I know I have been in and out of this clan more than once, but I will be leaving, The reason for me leaving is I dont feel as close to the Clan or the members anymore, This is no ones fault but mine I kept myself distant from the Clan due to In real life situations. And now im back I feel as if its time for a change as most of the people I talk to on Scape' Aren't in this clan anymore. I know lilly is dissapointed in me but I assure her and the rest of you in this clan, I enjoyed my time i spent with you all while it lasted, However good things have to come to an end and I didn't feel as if i was a part of this Clan anymore
MY fault.
The few people I do know who is still in this Clan id hope to think that i will still keep in touch with you even though Im no longer here, And hopefully you people should know who you are.

Im Sorry lilly on how you feel about this.