Interesting title, I know

Basically, I've lost almost all of my interest I have in the game. I'm 80k of 99 hp and can't even be bothered to log in and get it :s I pretty much only played for friends and almost all have either moved on or stabbed me in the back. I'd just like to say a big thank you for having me as I have thoroughly enjoyed my time in consentus, you guys are the only clan I have ever enjoyed my time with, ever cared about and ever will

If I must be made a former member, that's fine, although I do still enjoy viewing the forums and posting occasionally.
Finally, I'd like to apologise to anyone who I annoyed with things I may have said and I also thank lilly for putting up with my many arguments ;p
Best of luck to you all and I hope you all go far

- Hey Im Jamie
Tl;dr: I want to quit. ;3
ohohohoh: I forgot to apologize to Runar, we had a rocky start but he's actually a nice lad, he has his moments but so do I ;p, not afraid to state his opinion which imo is good. and Rob, ily rob.