Public Forum => Applications => Pending/Denied Applications => Topic started by: Lone Fury on March 20, 2013, 22:53:08
Runescape Username:Lone Fury
Combat Level: 140
Are you F2P or P2P?:p2p
Total Level:1361
Total Experience:11.5 mil
Post a link of your ingame stats, including total xp (hover mouse over total level): (
How did you find out about Consentus?: My lover Camwen
Why you would like to join?: Because i want to be in a Bad ass clan.
Real Life Name (Optional):Dylan Waldecker
I love you.
luv u two
Welcome to the Forums Dylan
Unfortunately you do not meet our Member Requirements of:
20M non-combat experience or 1,100 total level in non-combat levels.
However as you have registered you are able to be a Recruit rank in the clan. :)
Just pop into the Clan and ask for an invite.
For now I will move this thread into pending until you meet our Member requirements.