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Offline Cherrycrush

Thanks for 5 amazing years
« on: October 30, 2020, 18:43:10 »
I've made the very difficult decision to leave Consentus after 5 amazing years in the clan. It's been an amazing experience with the pinnacle being last years bbq. Finally meeting so many clan members who I'd spoken to for years was a wonderful experience. I did wish to stay in some form by joining with a fresh Ironman and using it for skills which I've already maxed out on Cherry. But I was told that wouldn't be an option, if this stance ever changes then I'd join in a heartbeat.

The reason I'm leaving isn't personal and I hope to remain friends with everyone here. I've been attending events of another clan for a while now and simply get more enjoyment from their events and community. I genuinely wish everyone the very best and hope to stay in touch.


Offline rsruinedme

  • *
  • Join Date: Jan 2020
  • 618
  • Gender: Male
  • Awards This person participated in one of our Skill Wars! This player has the third most points from all of our weekly skill competitions This player has won 1 weekly skill competition! This player has 120 in the skill: Farming! This player has 200m EXP in the skill: Slayer!
  • Oldschool: -
  • Rsn: rsruinedme
  • Alt Rsn: -
  • Ironman (Osrs):
  • Ultimate Ironman (Osrs):
  • Hardcore Ironman (Osrs):
Re: Thanks for 5 amazing years
« Reply #1 on: October 30, 2020, 21:13:46 »
Thanks for the years you have put into the clan Nick haven’t been in as long but I always appreciated your presence within the clan and knowledge , I hope that the new clan works out for you
And makes you’re experience as good as it can be! Having left a previous clan that I’d spent 5 years with I know it’s a tough decision to make and I wish you all the best, hopefully you can join as an iron man and that would be good to keep in contact


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