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Offline Krazy Golf

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Novtumberfest Skilling Activities
« on: October 09, 2017, 19:19:17 »
Taken directly from reddit, source:

More information: http://runescape.wikia.com/wiki/NovtumberFest


By the entrances to Lumbridge crater, we have patches of hops lining either side of the path. Unlike regular hops, these crops have managed to emerge without the need of a farming allotment. Gathering these hops yield farming experience and places unstackable Novtumber hops into your inventory. These hops are untradable and are members items only. Please beware that the hops do deplete and will take time to regenerate after extensive harvesting. The hops are then to be deposited by Marta, South of the glass blowing furnace for extra farming experience.


At the glass blowing furnace you can make steins for free crafting experience without the need to bring your own molten glass. In fact, your character can just stand their making glass all day just by occasionally clicking on one of the furnaces below the North entrance to the Lumbridge crater without the hassle of having to collect anything from the event itself. There is also no need to deposit anything either because the steins do not appear in your inventory.


By the glass blowing machine next to where Jonas is standing we have a waitress mini game of Keggar. Here we have lines dwarves coming out of three tents awaiting to be served. To serve them, you must slide drinks from barrels in front of three benches. You may only slide one drink along one bench at a time. If there is an unserved dwarf, he will catch it and grant you agility experience. But if there are no dwarves or unserved dwarves, the drinks will topple over and crash to the ground, yielding no agility experience. Allow too many drinks to crash and your game will end.


By the bank near the Northern entrance, Jakob, the dwarven cook has set up grills for aspiring chefs to hone their skills by grilling sausages. Unlike the glass blowing furnaces, this activity does fill up your inventory even though you do not need an input from your inventory. The result is a Novtumberfest sausage that heals 200 life points.


By the Eastern entrance, Wizard Deedit is having trouble sending Wolpertingers back to their spirit plane. To start this activity for free summoning experience, talk to Wiazrd Deedit to open a zapper interface. Here you can swap your zapper to slay or dismiss wolpertingers. The red box, indicating slay will target either dark or light wolpertingers and the green box, indicating dismiss will do the opposite depending on your settings. Slaying a wolpertinger grants slayer experience while dismissing grants you summoning experience. To earn points, one should earn a streak of either slay or dismiss.


By the Eastern entrance where Klara stands there is a tent with a purple portal within. This portal takes you to a racetrack set in snow just like the penguin race track in the 2015 race track except while the layout is exactly the same as the 2015 Winter variant, in this event you get constitution experience.


Next to the race track portal we have three targets set up for keen rangers where Friedrich is standing. You do not need any ranged equipment so have fun clicking and shooting. Note: One click lets your character fire 10 shots with each shot guaranteeing you ranged experience.


Ever wondered if riding a children’s carousel imbues you with divinity? Well, this special carousel grants a fair chunk of divination experience to adventurers seeking to train divination the fun way rather than toiling at a wisp colony. Simply left click on the giant carousel tent in the centre of the fair and watch your character ride around the tent. For those who are masters of the art of Divination and have Invention unlocked, they will earn Invention experience instead! Experience is granted when the cut scene ends.


While Saradomin forbade dancing in the quest, One Piercing Note, apparently an Autumn festival (Novtumberfest festival) dance will earn you prayer experience. Simply click on a table next to the carousel and your character will grow closer to your chosen God by dancing atop the table. For the best experience rate however, be sure to follow the dancers, Mila and Elias who dance atop the centre of the three tables.


At the Southern entrance to the South of the ranging targets, we have Lukas instructing players to manufacture barrels to contain the beer made in the festival. All you do is relax, click on a workbench and smith away for decent smithing experience.


At the Southern entrance, Johanna stands atop a bench holding a keg of beer on her shoulder. Here she gives bar crawl cards to those who wish to take a break from the lively atmosphere and visit the bars across Runescape. Be wary though that one bar is unlocked per day and that your task for certain bars begin on the day it is unlocked and ends when the entire event of Novtumberfest ends so you have plenty of chances to wrap up any unfinished cards. These cards come in two forms – standard and advanced. The rewards thus far described is one experience lamp per task and two additional lamps for completion of the cards.


Other than the aforementioned events, we have random features to entertain those who take events at a leisurely pace. Sprawled across the grounds are tables with beer sitting on top of them. These Novtumberfest beer grants 2 strength points, heals 200 life points and takes away 5 attack points much like regular beer. Drinking one will leave an empty beer glass in your inventory. If you want confectionary to go with the beer feel free to take a Pretzel from the pretzel stall to the North East of the crater, or a gingerbread from the gingerbread stall next to the bank chest by Jakob’s sausage grills.


For those who are interested in obtaining all the token rewards but do not have the time to grind out the activities or just feeling unlucky with RNG, you will be pleased to hear that there is one store that sells all token unlocks. Simply head to Linus by the Pretzel store in the Wolpertinger area to spend your runecoins.



Party Animal - Talk to every NPC at the crater

Beer Goggles (100 rc)
Carrying Steins Resting (80 rc)
Gingerbread Necklace (100 rc)
Keg Companion Pet (300 rc)
Lederhosen Terrorbird Mount (150 rc)
Novtumberfest Dance Emotes (80 rc)
Novtumberfest Outfit (250 rc)
Party Fever Walk Override (80 rc)
Pretzel Shield (80 rc)
Wieldable Steins (80 rc)
Wolpertinger Companion Pet (300 rc)


This event runs with the Novtumberfest where you must find Wolly the Wolpertinger for Gunther (nothing to do with 'Gunthor' the Barbarian village chief) just East of the Dark Wizard ritual circle South of Varrock. He stands next to a cart full of barrels. You must locate Wolly for him but out of 8 out there in Gielinor only one is the correct Wolly. The hint for the correct Wolly is in the chat option 'What can you tell me to help me find him?' and the environment the correct Wolly is in is random and differs from player to player. This event occurs once every three hours.

More information: http://runescape.wikia.com/wiki/NovtumberFest


Offline Krazy Golf

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  • Rsn: Krazy Golf
Re: Novtumberfest Skilling Activities
« Reply #1 on: October 09, 2017, 19:21:24 »
Happy Hours (double xp)

At the below times (game time), the below worlds will have Happy Hour go live for one hour!

Worlds and foreign servers:

[GBR] - 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 88
[POR] - 47, 94
[FRA] - 55, 118
[GER] - 102, 122



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