Public Forum => Applications => Pending/Denied Applications => Topic started by: angelofswift on April 04, 2012, 15:00:26
hi My name is angel of swift, and this is my application
Runescape Name:angelofswift
Combat Level:100
Are you F2P or P2P?: P2P
Total Level:1300
Total Experience:24,006,419
My ingame stats : (
How did you find out about Consentus?:I was woodcutting and a few members of clan consentus came over and started woodcutting so i asked if i could join, they said yes.
Why you would like to join?:I'm already a member of the clan i just need to become a full member in the forums.
Welcome to Consentus. :)
I'm glad I got you to join! Consentus is a lovely place.
Good luck on 99 Woodcutting!
Hi Angelofswift,
Thanks for applying. It seems as though you do not meet our requirements though.
We require that you have 20m total xp in non-combat skills. You need another 2.260.224 xp to meet these requirements.
Feel free to stick around till you've gotten the final few xp :)