Join date: March 2012
Why do you wish to be a Veteran of Consentus?:
I want to be a veteran of consentus because it's been my clan for many months and it's more then a clan to me it's my family on runescape. I've had lots of help when I needed it and helped others when I could, I know I wasn't the most active because I was either not playing or was on 07 so I couldn't be but when I was here I've had my most fun moments on runescape. I've met many new people who I talk to and have made lots of friends thanks to this clan and I've learned alot and became a better person because of it. This clan has helped me become mature in the real world even though most kids my age are immature I am proud to say that being in this clan helped me mature being around older friends. If you ever need any help feel free to PM me because I want to give back to this community with what I can give and I hope you take some though into letting me be a veteran <3