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Offline NeonDumpling

After playing RuneScape again for a few months, I've reached the stage where things are starting to feel like a chore and getting to 99 and later game stuff just seems so tedious. Some skills more than others I dread while others I have heaps of fun in (i.e Arch which I know some people will yell at me for that). Yet, the completionism in me is like 'Why are you not trying properly?' and so on. So I want to ask the clan, how do you keep yourself on track to get major goals such as 200m or 120? I would love to hear from more seasoned players on this end.


Offline Sissybear

for me I go back and forth between goals... I set a few level goals and work on one each day depending how I feel :) just helps me not get burnt out on one skill right away


Offline NeonDumpling

for me I go back and forth between goals... I set a few level goals and work on one each day depending how I feel :) just helps me not get burnt out on one skill right away

That actually sounds really good, thank you for that! I think I might try to set goals in increments but also actually make money in the game to quickly buy resources needed for some of the skills. I've become a quester on this bulld and they do mix up the grinding. 


Offline rsruinedme

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I guess im like a robot but I do 1 skill at a time (when going for all my 120s) and now im doing the same thing for 200ms


Offline NeonDumpling

I guess im like a robot but I do 1 skill at a time (when going for all my 120s) and now im doing the same thing for 200ms

Which skill was the one you enjoyed the most to focus on at once but alternatively, which one was the most challenging?


Offline Only Lilly

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I guess im like a robot but I do 1 skill at a time (when going for all my 120s) and now im doing the same thing for 200ms

I am very much like this, I was an osaat skiller many moons ago.

I think change things around d so you dont get bored


Offline Laurisaurus

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Changing things up every now and then is how I've managed to stay so active since joining Consentus.

If I have off days where I don't feel like doing much in game, I'll just afk a skill while watching some Netflix for example.

If you do feel burnt out though, you can always do something like clue scrolls or some pvm if that's something you're interested in. I also find that being in the voice chat on our discord server while skilling makes things more enjoyable as well!


Offline Alaklondewen

I do a little of what Sissy does with making multiple goals, and one thing that really helps me actually meet certain goals is setting a short term goal with an end date.  So, for example, in the past, I've made a goal of opening 60 clue caskets on my birthday, or getting 50m in a skill by the end of a month.  Doing short term goals has helped me not get burned out...and I let myself take a break between them to do whatever I want...which is usually whatever is opposite of what I've been doing...lol


Offline Redtunnel

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There once was a boy. Only once, because he didn't believe in reincarnation. He didn't believe in it because he was too young to know anything about it. This boy would collect discarded and worthless items no one else bothered to keep. He would put all of his items in an old chest. A chest that probably a lot of people would have wanted to take, because it was valuable, but he didn't care. He only rarely took an item out of the chest, and when he did, he looked at the item and cried, and then put the item back into the chest again. Then he was back to being an ordinary and happy little boy again.

The boy's mother, whom according to herself lived many times, thought that the boy who once was only gathered a bunch of meaningless items, just like boys do, but she was wrong. One day when the chest had gotten full, the boy broke into tears. The boy's mother thought that the boy was crying because the chest was full, and tried to help him by emptying the chest, but it hardly helped. You see, the boy who once was didn't just collect a bunch of worthless items; what he hid in the chest were ordinary feelings which he just gave a shape to understand them better.

What does the goal represent to you? Every click towards it matters!
"The purity of a person's heart can be measured by how they regard cats"


Offline NeonDumpling

Thank you everyone for your suggestions and workflow :) Redtunnel, so poetic and abstract! I love it.

Funnily enough, the skills I dread most are combat related ones. Do you have any recommendations especially? I've been told to increase my slayer level so I can make a profit at higher levels too but other than that, it's the one that bores me the most i reckon tbh. 


Offline Aqua

To me its not the journey that is exciting, its the goal that is exciting.

I've once said i never max. I maxed in 2011.. I once said i'll never do comp cape tasks. I've been comp'd for a few years now. I once said i will never do 120's, bc whats the point? Now i'll probably get all 120s this year.
Was it fun? Yeah i have had fun, but i've also done not-fun things to reach those goals. It was boring, it was tedious, it was long. But i kept reminding me of the end-goal. The satisfaction of reaching that goal is what does it for me <3

And even after reaching the goals, no matter how hard or long they are.. I'll raise the bar. I'll get max exp, I'll get trimmed comp cape, I'll get most/all runescore achievement point thingies and MQC.

However, i don't care if it will take me forever. All i care about is having fun. Don't be scared of exp-wasting, or doing silly things, or not continuing your goals. If you still have fun in that time, it's all okay.. You can continue another time with your goals!

The main reason im still playing this game, is purely because of the social aspect. If that wasnt in this game, i wouldnt play, because 1) the achievements wouldnt mean much, 2) playing with other people makes it enjoyable, and you meet cool people! (especially in this clan ;) ) You will meet friends, or even people that will be more than just friends  O:)
Just avoid the toxic people ;)

~ Aqua 2k20


Offline starfire

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Re: Road to Motivation: How do you keep yourself at task to achieve goals?
« Reply #11 on: November 01, 2020, 00:25:01 »
After playing RuneScape again for a few months, I've reached the stage where things are starting to feel like a chore and getting to 99 and later game stuff just seems so tedious. Some skills more than others I dread while others I have heaps of fun in (i.e Arch which I know some people will yell at me for that). Yet, the completionism in me is like 'Why are you not trying properly?' and so on. So I want to ask the clan, how do you keep yourself on track to get major goals such as 200m or 120? I would love to hear from more seasoned players on this end.

Hi pokemon! Just going to chime in with my 2 cents worth here, i know my answer will be completely opposite of what you are looking for, which is how to motivate and keep yourself working towards goals of 200m and 120s, but just hear me out. Goals are nice as they give you something to work towards but the key is to break it down and identify long term goals and short term ones. 200m and such are all long term goals, and you have to think of it that way, like its far away and will eventually come, I even think of 99s the same way to be honest.

I've never pushed myself to max or anything because that's what will cause burnout and will overwhelm you in this game. When you set a long term goal and try to chase it like a short term one, you'll feel disappointed because you're trying and trying but not really getting there. Runescape is a huuuuuge game and there is so much to do, and if you tried to keep up with doing everything (dailyscape), you'll eventually burn yourself out and feel like you cant keep up with so many things to do and achieve that you might as well stop. The trick is to manage expectations. Know what's possible to do within the timeframe you have to invest and work with.

Don't chase too hard and lose sight of what playing the game was meant to be, a way to have fun! Put short term goals like, i want to upgrade to the next tier of weapons/armor, or quests are also a good way to push towards achievable short term goals! This way your brain feels rewarded for its effort rather than feel like its a chore because its not getting that rush and sense of achievement due to the fact that the goal is so long term and far away.

Find something that you enjoy doing on the game, and do it well! Once it gets boring switch it up! Do bossing for some drops, or make money planting herbs, or push in some slayer levels for combat and gp, the possibilities are endless!

Log in, do what makes you happy, and have fun! Eventually all those 99s will come. Anything that's a grind will eventually bore you and demotivate you, so reward yourself more by treating it as less of a grind by having more fun along the way! every goal will be achieved sooner or later, might as well make the ride an enjoyable one :D

*edit: after reading everyone's replies to this topic also, i can see a lot of same answers and advice being given <3 Runescape is a very special game to us all, and like this clan, it will live forever :P  Its completely okay to take breaks and have pitstops along the way, eventually we all reach the destination !


Offline Mog

Re: Road to Motivation: How do you keep yourself at task to achieve goals?
« Reply #12 on: November 01, 2020, 14:22:56 »
The key thing with any long term, short term goal... if you aren't having fun or enjoying yourself then what's the point?

I will always bounce between goals and procrastinate with alot of them simply because if i find that i'm not enjoying myself, i end up not playing altogether. There will be some things that will be completely mind numbing to do and find you have zero interest in them but i find it helps to break those things down into even shorter term goals and make the eventual progress a long term one, if that makes sense. As an example say you find that you dont like runecrafting, instead of sitting there thinking i need 99 you can sit and think what if i do x amount a day/week and go from there. The 99 is the long term goal but you'll still get the satisfaction of completing each step of the short term goals of day/week.


Offline Laggspikes

Re: Road to Motivation: How do you keep yourself at task to achieve goals?
« Reply #13 on: November 01, 2020, 16:10:32 »
I always feel like just doing things I like to do at the time. Eventually those things will turn into long term goals, bit by bit. I like to take things slow in general and just to have fun with clannies. There really is no need to rush towards your goals. Just enjoy the journey!

"I do the choking here" - Laggspikes 2k21
"No wait, I do wanna dye!" - Joe 2k21


Offline Maximum

Re: Road to Motivation: How do you keep yourself at task to achieve goals?
« Reply #14 on: November 21, 2020, 01:39:08 »
Personally if im keen on playing I do active stuff, like bossing/social/non afk skilling.

 But if im playing another game with other friends or netflix or whatever I just do something thats like afk enough besides lobby (Smithing/mining/arch for example) I still get gains and one click every 5 mins while playing another game still helps me get closer to my goals. But i still just log off for a few hrs or a day if I really dont feel like playing or being near my computer

Burnout tends to happen to me every few months or so and i either just only do a small amount of afk stuff or take a break, (if it's feeling like a chore its probably burnout)


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