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Offline Draken062504

Item Loans
« on: September 30, 2019, 12:27:07 »
Lending items is a great way to help out your fellow clan mates!

If you have lendable items that just sit in your bank that could be put to better use post them here!

Also if you wish to borrow an item post here and it is guaranteed that a clan mate will have that item!
(Hopefully they'll be nice enough to let you borrow your requested item)  [-(

*Please use the template bellow when lending or requesting to borrow an item*  8)


Item name:   <---------------- Santa Hat
Lending or Borrowing:   <----- Lending
Allocated time:   <------------- 72hrs
Additional information:   <---- PM my alt account "Draken062504" or I am currently fletching in edgeville bank.
Loan Status:   <--------------- Out for 72hrs will return 01OCT 1900 game time

 \:D/ *Please use the template above when lending or requesting to borrow an item*


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