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Live Events September AMAA
« on: September 06, 2017, 15:33:42 »
Hey All,

It's September, so we're back with this month's updates from Live Events!

This month we've got 2 new promotion styles, known as Prize Pool and Genie's Revenge!

In the Prize Pool every key you use gives you an extra prize on the bar, which can be claimed at any time. Don't claim it, and on your next key you might get another prize - for a total of 2. But beware as you might lose your extra prizes if they're not claimed - there's a risk with every key you use!

Genie's Gift means the return of Karima - and she's brought loads of lamps with her! Win prismatic, hydra, smouldering, dark, bright and celebration lamps through the 6 days of this promotion!

Plus, Bonus Boosters are back! With 3 new boosters for a total of 6 boosters this time around, expect some of your old favourites plus a smoulder-er, deep freeze and the upgrade which upgrades all prize rarities by one!

To finish up this post, it's Double XP this month! So expect the return of Time to Train, with all your protean items.

In addition, this month Live Events has created a little copy of RuneFest for you to complete in-game - more info later on in the month ;)

We'll be around in an hour for about an hour to answer any questions you have!


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