
Public Forum => Applications => Pending/Denied Applications => Topic started by: MasterChee on September 08, 2012, 14:45:39

Title: MasterChee's application to Consentus (pending)
Post by: MasterChee on September 08, 2012, 14:45:39
Runescape Username: MasterChee (aka. SwagMasterChee)

Combat Level: 3

Are you F2P or P2P?: P2P

Total Level: 457+

Total Experience: 418,131

Post a link of your ingame stats, including total xp (hover mouse over total level): (

How did you find out about Consentus?: a friend, Yoo Zur Naim & Only Lilly

Why you would like to join?: To meet, chat, skill with different clan members & aid each other out with skilling.

*I have a pure F2P account also (expert1212, #1 F2P firemaker & first to reach 200m xp) but as of now I'm skilling with MasterChee

Alright, I gotta go work now. Enjoy the rest of your weekend you guys  :D
Title: Re: MasterChee's application to Consentus
Post by: Winter on September 08, 2012, 14:47:21
Welcome to Consentus. :)
Title: Re: MasterChee's application to Consentus
Post by: Mister Mathi on September 08, 2012, 15:32:01
You don't meet the requirements yet, you need another 643 non-combat levels or another 19.581.869 xp in non-combat skills :)
Title: Re: MasterChee's application to Consentus
Post by: Only Lilly on September 08, 2012, 16:58:03
You are more than welcome to apply on your f2p account, you dont have to be a member on the account you play on, if that makes sense?

Title: Re: MasterChee's application to Consentus
Post by: Imzie on September 08, 2012, 17:01:04
As Mathi had said there is still a bit of way for you to go until you meet our requirements for member rank, while you are working towards these you can be guest rank on forums and recruit rank in the cc. good luck on getting the requirements and see you around the forums and cc. Once you meet the requirements you can apply for member rank again, to familiarize yourself with what they are you can click Here (
As lilly says if you have another account that does meet the requirements you can join with that no matter if it is f2p or p2p, we have quiet a good community of f2p and p2p members.
Title: Re: MasterChee's application to Consentus
Post by: LunarCanidae on September 08, 2012, 19:55:22
good luck on getting the lvls for that acc

welcome to at least the forums :) hope to get to know you better
Title: Re: MasterChee's application to Consentus
Post by: Krazy Golf on September 08, 2012, 21:03:03
Good luck with your application, if you are Expert1212 you will easily meet the requirements. :P
Title: Re: MasterChee's application to Consentus
Post by: Only Lilly on September 08, 2012, 21:25:00
Good luck with your application, if you are Expert1212 you will easily meet the requirements. :P

Im sure he is that person Dec
Title: Re: MasterChee's application to Consentus
Post by: MasterChee on September 09, 2012, 00:41:12
Thank you. I'm more active on MasterChee as of now,however I'll be active in clan chat & forums though.

In the meantime, am I a recruit ?
Title: Re: MasterChee's application to Consentus
Post by: Imzie on September 09, 2012, 14:33:30
Thank you. I'm more active on MasterChee as of now,however I'll be active in clan chat & forums though.

In the meantime, am I a recruit ?

yes until you meet the member requirements you will be recruit rank.