Public Forum => Applications => Pending/Denied Applications => Topic started by: Bow on November 21, 2012, 16:33:30
Runescape Username: Shieldbow
Combat Level: 4
Are you F2P or P2P?: P2P
Total Level: 459
Total Experience: 32.238.111
Post a link of your ingame stats, including total xp (hover mouse over total level):
How did you find out about Consentus?: I saw some youtube videos about this clan..and from some friends who suggested me this great clan.
Why you would like to join?: I have heard many positive things about this clan and I would love to skill with helpfull and nice skillers :D.
Real Life Name (Optional): Josh
Nice buyables.
I wanted to achieve 99 in these two skills because I love them. I hav merched and made much gps, thats why I could buy them.
I am going for 99 wcing now
We have proof of you buying GP/attempting to RWT. Denied.
Be ready to be banned in a few minutes too.