Reply #6 on: February 15, 2020, 16:54:53 »
1. What is your favorite skill to train and why?  Always has and always will be FISHING

2. What is your favorite money-making skill and why?  I havent really, just a poor skiller

3. What is your least favorite skill and why?  Hunter, I never get into the swing of putting the traps down in the right order


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