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This is not necessarily a departure...
« on: February 21, 2013, 23:24:36 »
I wasn't sure what forum to put this in, so I figured this would be the spot to do it.
No, I haven't left CTS, I am still a member.
I've just been very busy, working 8-12 hour days, and when I get home I usually end up passing out the the other 12-16 hours until I have to go back to work.
Sadly to say, I'm growing up.
I used to spend the nights on RuneScape and then the days at work falling asleep, but I realized that would put me at risk of losing this job that I just received, especially since I'm sitting in a cubical all day.
I'm starting to mature in the sense of.. Real Life comes first; RuneScape comes second.
Taking on the responsibilities of paying bills and the cost for school is quite strenuous, but I can do it.
That's why I ultimately decided to put RuneScape onto the back burner.
I recently got rid of the membership on my Account due to the fact that I am saving up money to pay for school..
Currently $450/1200 saved up.
I'm not that into Free-To-Play, so I rarely log on.
I try to make up my in activeness by being quite active on the forums.
I'm trying my best to do so...
Once I save up the $1200, I may pay for membership again.

Yes.. I understand that $5 a month isn't much, but EVERY PENNY counts.

I'll be around, everyone.
Thanks for understanding.


Offline Winter

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Re: This is not necessarily a departure...
« Reply #1 on: February 21, 2013, 23:28:43 »
Real life should always definitely come first. Nice to know you've got your priorities set right.

Good luck with work and saving up for School. Hopefully you'll be back to playing RuneScape soon.



Re: This is not necessarily a departure...
« Reply #2 on: February 21, 2013, 23:30:34 »
Not sure if this gunna come out different than i intend it. But try applying for the financial aid program. There are loads of grants and scholarships that are automatically offered to some people based on degree plans, high school GPA's, ethnicity etc. The money only goes to people who apply for fin. aid even if they arent eligible for it per-say.  I get a 5k/semester grant because i graduated high school with my associates... I had no idea i would get it, you dont particularly apply for them they kind of just find you. Im sure something will work out and i understand where your coming from fully. Best of luck and hurry back to Rs <3

P.S. if you were interested in this, the deadline is April 1st, and can be found at http://www.fafsa.ed.gov/



Re: This is not necessarily a departure...
« Reply #3 on: February 21, 2013, 23:33:56 »

Not sure if this gunna come out different than i intend it. But try applying for the financial aid program. There are loads of grants and scholarships that are automatically offered to some people based on degree plans, high school GPA's, ethnicity etc. The money only goes to people who apply for fin. aid even if they arent eligible for it per-say.  I get a 5k/semester grant because i graduated high school with my associates... I had no idea i would get it, you dont particularly apply for them they kind of just find you. Im sure something will work out and i understand where your coming from fully. Best of luck and hurry back to Rs <3

P.S. if you were interested in this, the deadline is April 1st, and can be found at http://www.fafsa.ed.gov/

Ahh, yes.. I applied for Financial Aid, but I kinda effed up my first semester of college and ended up with a 1.5 GPA.
I need a 2.0 GPA to be eligible for Financial Aid here in Louisiana, so I'll pay for summer school out of pocket in order to bring up my GPA and then hope that my Fin. Aid comes through for the fall.
Thanks for the advice, also.



Re: This is not necessarily a departure...
« Reply #4 on: February 21, 2013, 23:34:27 »
Working 8-12 hr days, how do you not have more saved up? Also, can't you play on the weekend? You should look into bursaries or a loan. $1200 isn't a lot at all and banks would surely lend that out. Even looking at the scholarships or bursaries there are many low-money (200$ a piece) scholarships that receive a low influx of applicants which you can easily receive.

Living down in the dumps and pitying yourself is not the only way around things. There are always other options. If you want the $1200, a week or two of work will get you that. 5$ does nothing and if Runescape makes you happy then play. I'm sorry if this seems harsh, but it's the truth.


One of many tools that can have your school paid for in full, with very little effort.



Re: This is not necessarily a departure...
« Reply #5 on: February 21, 2013, 23:38:04 »
"Living down in the dumps and pitying yourself is not the only way around things. There are always other options. If you want the $1200, a week or two of work will get you that. 5$ does nothing and if Runescape makes you happy then play. I'm sorry if this seems harsh, but it's the truth."

Oh no, I'm not sad or living in the dumps, lol.
I'm just getting my priorities straight.
Also, there is no pity for myself.
I messed up and put myself in this situation, and as an adult... I must get myself out of it.
& I make an average of $250-400 a week, but I also have other things to pay for..
[Food Expenses, Housing Expenses... ect. ect.]

Thanks for that website also! I'll keep note of it.


Offline Thunderite

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Re: This is not necessarily a departure...
« Reply #6 on: February 21, 2013, 23:41:21 »
Good luck sorting it all out, Mason!

Hopefully you'll be back before you know it.



Re: This is not necessarily a departure...
« Reply #7 on: February 21, 2013, 23:42:57 »
Good luck sorting it all out, Mason!

Hopefully you'll be back before you know it.

Thanks for wishing me Good luck, and I hope so also. :)



Re: This is not necessarily a departure...
« Reply #8 on: February 21, 2013, 23:44:18 »
"Living down in the dumps and pitying yourself is not the only way around things. There are always other options. If you want the $1200, a week or two of work will get you that. 5$ does nothing and if Runescape makes you happy then play. I'm sorry if this seems harsh, but it's the truth."

Oh no, I'm not sad or living in the dumps, lol.
I'm just getting my priorities straight.
Also, there is no pity for myself.
I messed up and put myself in this situation, and as an adult... I must get myself out of it.
& I make an average of $250-400 a week, but I also have other things to pay for..
[Food Expenses, Housing Expenses... ect. ect.]

The thing that's REALLY stopping me from paying for RuneScape is the fact that I will RARELY have time to play it, also.
Makes no sense to pay $5-7 a month for a game I'd rarely be able to log onto.
That's $5-7 more to my next meal, my bills, or my school fund. :)

Thanks for that website also! I'll keep note of it.


Offline Cam

Re: This is not necessarily a departure...
« Reply #9 on: February 21, 2013, 23:48:19 »
Best of luck sorting everything out, Mason. You'll be back sooner than you know it :) Hopefully :>
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Re: This is not necessarily a departure...
« Reply #10 on: February 22, 2013, 02:56:42 »
Real life should always definitely come first. Nice to know you've got your priorities set right.

Good luck with work and saving up for School. Hopefully you'll be back to playing RuneScape soon.

Eww, real life. Anyways, good luck, Mason!


Offline Emma

Re: This is not necessarily a departure...
« Reply #11 on: February 22, 2013, 08:48:55 »
Well done sir, that's the attitude of someone who takes responsibility for themselves and sorts shit out. :)

You know where we are if you fancy a chat :)



Re: This is not necessarily a departure...
« Reply #12 on: February 22, 2013, 12:37:11 »
best of luck mason. keep that determination.



Re: This is not necessarily a departure...
« Reply #13 on: March 05, 2013, 11:53:58 »
Just replying to update everyone:

I am about to start working 20 hour days..
It's not as crazy as it sounds..
Meaning.. Money will be pouring in faster.
Therefore, my FULLBLOWN return to RS might be fast approaching.


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Re: This is not necessarily a departure...
« Reply #14 on: March 06, 2013, 20:54:40 »
Good luck Mason, I hope you get into school and get what you want out of it :)


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