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angel imy

Re: Is this what RS has become?
« Reply #15 on: April 07, 2012, 15:54:49 »
people would not be selling floors if people that were; bad at dung or had no chioce but to leech wernt willing to pay. if the low levels just dung with the low levels in world 117 and are happy with the xp rates they get there, and in w77 and do no come to world 67 a 110+ dung world trying to join teams for the fastest xp. but no people that are low dg lvl (under 110) they are not happy with dunging with people in world 77 or 117 (that are around the same level as them) they want the fastest xp and want to dung with people that are really good. but think about it, if you were good at dg, who would u want on your team, 5 people that were good like you, at your high level so you could complete the floor with good xp/hr or would you have random people that were low dung that didnt know what to do on your team? no you wouldnt. if the low levels just stick to low level worlds and are happy with the xp they get rather then trying to dung with the best when they are low dg this wouldnt be a problem. the low levels feel a need to get the best xp/hr so they started buying floors like 2 years ago. when dicing was around rich dicers that wants chaotics were paying 10m for floor. they started the selling floors, and then when your high dung and someone is offering you that kind of money to just be in your team and do nothing would you do it? and then so many 'noobs' wanted to get the best xp at low levels and asking high levels for floors witch made people make dung selling clans where the 'noobs' could buy of legit non scamming high dg lvl people. you cant blame the people for selling, if the 'noobs' wernt paying or didnt start it all then there would have never been a problem, but nope people arnt happy with getting slow xp or dunging in w77 or 117 with people of the same level as them. so they started it all. but think about it, in runescape this has allways happened, remember like even 4 years ago people use to pay people to mine them iron/coal and stuff for low prices before ge. people pay for rc ess runners, amongst loads of other things, runescape has always been like this.


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Re: Is this what RS has become?
« Reply #16 on: April 07, 2012, 16:12:04 »
Most of the players who sell floors these days aren't particularly good. On another note, I would personally prefer a relaxed team where I am having fun over one that is purely in it for the XP. The other day, I was nagged at to join a team on world 61, because they were one skiller short. This team had a cber who apparently thought very highly of himself and wanted quick XP. In all of the floors, he was being flat out rude and annoying; yelling at his partner, calling him names, etc, because his partner was not playing at his accord. Sadly, this is an attitude often seen in experienced players.
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Re: Is this what RS has become?
« Reply #17 on: April 07, 2012, 16:15:31 »
Most of the players who sell floors these days aren't particularly good. On another note, I would personally prefer a relaxed team where I am having fun over one that is purely in it for the XP. The other day, I was nagged at to join a team on world 61, because they were one skiller short. This team had a cber who apparently thought very highly of himself and wanted quick XP. In all of the floors, he was being flat out rude and annoying; yelling at his partner, calling him names, etc, because his partner was not playing at his accord. Sadly, this is an attitude often seen in experienced players.
What happens in dung, stays in dung.


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Re: Is this what RS has become?
« Reply #18 on: April 07, 2012, 16:25:22 »
Tell me a world where there are real teams looking for real players?

Dungeoneering turns people into idiots at times.  I leave if they are rude.


angel imy

Re: Is this what RS has become?
« Reply #19 on: April 07, 2012, 16:37:08 »
Tell me a world where there are real teams looking for real players?

Dungeoneering turns people into idiots at times.  I leave if they are rude.

you only usully find that in teams when dunging with friends


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Re: Is this what RS has become?
« Reply #20 on: April 07, 2012, 17:21:52 »
Most of the players who sell floors these days aren't particularly good. On another note, I would personally prefer a relaxed team where I am having fun over one that is purely in it for the XP. The other day, I was nagged at to join a team on world 61, because they were one skiller short. This team had a cber who apparently thought very highly of himself and wanted quick XP. In all of the floors, he was being flat out rude and annoying; yelling at his partner, calling him names, etc, because his partner was not playing at his accord. Sadly, this is an attitude often seen in experienced players.
What happens in dung, stays in dung.
Well, I can understand it's frustrating having a noob on the team, but wouldn't it be in everyone's best interest to give friendly advice instead of calling him an idiot? :P
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Re: Is this what RS has become?
« Reply #21 on: April 07, 2012, 20:43:17 »
I was at a B.A fc, called leeching B.A. I thought it was free, I asksed, is this free? They said no lol. I was like why? Reaction, this stunned me the most: "Since when is leeching free" EVERYTHING costs money, The amount I have now, was enough for a maxed player to do his stuff. Now someone needs over 9000 max cash stacks. it pisses me off.


angel imy

Re: Is this what RS has become?
« Reply #22 on: April 07, 2012, 20:46:06 »
well tbh then if leeching was free no one would bother skilling and everyone would just leech.....


angel imy

Re: Is this what RS has become?
« Reply #23 on: April 07, 2012, 22:32:28 »


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Re: Is this what RS has become?
« Reply #24 on: November 05, 2012, 16:03:24 »
I would first like to state that i have my own opinions on RuneScape and what JaGex have put into the game, doesn't everyone?
I feel that the Squeal of Fortune is worth spending a minimal amount of money on, this is because you unlock 'rares' that others might not have, but i feel that if you would like to spend your money on things like this, it is your OWN choice.
I have mixed feelings because i feel that JaGex advertise more SoF and Soloman's Store more than in-game updates such as the new Tears of Guthix rewards or Dungeoneering Changes, etc.

But i disagree with the Soloman's Store.
This is because i feel that JaGex are taking money for something that is 'pointless' in my eyes.
I think that if they was to sell Armour and stuff, they should at least add some sort of bonuses that normal armour would, infact.. they should have larger bonuses because they are bought with real money.

I hope you understand that i have my own opinions and i'm not looking down/critising people that do want to spend money on Spins/Cosmetics.




Re: Is this what RS has become?
« Reply #25 on: November 05, 2012, 16:11:45 »
Agreed Adam, I don't mind the SoF daily spins, but when someone spend 5000 dollars to get 99 slayer as a skiller (like 4 people have done it) it's a bit too much.

Also, the solomon's is epic, you get cooler skins for your gear, so you spend 50 dollars and you have Bandos with an overhaul that look absolutely beast. Especially with higher graphics. ^^


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Re: Is this what RS has become?
« Reply #26 on: November 05, 2012, 16:13:51 »
I have to say, the outfits look somewhat outstanding with the high graphics, but some users computers can't handle it
I love the daily SoF spins, they are something to look forward too, especially if you get a good reward such as a Lucky Zamorak Godsword (Worth 3,000,000 Coins on the 'Convert to Coins' option they added in.


Offline Majinvegito3

Re: Is this what RS has become?
« Reply #27 on: November 21, 2012, 02:12:56 »
Sadly, it seems this is what the game is becoming these days. I just try to avoid it at all costs and still play the game the way I always have. I rarely rely on others and I use my own skills to create my own profits, then use that to afford other skills. It took a while but hey, I maxed using that method :p so it does work! lol


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