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Offline Hydrogy

Sounds to me u will fit right in 😏


Offline The Elders

welcome to the clan  \:D/


Offline Joe

Heya!  Not seeing this until now.  I'm slacking.  HELLO!

Cananda eh?  I'm from Minnesooota dontcha knoo!  Or, oh yahh!  Sometimes "Eh!"  Apparently people think we're Canadians also.  Or...  Scandinavians?  I really don't know what people think we talk like.  It's super confusing.  Except for the O's.  I will admit, some people do say their O's weird but that's about it.

Anyway I'm off topic.  We've met in-game but I'm glad to see you here on the forums!  The forums are how we manage and organize pretty much everything we do in-game.  So check in often!  I'm sure I'll be chatting with you again soon, so I'll see you then!


Offline xLeilah

Joe, just a little off topic i completely giggled at the little rant thing..

But See you in game! Mister


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