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Re: Ironman Mode
« Reply #15 on: July 23, 2014, 22:06:00 »
This sounds quite fun, would actually make buyables a challenge


Offline Cam

Re: Ironman Mode
« Reply #16 on: July 23, 2014, 22:41:38 »
Sounds pretty cool, doubt I'd ever make one :P

They could probably do with a retire option which is non reversable and can change your ironman account in to a normal account or something. Would suck if you changed your mind after a while and were pretty much stuck or forced to make a new account.
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Re: Ironman Mode
« Reply #17 on: July 24, 2014, 02:17:43 »
I'd give hard mode iron man a go


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Re: Ironman Mode
« Reply #18 on: July 24, 2014, 02:44:42 »
If it was released and a few of you were creating an ironman skiller, I'd love to join.


Offline maraderkholm

Re: Ironman Mode
« Reply #19 on: July 24, 2014, 04:23:11 »
Sounds really cool except the one death thing... 


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Re: Ironman Mode
« Reply #20 on: July 24, 2014, 11:34:54 »
It should be changed to regular ironman mode if you die in hardcore mode
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Offline Thunderite

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Re: Ironman Mode
« Reply #21 on: July 24, 2014, 12:16:40 »
It should be changed to regular ironman mode if you die in hardcore mode

Yeah that's still cool. They should have like a red skull for hardmode and white skull for normal ironman or something so you can tell the difference. Maybe like ironman worlds.

Edit: I wonder if dying in dg would count as game over? Although I think that would be a different case considering some of the bosses.


Offline Altys

Re: Ironman Mode
« Reply #22 on: July 24, 2014, 22:27:30 »
I've thought about an ironman account for a long time so for me this seems like a really good idea :) any idea on release date?


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Re: Ironman Mode
« Reply #23 on: July 24, 2014, 23:58:36 »
I've thought about an ironman account for a long time so for me this seems like a really good idea :) any idea on release date?

Maybe never


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Re: Ironman Mode
« Reply #24 on: July 25, 2014, 02:31:05 »
I've thought about an ironman account for a long time so for me this seems like a really good idea :) any idea on release date?

This is just an idea they're running past the community at the moment.. There is no set date that we know of..

But in all honesty, this seems pointless to me. But w/e floats other people's boats i aint gunna judge.


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Re: Ironman Mode
« Reply #25 on: July 26, 2014, 17:53:09 »
I've done DIY accounts in the past and they were fun.

I'd totally be up for doing this if it ever gets implemented.


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Re: Ironman Mode
« Reply #26 on: August 29, 2014, 21:54:24 »
Now that this is becoming a reality, who's going to make an ironman account?

Hardcore mode death:
As we want to launch these new modes as soon as possible, we don't have time to implement either a reset-on-death or a multiple-account style system - these are very large in scope. For launch, we'll be using unique accounts for this. If these modes prove popular, we'll likely look into this more.
Dying in hardcore mode is game over. There will be a disclaimer stating that you can and will lose everything - membership included. There is one exception...
I'll be adding a "disabler" item, which will be used to disable hardcore mode (plus another for ironman mode). This will cost a small amount (I'm currently thinking 50k - should be significant enough in ironman mode) which you can use to remove the "hardcore" element of your account. It'll be automatically used upon death. The reasoning being that I don't want everyone creating hardcore accounts and getting them converted for free to ironman when they die - you should make the conscious decision to create a hardcore account knowing you're risking it, and will need to make a small payment to "protect" it. Otherwise, why would you create an ironman account? Additionally - do people think 50k is a significant enough barrier (as cash is hard to come by as a new ironman account)?

Clans: You can be in a clan. Avatars won't have any effect, and skilling in a citadel will currently award you 25% of the usual XP. I think the social aspect of citadels is worth preserving, but you're not going to be doing it for the XP.

Grand Exchange: We're enabling it for buying bonds only. You cannot sell them either.

Minigames: I'm disabling most. I'm leaving some enabled, as long as there's no way to be boosted through them. PvP XP is also turned off.

D&Ds: I'm leaving most of these in currently. Warbands is gone (as it's too easy to be boosted by other players). Sinkholes too (since you can't solo it).

Lodestones: I'm leaving these in - they're a big part of the game. It does make the game easier, agreed. But at most, it simply saves you a little traveling time.

Treasure Hunter: This is remaining enabled. Resources and equipment cannot be claimed. Bonus XP is also remaining enabled. Sorry, but this isn't likely to change.

Dungeoneering: Solo mode only. The XP isn't thaaaaat bad solo now...

It's also worth bearing in mind that none of this is set in stone. We're likely going to launch with a rather "harsh" view, disabling a lot of content. We'll then likely gather feedback about what changes are wanted, such as polling them (I've already had talks about enabling ironman-only in-game polls, so we can get relevant results without being steam-rolled by filthy casuals), and make the changes. The aim is to make completionist capes possible via ironman, though this won't be possible on launch.

So, we've been having a bit of discussion about Treasure Hunter.

Keys will remain buyable. Disabling this is disabling a core feature of the game, which is something we cannot do.

However... The rewards will be somewhat nerfed in ironman mode, as they'd prove to be too OP otherwise.

-Resources: Can only cash out.
-Equipment: Can only cash out.
-Lamps: Give 50% of the current XP values.
-Bonus XP: Will give the same amount of bonus XP, but it can only be used at a rate of 25%. Ie - gaining 100xp will give you 125xp, at a cost of 25 bonus XP.

I likely will nerf the amount of coins given through cashing out resources / equipment too. I need to investigate this a bit further, however. I will be upping the amount of the "disabler" items cost too, since 50k seems a bit too easy.
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Re: Ironman Mode
« Reply #27 on: August 29, 2014, 21:58:25 »
This would be the greatest update ever. But, I will never play it until they remove buying xp no matter how much they nerf it.

Bxp in iron man mode is arguably 3x more valuable in iron man mode because it makes it so you don't have to collect an x amount of resource.


Offline Redtunnel

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Re: Ironman Mode
« Reply #28 on: August 29, 2014, 22:09:02 »
I agree, it sucks that XP is buyable yet again. Someone suggested placing a total keys used counter on the highscores for ironman accounts, but I doubt that will ever happen
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Offline Fergus

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Re: Ironman Mode
« Reply #29 on: August 30, 2014, 16:49:18 »
So, we've been having a bit of discussion about Treasure Hunter.

Keys will remain buyable. Disabling this is disabling a core feature of the game, which is something we cannot do.

I thought this was funny. Because the game is about buying keys and not runescape.


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