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Offline Dee

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Re: Hydrogy's daily tips/tricks!
« Reply #15 on: March 21, 2019, 08:40:57 »
Hi Hydro

was wondering if you had any tips for rc?  :)
As in methods to train or simply ways to increase ur xprates?

to train please


Offline Hydrogy

Re: Hydrogy's daily tips/tricks!
« Reply #16 on: March 21, 2019, 19:50:11 »
Day 6: If u wanna start getting into PVM, im talking things like araxxi, telos, nex, aod, vorago the best thing to do is to try the queen black dragon first and master that boss, this boss is a easy one but it has mechanics which u need to learn, in order to do any of the listed bosses above u need to know how to deal with mechanics. Once u master QBD u could move on to nex or araxxi or telos since these are solo bosses as the group bosses sadly can be very hard to find groups for if u have no killcount. If u are able to defeat those solo bosses and u finally manage to find a team for the group ones u will be more experienced in PVM in general aswell as you will know how important it is to deal with mechanics, therefor you will actually learn from doing these group bosses instead of just being a full on leech.


Offline Hydrogy

Re: Hydrogy's daily tips/tricks!
« Reply #17 on: March 21, 2019, 19:51:02 »
Hi Hydro

was wondering if you had any tips for rc?  :)
As in methods to train or simply ways to increase ur xprates?

to train please
will try to gather some :)


Offline Hydrogy

Re: Hydrogy's daily tips/tricks!
« Reply #18 on: March 22, 2019, 17:59:30 »
Day 7: Travelling merchant, the travelling merchant is a shop with 4 items which 3 of those items change every day, the shop will appear for 10 minutes in a random world at the deep sea fishing hub. Theres a couple items in this shop that are super good for ur overall XP gains, here's a list of what u want to buy.
- Sacred clay
- Dragonkin lamp
- DND token (daily)
- Effigy (if high stats)
- Lived plant (if going for comp)

- Gift for the reaper
- Unstable air rune
- Goebie burial charms

- Slayer VIP coupon
- Dungeoneering wildcard
- Advanced pulse core

To find a world with a merchant in simply go into the fc: 'whirlpooldnd' and ask for a merchant.
To find the current and future stock of the shop go here: https://runescape.wiki/w/Travelling_Merchant%27s_Shop
Location of the shop in the called world: https://runescape.wiki/w/File:Travelling_merchant_location.png


Offline Hydrogy

Re: Hydrogy's daily tips/tricks!
« Reply #19 on: March 23, 2019, 12:50:55 »
Day 8: Herblore is super usefull for things like overloads and super antifire's, however combat isn't its only benefit theres a couple potions which are really usefull for certain situations. The extreme runecrafting, hunter, invention potions in particular. Runecrafting speeds up ALOT once u reach level 90 u can do soul altar, however when using a extreme runecrafting potion u can already do soul runes at level 79!
Then theres hunter this one is especially good for skillers but is also decent for mainscape, hunter is a pretty slow skill untill u can do ornate tortles (or if mainscape grenwalls) same thing applies here u can get to the ornate tortles way quicker meaning u get way better xprates way sooner. (ornates at lvl 81!)
Another usefull one is extreme invention potion, this can be used to unlock those higher levelled blueprints way sooner, this is good for charge drain reduction, junk chance reduction, machines, or simply to be able to unlock blueprints for XP (advised to do on DXPW)


Offline Hydrogy

Re: Hydrogy's daily tips/tricks!
« Reply #20 on: March 23, 2019, 16:26:37 »
Hi Hydro

was wondering if you had any tips for rc?  :)
As in methods to train or simply ways to increase ur xprates?

to train please
made a guide just for u my guy


Offline Aqua

Re: Hydrogy's daily tips/tricks!
« Reply #21 on: March 23, 2019, 23:56:07 »
This is a useful thread @Hydrogy !

Keep it up  O:)


Offline Hydrogy

Re: Hydrogy's daily tips/tricks!
« Reply #22 on: March 24, 2019, 18:13:00 »
Day 9: When doing quests the progress can be speed up alot by using things like surge with mobile perk and bladed dive, doing this at quests that require alot of running around for example monkey madness it would save u like 10 or more minutes yet i barely see anyone using this when questing  [-(


Offline Hydrogy

Re: Hydrogy's daily tips/tricks!
« Reply #23 on: March 26, 2019, 17:50:55 »
Teach me to POF senpai
POF is not that hard :O i will have to make a full post dedicated to teaching the basics of pof i will work on that later today or tommorow :D
EDIT: i just found out theres already a post about POF on here by @Mini Nub here it is https://consentus.co.uk/guides/player-owned-farms-megathread/
However i usually like to go straight to the point so basically theres 3 things u can do in pof
  • Go for XP gains
  • Go for GP gains
  • Go for GP and XP gains
  • This one is what i do, shortly explained what u wanna do is go to world 2 in POF to buy animals for way cheaper than anywhere else including GE, u wanna buy 12 animals that go into small pens, 8 that go into medium pens, and 10 that go into large pens (4 of the large ones should go in the breeding pen) all of these should be the highest animals u can get at ur level. u simply wait for them to grow up to elder, u gather the XP, remove the animals, sell the animals for beans or for a small amount of money to players, if selling for beans make sure to talk to granny to change which buyers u get. With the best possible setup it would look something like this: 12 chinchompas, 8 zygomites, 10 dragons which would be approx 5.2M xp/week (including urns) with very little time consumed and little money spent. This does not require feeding them or cleaning their poop.
  • If going for GP u should buy animals again in world 2 at POF and have them breed this requires feeding them and can be done in all pens by purchasing the ability using beans to breed in normal pens. Once your animals breed u can either sell them at baby stage or let them grow to adolescent stage to sell for more money.
  • When going for a bit of both u wanna do exactly the same as if going for XP the only difference is u should sell them back to players when they reach adolescent stage.
Current prices of best animals per pen:
Chinchompa: -baby            75k-125k
                        -adolescent  100k-150k
                        -elder             30k-50k

Zygomite:      -baby            175k-225k
                       -adolescent  250k-300k
                       -elder            100k-150k

Dragon:         -baby             400k-550k
                       -adolescent  600k-750k
                       -elder             200k-300k


Offline Dee

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Re: Hydrogy's daily tips/tricks!
« Reply #24 on: March 26, 2019, 20:01:45 »
Hi Hydro

was wondering if you had any tips for rc?  :)
As in methods to train or simply ways to increase ur xprates?

to train please
made a guide just for u my guy

Thank you so very much....you are a star \:D/


Offline Hydrogy

Re: Hydrogy's daily tips/tricks!
« Reply #25 on: March 26, 2019, 20:19:07 »
Hi Hydro

was wondering if you had any tips for rc?  :)
As in methods to train or simply ways to increase ur xprates?

to train please
made a guide just for u my guy

Thank you so very much....you are a star \:D/
Aw thanks dude if u have any questions feel free to ask


Offline Hydrogy

Re: Hydrogy's daily tips/tricks!
« Reply #26 on: March 26, 2019, 23:02:09 »
Day 10: Since a very very recent update which wasn't announced there is now a new camera mode which is super useful for certain scenario's by going
esc>settings>general>game interaction>camera mode
U can now set ur camera mode to freedom which allows u to zoom alot more and is awesome for bosses like vorago, telos, aod, elite dungeons or just to explore or skill!

!I won't be posting any tips/tricks untill 2nd of april reason being i have to focus on studying for my exams :(


Offline Dee

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Re: Hydrogy's daily tips/tricks!
« Reply #27 on: March 27, 2019, 21:42:03 »
Thank you for all the tips Hydro, i found them very useful and helpful, im sure others did as well

good luck with the studying and looking forward to more of your tips soon i hope :)


Offline Hydrogy

Re: Hydrogy's daily tips/tricks!
« Reply #28 on: July 29, 2019, 10:12:00 »
Teach me to POF senpai
POF is not that hard :O i will have to make a full post dedicated to teaching the basics of pof i will work on that later today or tommorow :D
EDIT: i just found out theres already a post about POF on here by @Mini Nub here it is https://consentus.co.uk/guides/player-owned-farms-megathread/
However i usually like to go straight to the point so basically theres 3 things u can do in pof
  • Go for XP gains
  • Go for GP gains
  • Go for GP and XP gains
  • This one is what i do, shortly explained what u wanna do is go to world 2 in POF to buy animals for way cheaper than anywhere else including GE, u wanna buy 12 animals that go into small pens, 8 that go into medium pens, and 10 that go into large pens (4 of the large ones should go in the breeding pen) all of these should be the highest animals u can get at ur level. u simply wait for them to grow up to elder, u gather the XP, remove the animals, sell the animals for beans or for a small amount of money to players, if selling for beans make sure to talk to granny to change which buyers u get. With the best possible setup it would look something like this: 12 chinchompas, 8 zygomites, 10 dragons which would be approx 5.2M xp/week (including urns) with very little time consumed and little money spent. This does not require feeding them or cleaning their poop.
  • If going for GP u should buy animals again in world 2 at POF and have them breed this requires feeding them and can be done in all pens by purchasing the ability using beans to breed in normal pens. Once your animals breed u can either sell them at baby stage or let them grow to adolescent stage to sell for more money.
  • When going for a bit of both u wanna do exactly the same as if going for XP the only difference is u should sell them back to players when they reach adolescent stage.
Current prices of best animals per pen:
Chinchompa: -baby            75k-125k
                        -adolescent  100k-150k
                        -elder             30k-50k

Zygomite:      -baby            175k-225k
                       -adolescent  250k-300k
                       -elder            100k-150k

Dragon:         -baby             400k-550k
                       -adolescent  600k-750k
                       -elder             200k-300k
prices bit outdated tho, they cheaper now


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Re: Hydrogy's daily tips/tricks!
« Reply #29 on: July 29, 2019, 14:58:49 »
Thank you, Glenn! \:D/


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