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Offline Hydrogy

« on: January 18, 2020, 16:20:24 »
Here's a little info on a soon to come update in RS3 called War's Retreat which is basically a PvM Hub.

This will be released on 27 january, to first get here click the door on the north wall on the west side of the room of death's office

There will be a reward shop where you can buy rewards if u killed x amount of bosses your current killcount will NOT add on to your points.
When purchasing items with boss kills your boss killcount wont be reduced.
There is also a new currency called 'Marks of War' these will be obtained by killing bosses in instances, with a different amount of marks awarded depending on the boss, with a maximum of 1K marks/hour obtainable, all we know about these is that Yakamaru currently awards the most marks upon killing which is 600 marks.

There will be 4 portals in the hub:

Portal 1: teleports you to your active reaper assignment
Portal 2: teleports you to the newest pvm content added to the game (ED3 atm) OR to the active seasonal highscore if its boss related
Portal 3+4: Boss portal where the 4th portal needs to be unlocked, in order to attune to a boss you need to have atleast 1 killcount at that boss, attuning it will be 100K unless you have 100 killcount at that boss, it will be 50K

There are combat dummies (similar to the ones in combat academy)
There will be 2 bank chests

The rewards are:

- Hub teleport, 10 boss kills: allows you to teleport directly to the PvM Hub from your spellbook
- Portal, 100 boss kills: unlocks an additional boss portal
- Altar of War, 200 boss kills: allows you to use an altar in the PvM hub which will restore all your prayer and summoning points
- Adrenaline Crystal, 1K boss kills: unlocks 2 adrenaline crystals located right next to the boss portals, when clicking these, they will give you 25% adrenaline per tick, which means you will be at 100% adrenaline super fast for your boss instance
- Oak, willow, maple, yew, magic, and elder campfire, 1K marks and 1k logs respectively per upgrade: These increase the benefits from bonfire boost, and allows you to get the bonfire boost instantly from clicking the bonfire in the PvM hub
- Maniacal, berserker, reckless aura, each are 25K marks, these will all get removed from solomon store
- Vampyrism aura, 1K marks, this will be removed from solomon store
- Dark magic aura, 12.5K marks, this will be removed from solomon store
- Aura refresh T1, 1K marks
- Aura refresh T2, 2K marks
- Aura refresh T3, 3K marks
- Aura refresh T4, 4K marks
- Life referesh, 2.5K marks


Offline Cherrycrush

« Reply #1 on: January 18, 2020, 17:17:32 »
I don't really understand why they've put this ahead of the new skill. It seems ok, but shouldn't have been a priority imo. Strange decision


Offline rsruinedme

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« Reply #2 on: January 18, 2020, 17:22:13 »
I'm very thankful for this update its something different to just seeing "patch updates" every single week.


Offline Hydrogy

« Reply #3 on: January 18, 2020, 17:45:35 »
i like it, only thing is i feel this will just replace max guild


Offline Joe

« Reply #4 on: January 18, 2020, 17:46:27 »
It's not amazing by any means.  It is nice though.


Offline Beccah

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« Reply #5 on: January 18, 2020, 22:08:37 »
I wonder if loyalty points are restored from buying such auras. In turn requiring these marks to be activated.


Offline Kwojiba

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« Reply #6 on: January 19, 2020, 07:09:45 »
Should be good to have especially with GWD1 and GWD2 teleports available.


Offline Vakn

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« Reply #7 on: January 19, 2020, 07:47:10 »
You won't get any Loyalty Points back for owning any of the Auras already, saw Jmod reply on Reddit.


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