Public Forum => Introductions & Departures => Past Introduction & Leaving Threads => Topic started by: Hey Im Jamie on January 28, 2013, 17:32:41
Interesting title, I know ;)
Basically, I've lost almost all of my interest I have in the game. I'm 80k of 99 hp and can't even be bothered to log in and get it :s I pretty much only played for friends and almost all have either moved on or stabbed me in the back. I'd just like to say a big thank you for having me as I have thoroughly enjoyed my time in consentus, you guys are the only clan I have ever enjoyed my time with, ever cared about and ever will :P
If I must be made a former member, that's fine, although I do still enjoy viewing the forums and posting occasionally.
Finally, I'd like to apologise to anyone who I annoyed with things I may have said and I also thank lilly for putting up with my many arguments ;p
Best of luck to you all and I hope you all go far :)
- Hey Im Jamie
Tl;dr: I want to quit. ;3
ohohohoh: I forgot to apologize to Runar, we had a rocky start but he's actually a nice lad, he has his moments but so do I ;p, not afraid to state his opinion which imo is good. and Rob, ily rob.
Get the fuck on and get 99 hp
hehe we'll see you when you're back :)
Noh, I refuse. I always quit and comeback, probably going to give my account away.
almost all have either moved on or stabbed me in the back.
Thats nice.
Jamie, if you request to be a made a former then we always keep you as a member
I am so pleased you have enjoyed your time with us and pan to keep in touch.
Take care Jamie <3
Removed the argumentative post
Lets not spoil it
Take care Jamie, thank you for having called Consentus your home
I love you too. x) Come back to playing soon~
Enjoy the world man! LOVE YOU
Good luck with whatever you decide to do man. I suggest you keep your account though, if you're wanting to come on later then you'll be kicking yourself!
Hopefully you'll finish HP off to ;)
All the best!
Best of luck Jamie. <3 Keep in touch on Skype, I enjoy our occasional chats.
Goodbye Jamie, good luck with your real life endeavors.
I will be missing you man!
Don't be a stranger <3
One does not simply quit runescape ;) goodluck quiting and smell ya later
One does not simply quit runescape ;) goodluck quiting and smell ya later
Just too true :P
Thanks all, I'll always reply on skype if you ever need me ^.^
Good luck with your future Jamie
Good luck with your future Jamie
Thank you. You too :)