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Do you feel safe in the hands of Jagex?
« on: June 29, 2015, 08:03:30 »
Kinda of a weird title, didn't know how to word it but I came across this thread today.

Don't know if anyone ever watched Smokey, but he had a fair amount of videos that were informative.
Basically, someone posted on Reddit under his one of his account names (Strawberry91112) and said that a fraud got this account.
Mods then looked into the account and ended up transfering the account email to which ever they chose.
This was done by getting proof off of Smokey's public image sharing which I'm sure he forgot about.
Anyways, things like this seem to be happening a lot due to how Jagex handles support.
There have been account Hijacks off of twitter by claiming to be an owner and a few other things.

Do you ever worry about something happening to your account?

I guess it isn't as worrysome on Rs3 compared to OSRS but it's still scary to thing about.

Also, as a side note, how do you feel about Zezima getting hacked? What happened was that a player under the named 'Savaged' was able to get info due to Zezima trying to be more social with things like Twitch and Reddit.
Anyways, some how Savaged got a hold of his Twitch account, rs password, and youtube. His rs3 account was safe but obviously everything else was not.
On top of this, Savaged showed proof that he did it by streaming under Zezima's name on Twitch but he was not banned because he said he could ddos the servers constantly.
They decided to mute him, however, Lizard Squad twitters and his twitter said that if he is not unmuted they would Ddos them again and ta-da, there are zero penalties to Savaged.

This stuff scares me, how do you feel?


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Re: Do you feel safe in the hands of Jagex?
« Reply #1 on: June 29, 2015, 13:10:24 »
The whole Zezima hacking situation annoys me, like you said it's obvious he did it but they just threaten and it's all gone. Ridiculous.

I do trust jagex moderators tbf, the hacker went to some great lengths to provide proof and was actually pretty convincing. Althought providing screenshots of someone's account shouldn;t really be classed as proof, it's common knowledge this stuff is shared online. It's just pretty shit :(

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Offline Smiffy0107

Re: Do you feel safe in the hands of Jagex?
« Reply #2 on: June 29, 2015, 13:23:58 »
I trust jagex, I realize they might not be the best company to be in charge of runescape or acounts but regardless their ok.


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Re: Do you feel safe in the hands of Jagex?
« Reply #3 on: June 29, 2015, 17:39:32 »
Good for the guy hacking zezima, i hope he feels good about himself cus as soon as zezima gets locked he got to call em personally so no1 should worry about it :P

But the way jagex handles some thing is just stupid but ye in the end they are humans
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Re: Do you feel safe in the hands of Jagex?
« Reply #4 on: June 29, 2015, 21:46:09 »
I do think Jagex try their very best to keep all our accounts safe.

There are other issues I have with Jagex, such as all the favourtism for high profile players, or friends of Jmods.

Its a shame people bother to hack accounts, and not do something more productive with their time


Offline Cherrycrush

Re: Do you feel safe in the hands of Jagex?
« Reply #5 on: July 23, 2015, 00:12:09 »
From my hacking I lost approx 8B and had my defence reset which in turn reset 65 quests, loads of achievement tasks, removed any items which were defence related or quest related (so for example superior elite void).

I sent many messages to Jagex and their customer support was beyond poor. After about 5 attempts I eventually got a human response and they basically told me that they don't have the resources to deal with hackings and it isn't a priority of theirs.

I think Jagex is far too money/profit driven to care about helping individual hackings and their customer support will only get worse In my opinion. So no I don't really trust Jagex, not at all.


Offline Lego Brick

Re: Do you feel safe in the hands of Jagex?
« Reply #6 on: July 23, 2015, 06:52:16 »
No. I don't make videos or livestream showing my bank off to people so they don't know how poor or rich I am. My email is literally just used for rs and its written on a .txt file along with my account info the stuff and thats locked away on an encrypted usb in a locked draw. I have 2 authentication methods as well as 2 step authentication so no I don't trust them. But if you leave yourself open to that then its your own fault. Take as many steps to having a secure account and you have nothing to worry about.

Take as many precautions as you can and you'll be fine c:


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Re: Do you feel safe in the hands of Jagex?
« Reply #7 on: July 23, 2015, 10:14:08 »
I've never been overly cautious with my account, never had a bank pin or JAG. I've only just started using my authenticator. I've never been hacked and tbh, if I was I'd probably start again :P

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Offline Matty

Re: Do you feel safe in the hands of Jagex?
« Reply #8 on: July 23, 2015, 11:22:46 »
I reply to this by adding,

I haven't been Online lately due to an increase in my work load, but apprentices of mine have told me of a female who was sentenced  to an $88m lawsuit in regards to obtaining secure Blizzard information and then using it to make money, would Jagex do this obviously not.. how ever it's a major reaction.


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Re: Do you feel safe in the hands of Jagex?
« Reply #9 on: July 28, 2015, 07:42:02 »
i feel completely safe with jagex,
There are some fishy things that have occured in the past,
but in the end if you keep your rsacc secure nothing can happen.
i agree there are some individuals that give jagex a bad name, but that really is a minority of mods.
but in the end, it still is one of the most popular and biggest mmo's ,
And if jagex was so awfull as some people claim, We all wouldnt be here anymore.


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Re: Do you feel safe in the hands of Jagex?
« Reply #10 on: July 28, 2015, 19:14:18 »
I'm more concerned with triggering the macro detection because they aren't properly trained to look at whatever data their system provides them with. They have too much faith in it. It's a scary thought to know that they believe their system can't be wrong. It doesn't matter how rigourously something is designed, it simply cannot be flawless. That aside, Jagex isn't exactly known for producing content without bugs.
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